Morteza zendehdel is a Associate professor in Department of Basic Sciences,Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in University of Tehran, Iran. His research interests reflect in his wide range of publications in various national and international. He was Honored to receive proof of being as top researcher in 2014
1) Zendehdel M; Baghbanzadeh A; Babapour V; Cheraghi J. (2009) The effect of bicuculline and muscimol on glutamate induced feeding behavior in broiler cockerels. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol. 9 (5): 423-430.
2) Zendehdel M; Babapour V; Jonaidi H. (2008) Effects of central histamine receptors blochade on GABAA agonist- induced food intake in broiler cockerels. Journal of Biological Sciences. 11(3): 416-421.
3) Zendehdel M; Babapour V; Jonaidi H. (2009). The role of thioperimide (a histamine H3 receptor antagonist) on GABAA agonist induced food intake in broiler cockerels.Vet Res Commun. 45: 134-140.
4) Zendehdel M; Hamidi F; Babapour V; Mokhtarpouriani K; Mazaheri Nezhad Fard R (2012) The effect of melanocortin (Mc3 and Mc4) antagonists on serotonin-induced food and water intake of broiler cockerels. Journal of Veterinary Science. 13(3), 229-234
5) Zendehdel M; Taati M; Jonaidi H; Amini E (2012) The role of central 5-HT2C and NMDA receptors on LPS-induced feeding behavior in chickens. Journal of Physiological Sciences. 62: 413- 419.
6) Kaboutari J; Zendehdel M; Habibian S; Azimi M; Shaker M; Karimi B (2012) The antiepileptic effect of sodium valproate during different phases of the estrous cycle in PTZ-induced seizures in rats. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry. 68: 155-161
7) Zendehdel M; Keramati K; Garavand S (2011) Effect of intracerebroventricular injection of olive leaf extract on PTZ-induced seizures in male rats. Physiology and Pharmacology. 15 (1): 108-115
8) Zendehdel M; Mokhtarpouriani K; Hamidi F; Montazeri R (2013). Intracerebroventricular injection of ghrelin produces hypophagia through central serotonergic mechanisms in chicken. Veterinary Research Communication. 37: 37-41.
9) Zendehdel M; Beizaee S; taati M; Bashiri A (2011) Antinociceptive mechanisms of Rosmarinus officinalis extract in mice using writhing test. International Journal of Veterinary research. 5(4): 240- 246.
10) Taati M; Nayebzadeh H; Zendehdel M (2011) The effect of DL-AP5 and glutamate on ghrelin- induced feeding behavior in 3- h food- deprived broiler cockerels. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry. 67: 217- 223.