Dr. Robert Cox has completed his M.S. from University of Houston and then received his Ph.D from University of Texas Medical Branch in Texas. He worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pathology at University of Texas Medical Branch. At present, he is serving as an Associate Professor, in the Department of Pathology at University of Texas Medical, Texas.
Microscopic analysis; Airway pathobiology; Innate defense properties of the airways; Inhalation injury; Wound healing.
1. Moller PC, Partridge LR, CoxRA,Pelligrini V, Ritchie DG. An in vitro system for thestudy of tracheal epithelial cells. Tissue & Cell19:783-791,1987.
2. Moller PC, Partridge LR,Cox RA,Pelligrini V, Ritchie DG. The development of ciliated and mucous cells from basal cells in hamster tracheal epithelial cells in culture. Tissue & Cell21:195-198,1989.
3. Evans MJ, Cox RA,Shami SG, Wilson B, Plopper CG. The role of basal cells in attachment of columnar cells to the basal lamina of the trachea. Am J Respir Cell MolBiol 1(6):463-469,1989.
4. Evans MJ, Cox RA,Shami SG, Plopper CG. Junctional adhesion mechanisms in airway basal cells. Am J Respir Cell MolBiol3:341-347,1990.
5. Cox RA,Evans MJ. Modification of grid storage boxes for processing in electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. J. Electron Microsc16:87-88,1990.
6. Abdi S, Evans MJ, Cox RA,Lubbesmeyer H, Herndon DN, Traber DL. Inhalationinjury to tracheal epithelium in an ovine model of cotton smoke exposure - early phase (30 minutes). Am Rev Respir Dis 2:1436-1439,1990.
7. Evans MJ, Cox RA, Burke AS, Moller PC. Differentiation of anchoring junctions in tracheal basal cells in the growing rat. Am J Respir Cell MolBiol6:153-157,1992.
8. Barrow RE, Wang CZ, Evans MJ, Cox RA ,Burke AS. Cellular sequence of tracheal repair in sheep after toxic smoke inhalation. Lung170:331-338,1992.
9. Wang CZ, Evans MJ, Cox RA, Burke AS, Barrow RE. Morphological changes in basal cells during repair of tracheal epithelium. Am J Path141:753-759,1992.
10. Evans MJ, Burke AS, Cox RA, Zhu QY, Moller PC. In situ preparation of tracheal basal cells. Tissue & Cell25(5):639-644,1993.
11. Evans MJ, Cox RA, Zhu QY, Burke AS, Moller PC. Organization of cytokeratin filaments in basal cells of growing rat trachea. Tissue & Cell25:159-164,1993.
12. Evans MJ, Guha SG, Cox RA, Moller PC. Attenuated fibroblast sheath around the basement membrane zone in the trachea. Am J Respir Cell MolBiol8:188-192,1993.
13. Barrow RE, Wang CZ, Yang S. F, Zhu Q, Cox RA.Efficacy of Cefazolin in promoting ovine tracheal epithelial repair. Respiration61: 231-235,1994.
14. Wang, CZ, Herndon DN, Traber LD, Yang SF, Cox RA, Nakazawa H, Barrow RE,Traber DL. Pulmonary inflammatory cell response to sustained endotoxin administration. J ApplPhysiol, 76(2): 516-522,1994.
15. Herndon DN, Hawkins HK, Nguyen TT, Pierre E, Cox RA, Barrow RE. Characterization of growth hormone enhanced donor site healing in patients with large cutaneous burns. Ann Surg, 221(6):649-56,1995.
16. Bi L. X, Simmons DJ, Hawkins HK, Cox RA,Mainous EG. Comparative morphology of the marrow sac. Anat Rec, 260:410-415,2000.
17. Cox RA,Kazutaka S, Burke AS, Traber LD, Herndon DN, Schmalstieg FC, Traber DL, Hawkins HK. Enhanced pulmonary expression of endothelin-1 in an ovine model of smoke inhalation injury. J Burn Care Rehab22(6):375-383,2001.
18. Heggers JP, Cottingham J, Gusman J, Reagor L, McCoy L, Carino E, Cox RA, Zhao JG. The effectiveness of processed grapefruit-seed extract as an antibacterial agent: II. Mechanism of action and in vitro toxicity. J Alternative Complementary Med8(3):333-340, 2002.
19. Katahira J, Murakami K, Schmalstieg FC, Cox RA, Hawkins HK, Traber LD, Traber DL.Role of anti-L-selectin antibody in burn and smoke inhalation injury in sheep. Am J Physiol Lung Cell MolPhysiol283:L1043-50,2002.
20. Murakami K, McGuire R, Cox RA, Jodoin JM, Bjertnaes LJ, Katahira J, Traber LD, Schmalstieg FC, Hawkins HK, Herndon DN, Traber DL. (2002). Heparin nebulization attenuates acute lung injury in sepsis following smoke inhalation injury in sheep. Shock 18: 236-41,2002.
21. Murakami K, Bjertnaes LJ, Schmalstieg FC, McGuire R, Cox RA, Hawkins HK, Herndon DN, Traber LD, Traber DL. A novel model of sepsis after acute lung injury in sheep. Crit Care Med30:2083-90,2002.
22. Chandra A, Katahira J, Shamalstieg FC, Murakami K, Enkhbaatar P, Cox RA, Hawkins HK, Traber LD, Herndon DN, Traber DL. P-selectin blockage fails to improve acute lung injury in sheep. ClinSci 104:313-321,2003.
23. Enkhbaatar P, Murakami K, Shimoda K, Salsbury J, Cox R, Hawkins H, Traber L, Herndon D, Traber D. Ketorolac attenuates cardiopulmonary derangements in sheep with combined burn and smoke inhalation injury.ClinSci 105(5):621-628,2003.
24. Shimoda K, Murakami K, Enkhbaatar P, Traber LD, Cox RA, Hawkins HK, Schmalstieg FC, Komjati K, Mabley JG, Szabo C, Salzman AL, Traber DL. Effect of poly (ADP- ribose) synthetase inhibition on burn and smoke inhalation injury in sheep. Am J Physiol Lung Cell MolPhysiol285:L240-9,2003.
25. Murakami K, McGuire R, Cox RA, Jodoin JM, Schmalsteig FC, Traber LD, Hawkins HK,Herndon DN, Traber LD. Recombinant antithrombin attenuates pulmonary inflammation following smoke inhalation and pneumonia in sheep. Crit Care Med 31:577-583,2003.
26. Murakami K, Enkhbaatar P, Shimoda, K, Muzutani A, Cox RA, Schmalsteig FC, Jodoin J. M, Hawkins HK, Traber LD, TraberDL. High dose heparin fails to improve acute lung injury following smoke inhalation in sheep. ClinSci 104:349-356,2003.
27. Enkhbaatar P, Murakami K, Shimoda K, Mizutani A, Traber L, Phillips GB, Parkinson JF, Cox RA, Hawkins HK, Herndon DN, Traber DL. The inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor BBS-2 prevents acute lung injury in sheep after burn and smoke inhalation injury. Am J RespirCrit Care Med 167:1021-1026,2003.