Chi-Rei Wu completed his Ph.D. in Graduate institute of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences, China Medical College, Taiwan in 1997. He is a Associate Professor, in Department of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chinese Medicine Resource. His publications are published in few Journals.
Medicinal herbs, Behavioral Pharmacology, Neurodegeneration, Neurotransmitters, Neuroscience, Diabetes, Inflammation
1. Hui-Chun Kuo, Hung-Chi Chang, Wan-Cheng Lan, Fan-Hsuan Tsai, Jung-Chun Liao and Chi-Rei Wu*. Protective effects of Drynaria fortunei against 6-hydroxydopamine-induced oxidative damage in B35 cells via the PI3K/AKT pathway. Food & Function 2014; 5:1956-1965. (SCI)
2. Chi-Rei Wu*, Muh-Hwan Su, Hang-Ching Lin. Reversal by Cistanche tubulosa from behavioral deficits in Alzheimer’s disease-like rat model: relevance for amyloid deposition and central neurotransmitter function.BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicines 2014; 14:202. (SCI)
3. Li-Wei Lin, Yueh-Hsiung Kuo, You Cheng Hseu, Chia-Wen Tsai, Ming-Tsuen Hsieh, Shiu Ching Chen, Chi-Rei Wu*. Osthole ameliorates spatial memory deficits in rats via hippocampal α1-adrenergic and D1/D2 receptors. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicines. 2013, Volume 2013, Article ID 273682, 10 pages.(SCI)
4. Bor-Ren Huang, Cheng-Fang Tsai, Hsiao-Yun Lin, Wen-Pei Tseng, Shiang-Suo Huang, Chi-Rei Wu, Chingju Lin, Wei-Lan Yeh, Dah-Yuu Lu. Interaction of inflammatory and anti- inflammatory responses in microglia by Staphylococcus aureus-derived lipoteichoic acid. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology2013; 269: 43-50.(SCI) 5. Kuo-Jen Wu, Yuh-Fung Chen, Huei-Yann Tsai,Chi-Rei Wu, W. GibsonWood. Guizhi-Fuling-Wan, a traditional Chinese herbal medicine, ameliorates memory deficits and neuronal apoptosis in the streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemic rodents via the decrease of Bax/Bcl2 ratio and caspase-3 expression. Evidence-9/1/2015â€3 Based Complementary and Alternative Medicines 2012, Volume 2012,Article ID 656150, 11 pages. (SCI)
6. Yuh-Fung Chen, Chien Ching, Tian-Shung Wu, Chi-Rei Wu, Wen-Tsong Hsieh, Huei-Yann Tsai. Balanophora spicata and lupeol acetate possess antinociceptive and anti-Inflammatory activities in vivo and in vitro. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicines 2012, Volume 2012, Article ID 371273, 10 pages.(SCI)
7. Wen-Hsin Lin, Chi-Rei Wu, Hong-Zin Lee, Yueh-Hsiung Kuo, Hung-Shin Wen, Tze-Yi Lin, Chia-Ying Lee, Shi-Ying Huang, Ching-Yuang Lin. Induced apoptosis of Th2 lymphocytes and inhibition of airway hyperrespon siveness 2 and inflammation by combined lactic acid bacteria treatment. International Immunopharmacology 2012 In press. (SCI)
8. Kuo-Jen Wu, Ming-Tsuen Hsieh, Chi-Rei Wu, W. GibsonWood, Yuh-Fung Chen. Green tea extract ameliorates learning and memory deficits in ischemic rats via its active component polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate by modulation of oxidative stress and neuroinflammation. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicines 2012, Volume 2012, Article ID 163106, 11pages.(SCI)
9. Jing-Hsien Chen, Hsin-Ping Ou, Chia-Yuan Lin, Fung-Ju Lin, Chi-Rei Wu, Shu-Wei Chang, Chia-Wen Tsai. Carnosic acid prevents 6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in SH-SY5Y cells via mediation of glutathione synthesis. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2012; 25(9): 1893-1901. (SCI)
10.Pei-Jane Huang, You-Cheng Hseu, Meng-Shiou Lee, K.J. Senthil Kumar, Chi-Rei Wu , Li-Sung Hsu, Jiunn-Wang Liao, I-Shiung 9/1/2015â€4 Cheng, Ya-Ting Kuo, Shi-Ying Huang, Hsin-Ling Yang*. In vitro and in vivo activity of gallic acid and Toona sinensis leaf extracts against HL-60 human premyelocytic leukemia.Food and Chemical Toxicology 2012; 50(5): 3489-97.(SCI)
11.Chung-Hsin Yeh, Ming-Tsuen Hsieh, Chi-Mei Hsueh,Chi-Rei Wu, Yi-Chun Huang, Jiunn-Wang Liao, Kuan-Chih Chow*. Therapeutic effect of Yi-Chi-Tsung-Ming-Tang on amyloid β1-40-induced Alzheimer’s disease-like phenotype via an increase of acetylcholine and decrease of Amyloid β. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicines 2012, Volume 2012, Article ID 414536, 10 pages. (SCI)
12. You-Cheng Hseu, Chih-Wei Chou, K.J. Senthil Kumar, Ke-Ting Fu, Hui-Min Wang, Li-Sung Hsu, Yueh-Hsiung Kuo, Chi-Rei Wu, Ssu-Ching Chen, Hsin-Ling Yang*. Ellagic acid protects human keratinocyte (HaCaT) cells against UVA-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis through the upregulation of the HO-1 and Nrf-2 antioxidant genes. Food and Chemical Toxicology 2012; 50(5): 1245-55.(SCI)
13.You-Cheng Hseu, Meng-Shiou Lee, Chi-Rei Wu, Hsin-Ju Cho, Kai-Yuan Lin, Guan-Hua Lai, Sheng-Yang Wang, Yueh-Hsiung Kuo, K. J. Senthil Kumar, Hsin-Ling Yang*. The chalcone flavokawain B induces G2/M cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis in human oral carcinoma HSC-3 cells through the intracellular ROS generation and downregulation of the Akt/p38 MAPK signaling pathway. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry 2012; 60(9): 2385- 97.
14.Heng-Yin Ju, Shiu-Ching Chen, Kuo-Jen Wu, Hui-Chun Kuo, You-Cheng Hseu, Hui Ching, Chi-Rei Wu*. Antioxidant phenolic 9/1/2015â€5 profile from ethyl acetate fraction of Fructus Ligustri Lucidi with protection against hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative damage in SH-SY5Y cells. Food and Chemical Toxicology 2012; 50(3-4): 492-502.(SCI)
15.You-Cheng Hseu, Chi-Rei Wu, Hsueh-Wei Chang, K.J. Senthil Kumar, Ming-Kuem Lin, Chih-Sheng Chen, Hsin-Ju Cho, Chun-Yin Huang, Chih-Yang Huang, Hong-Zin Lee, Wen-Tsong Hsieh, Jing-Gung Chung, Hui-Min Wang, Hsin-Ling Yang*. Inhibitory effects of Physalis angulata on tumor metastasis and angiogenesis. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2011; 135(3):762-771.(SCI)
16.Chi-Rei Wu*, Wen-Hsin Lin, You-Cheng Hseu, Jin-Cherng Lien,Yung-Ta Lin, Tzu-Ping Kuo, Hui Ching. Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of five endemic Ligustrum species leaves from Taiwan flora. Food Chemistry 2011; 127: 564-571.(SCI)
17.Chi-Rei Wu, Wen-Hsin Lin, Yung-Ta Lin, Chi-Luan Wen, Hui ChingLi-Wei Lin*. nalgesic and Anti-inflammatory Property of the Methanol Extract from Ligustrum morrisonense Leaves in Rodents. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine 2011; 39(2):335-348.( SCI)
18.Wen-Hsin Lin, Chi-Rei Wu, Tony J. Fang, Jiun-Ting Guo, Shi-Ying Huang, Meng-Shiou Lee*, Hsin-Ling Yang*. Anti-Helicobacter pylori ability of fermented milk with lactic acid bacteria. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2011;91(8):1424-1431.(SCI)
19.Wen-Hsin Lin*, Chi-Rei Wu, Tony J. Fang, Meng-Shiou Lee, Kai-Li Lin, Hsin-Chun Chen, Shi-Ying Huang, You-Cheng Hseu*. Adherent properties and macrophage activation ability of 3 9/1/2015â€6 strains of lactic acid bacteria. Journal of Food Science 2011; 6(1):M1-7.(SCI)
20.Chi-Rei Wu*, You-Cheng Hseu, Jin-Cherng Lien, Li-Wei Lin, Yung-Tan Lin, Hui Ching. Triterpenoid Contents and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of the Methanol Extracts from Ligustrum Species Leaves. Molecules 2011; 16: 1-15.(SCI)
21.Lai SC, YL Ho, SC Huang, TH Huang, ZR Lai, Chi-Rei Wu, KY Lian, YS Chang*. Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of Desmodium triflorum (L.) DC. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine 2010; 38(2):329-342.(SCI)
22.Fan-Hsiu Tsai, Hao-Yuan Cheng, Ming-Tsuen Hsieh, Chi-Rei Wu, Ying-Chih Lin, Wen-Huang Peng*. The ameliorating effects of luteolin on beta-amyloid-induced impairment of water maze performance and passive avoidance in rats. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine 2010; 38(2):279-91.(SCI)
23.Ming-Tsuen Hsieh*, Wen-Huang Peng, Chi-Rei Wu, KY Ng, CL Cheng, HX Xu. Review on experimental research of herbal medicines with anti-amnesic activity. Planta Medica 2010; 76(3):203-217.(SCI)
24.Hao-Yuan Cheng, Ming-Tsuen Hsieh, Fan-Hsiu Tsai, Chi-Rei Wu, Chuan-Sung Chiu, Min-Min Lee, Hong-Xi Xu, Zhong-Zhen Zhao, Wen-Huang Peng*.Neuroprotective effect of luteolin on amyloid β protein (25-35)-induced toxicity in cultured rat cortical neurons. Phytotherapy Research 2010; S(1):S102-108.(SCI)