2010: Award for Best Doctoral Thesis & Diploma in Science and Technology, Defended at the,University Mohammed V - Rabat, Morocco 2009: Training Diploma: gas chromatography and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry.Organized by the company Perkin Elmer,Coutaboeuf – Paris, France 2008: Doctor; Pharmacology &Phytochemistry, University Mohammed V - Rabat, Morocco 2001: Diploma of Advanced Studies (DESA); Specialty Organic Chemistry and Chemical Ecology;University Mohammed V - Rabat, Morocco 1999: Bachelor of Science Chemistry. Option: Organic Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Faculty of Science - University Mohammed V - Rabat, Morocco
Analysis techniques: GC/MS/HS, GC/MS, GC/HS, HPLC, RMN1H, RMN13C, I.R, TLC, CCC, Spectroscopy UV – Visible
1.El Houcine BOUIDIDA, Work "Valuation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Moroccan PAM-MA" ISBN-13: 9786131585241, Published: Editions European Universities, Dudweiler, Landstra βe 99; 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany, www.edition - ue.com, July 1, 2011 2.H. BOUIDIDA, Alaoui K., Y. CHERRAH, S. fkihTetouani, IL IDRISSI A. "Acute toxicity and analgesic action of essential oils of Nepetaatlantica Ball and Nepetatuberosa. L.ssp. Mayor reticulata "Phytomedicine, Vol 2, No. 4, pp: 120-125, July-August 2004 (Desf.). 3.H. BOUIDIDA, Alaoui K., Y. CHERRAH, S. fkihTetouani, IL IDRISSI A. "Acute toxicity and overall analgesic extract from Nepetaatlantica Ball and Nepetatuberosa. L.ssp. Mayor reticulata "Therapy, Vol 61, No. 5, pp: 447-452, September-October 2006 (Desf.). 4. H. BOUIDIDA, Alaoui K., Y. CHERRAH Mr. CHAMMACHE, A. IL IDRISSI "Analgesic action of different non-volatile extracts of Nepetaatlantica Ball and Nepetatuberosa. L.ssp. Mayor reticulata "Therapy, Vol 63, No. 4, pp: 333-338, July-August 2008 (Desf.). 5.H. BOUIDIDA, Alaoui K., Y. CHERRAH Mr. CHAMMACHE, A. IL IDRISSI "Valuation of Aromatic and Medicinal Potential of Moroccan Plants» TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY, Journal for professional laboratories, No. 9 pp: 23 (7) Bimonthly, March-April 2008. 6.ZENASNI Laila El Houcine BOUIDIDA, HANCALI Amina Amina BOUDHANE Hassan AmzalAbdelkader IL IDRISSI, Rajae EL AOUAD Youssef BAKRI Abdelaziz BENJOUAD "The essentials oils and antimicrobial activity of four Nepeta species from Morocco," Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, Vol 2, No. 5, pp: 111-114, May 2008. 7. EL Mebtoul Aziz, Malika CHAMMACHE, El Houcine BOUIDIDA Abdelkader ILIDRISSI "On the Reactivity of (-) - (R) -Carvone and (-) - 4aα, 7α, 7aβ-nepetalactone: Synthesis of New Heterocycles" Helvetica ChimicaActa Vol 94, No. 3, pp 433-437, March 2011. 8. Rashad ALNAMER, KatimAlaoui El Houcine BOUIDIDA Abdelaziz BENJOUAD, and Yahia CHERRAH, "Toxicity and Psychotropic Activity of Essential Oils of Lavandula officinalis Rosmarinus officinalis and from Morocco", Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature (JBAPN, www.jbappn .com, Vol 1 (4), pp: 262-272, May 2011 9. Rashad ALNAMER, KatimAlaoui El Houcine BOUIDIDA Abdelaziz BENJOUAD, and Yahia CHERRAH, "Sedative and hypnotic activities of the methanolic and aqueous extract of Lavandula officinalis from Morocco," Journal Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Advance in Pharmacological Sciences, Article ID 270824 , Volume (2012) (2012), pp: 1-5 October 2011 10.Rashad ALNAMER, KatimAlaoui El Houcine BOUIDIDA Abdelaziz BENJOUAD, and Yahia CHERRAH, "Toxicity and Psychotropic Activity of Essential Oils of Lavandula officinalis Rosmarinus officinalis and from Morocco", Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plant; JEOBP Volume 15 (4), pp 716 - 726; November 2011 11.Rashad ALNAMER, KatimAlaoui El Houcine BOUIDIDA Abdelaziz BENJOUAD, and Yahia CHERRAH ,, "Psychostimulants activity of Rosmarinus officinalis L essential oil", Journal of Natural Products, ISSN 0163-3864, www.JournalofNaturalProducts.Com, Vol 5 ( 2012); pp: 83-92, December 2011 12.Rashad ALNAMER, KatimAlaoui El Houcine BOUIDIDA Abdelaziz BENJOUAD, and Yahia CHERRAH, "Psychostimulants activity of Rosmarinus officinalis L methanolic and aqueous extracts" Journal of Medicinal Plant Research, DOI: 10.5897, Volume 6 (10), pp. 1860-1865, March 16, 2012 13. Rashad ALNAMER, KatimAlaoui El Houcine BOUIDIDA Abdelaziz BENJOUAD, and Yahia CHERRAH ,: "Investigation of Aqueous Extracts of Methanolic and Lavandula officinalis for toxicity and antibacterial activity"; World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, ISSN 2277 - 7105, Volume 1, Issue 5, pages 1223-1233, September 20, 2012 (Voted best product of 2012 WJPR Review) 14. Rashad ALNAMER, KatimAlaoui El Houcine BOUIDIDA Abdelaziz BENJOUAD, and Yahia CHERRAH, "In vitro Antibacterial Activity of Rosmarinus officinalis and Aqueous Extracts Methanolic"; International Journal of Pharmaceutics, ISSN 2249-1848, Int J Pharm 2013; 3 (1): pp: 1-6, 2013 15. Abdellatif SRIFI Bouchra RAHMOUNI, El Houcine BOUIDIDA, KatimAlaoui, Yahia CHERRAH Abdelkader IL Idrissi, Wafa EL MELLOUKI, BadrEddine LMIMOUNI. "Phytochemical Study and antifungal activity in vitro Essential Oils of four species of the genus Nepeta of Morocco", Journal of Phytotherapy; Volume 11; No. 3, pp: 161-171, June 15, 2013 16. Rashad ALNAMER, KatimAlaoui El Houcine BOUIDIDA Ahmed AbdelazizAlwashli BENJOUAD, and Yahia CHERRAH. "Lavandula officinalis antispasmodic effect of aqueous extract" Universal International Journal of Pharmacy and Bio Sciences, Vol 2, No. 5, pp: 206-214, September - October 2013; (Voted best product of 2013 IJUPBS Review) 17.Rashad ALNAMER, KatimAlaoui El Houcine BOUIDIDA Abdelaziz BENJOUAD, and Yahia CHERRAH, "In vitro antibacterial activity of Rosmarinus officinalis methanolic and aqueous extracts." International Journal of Pharmacy, www.elsevier.com/locate/ijop, pp: 452-456; 2013 18.T. BELABDA, K. Alaoui, EL BOUIDIDA H., Y. CHERRAH, MS. TALEB Mr. ARAHOU, R. HASSIKOU. "Acute toxicity and analgesic actions of the essential oil of Nepetaametystina" Universal International Journal of Pharmacy and Bio Sciences, Vol: 03, No: 03; June 2014. 19.T. BELABDA, K. Alaoui, EL BOUIDIDA H., Y. CHERRAH, K. TAGHZOUTI Mr. ARAHOU, R. HASSIKOU. "Acute toxicity and analgesic action of the overall extract Nepetaamethystina", Herbal Medicine, Vol 4, No: 13; pp: 139-245; January 2015 20.B. RAHMOUNI, K. Alaoui, EL H. BOUIDIDA, H.KHAMAR, Y. CHERRAH Mr. CHAMMACHE, A.IL IDRISSI "Analgesic activity and toxicity of the methanolic Acute extract of NepetaGranatensis", International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, Vol 6, No. 2, pp 73-80; January 2015. 21.Z. Doukkali EL BOUIDIDA H., A. SRIFI, K.TAGHZOUTI, Y. CHERRAH, K. Alaoui. "Anxiolytic plants in Morocco: Ethnobotanical and ethno-pharmacological study", Herbal Medicine, Vol 4, No. 1; January 2015 22.B. RAHMOUNI, K. Alaoui, EL H. BOUIDIDA, MS. TALEB, Y. CHERRAH Mr. CHAMMACHE, A.IL IDRISSI "Acute toxicity and analgesic actions of the essential oil of NepetaGranatensis" Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Biomedical Sciences (J Pharm Biomed Sci), Vol: 05, No: 02 ; pp: 110-117; February 15, 2015 23.Z. Doukkali; EL H BOUIDIDA H., K. TAGHZOUTI Mr. NADJMOUDDINE, Y. CHERRAH, K. Alaoui. "Evaluation Of Anxiolytic Activity Of Methanolic Extract Of UrticaUrens In Mice Model", Journal of Neuroscience and Behavioral Health Behavioral and Brain Functions; April 24, 2015 24.Bouchra RAHMOUNI; El Houcine BOUIDIDA; Khalid TAGHZOUTI; Abdelkader IL IDRISSI; " AnxiolyticAndAntidepressive Activity Of Essential Oil GranatensisNepeta" World Journal of PharmacueticalReserch; Vol 4, No. 7; pp: 193-204, June 2015 25.Zouhra DOUKKALI; Khalid TAGHZOUTI; EL Houcine BOUIDIDA; Mohamed NADJMOUDDINE; Yahya CHERRAH; Katim ALAOUI, "Anxiety behavior is reduced in the Balb/c mice that treated by methanolic extract of Urticaurens: An elevated plus maze and Open field analysis", Electronic Journal of Biology, Vol.12 N°1; pp: 28-34; 18 Janvier 2016