Dr. Ashraf Khan completed his M.S. and then received his Ph.D from Moscow State University, USSR. He also did his Post-doctoral Research in the Department of Chemical Engineering, State University of New York, USA. At present he is a Scientist in Compendial Deveopment Laboratory, U.S. Pharmacopeia, United States.
Monograph modernization; Polymorphism in pharmaceutical solids; Skills in HPLC, UHPLC, LC/MS,GC, GC/MS, FTIR and XRD; Chemical and Pharmaceutical Analyses and Research.
1. Khan A.Z., Antoshin G.V., Shpiro E.S., Erivanskaya L.A., Lunin V.V. and Minachev Kh.M. XPS Studies of the Surface Composition and ChemicalStates of the Components of ZrCr2 and ZrCr2H3.6. Surface Composition and ChemicalState of Chromium. React. Kinet.Catal.Lett., 1983, 23, 221-226.
2. Khan A.Z., Antoshin G.V., Shpiro E.S., Erivanskaya L.A., Lunin V.V. and Minachev Kh.M. XPS Studies of the Surface Composition and Chemical States of the Components of ZrCr2 and ZrCr2H3.6. Influence of Pretreatment on the Chemical States of Zirconium. React. Kinet.Catal.Lett., 1983, 23, 227-231.
3. Khan A.Z., Chetina O.V., Erivanskaya L.A., Shpiro E.S., Antoshin G.V. and Lunin V.V. Activity of Catalysts Derived from the Intermetallic Hydrides of Zr-Co and Supported Cobalt in Toluene Conversions. Neftekhimia, 1983, 23, 61-65.
4. Lunin V.V. and Khan A.Z. Polymetallic Catalysts Derived from Intermetallic Hydrides. Abstr.Second European Symposium on Catalysis by Metals, University LB, Brussels, 1983, 28.
5. Lunin V.V., Khan A.Z., Erivanskaya L.A., Chetina O.V., Antoshin G.V., Shpiro E.S. and Minachev Kh.M. Investigation of Catalysts Derived from Zirconium-Based Intermetallics and their hydrides.Abstr.8th International Congress on Catalysis, Berlin (West), 1984.
6. Lunin V.V., and Khan A.Z. Polymetallic Catalysts Derived from Intermetallic Hydrides. J. Molec. Catal., 1984, 25, 317-326.
7. Lunin V.V., Khan A.Z., Erivanskaya L.A., Chetina O.V., Antoshin G.V., Shpiro E.S. and Minachev Kh.M. Investigation of Catalysts Derived from the Intermetallics of ZrCr2, ZrMo2, ZrW2 and their Hydrides of ZrCr2H3.6, ZrMo2H0.8, ZrW2H1.8. Proceed. 8th Intern.Congr.Catal.,Berlin, July 2-6, 1984, DECHEMA, Frankfurt A.M., 1984, IV, 859-870.
8. Lunin V.V., Khan A.Z., Erivanskaya L.A. Shpiro E.S., Antoshin G.V., and Minachev Kh.M. Reactivity of Hydrogen Evolved from the Zirconium-based Intermetallic Hydrides. Dokl.Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1984, 279, 393-396.
9. Khan A.Z., Antoshin G.V., Shpiro E.S., Erivanskaya L.A., Lunin V.V. and Minachev Kh.M. Investigation of Surface Composition and Chemical State of the Components of ZrMo2, ZrW2, ZrMo2H0.8 and ZrW2H1.8. Poverkhnost - Fizika, Khimia, Mekhanika, 1985, 1, 68-73.
10. Khan A.Z., Erivanskaya L.A. and Lunin V.V. Activity of Catalysts Derived from the Intermetallics of ZrCr2, ZrMo2, ZrW2 and their hydrides in Hydrocarbon Reactions.Abstr.10th Annual Science Conference Bangladesh, Dhaka, 1985, 21.
11. Khan A.Z., Shpiro E.S., Erivanskaya L.A., Lunin V.V., Antoshin G.V., and Minachev Kh.M. Influence of Surface Composition of the System Zr-Ni-Co-H on the selectivity of Hexene-1 Transformations. Izvestia Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1985, 9, 1955-1960.
12. Khan A.Z., Begum R. and Ullah S.S. Reactor design and Catalyst Preparation for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis. Abstr.11th Science Conference Bangladesh, Rajshahi, 1986, 35.
13. Khan A.Z. Activity of Catalysts Derived from Intermetallic Hydrides. Jahangirnagar Review, Part A, 1986, 10, 1-12.
14. Khan A.Z. Hydrogenation, Double Bond Isomerization and Aromatization Reactions over Catalysts Derived from Intermetallics and their Hydrides: A New Route for Catalyst Synthesis. Indian J. Chem., 1987, 26A, 662-666.
15. Larkins F.P. and Khan A.Z. Investigation of Fischer-Tropsch and Kolbel-Engelhardt Syntheses over Fe-Based Catalysts.Extended Abstr. Australian Bicentenary Catalysis Conference, Sydney, 1988, 155-158.
16. Larkins F.P and Khan A.Z. Investigation of Fischer-Tropsch and Kolbel-Engelhardt Syntheses over Iron-based Catalysts.Appl. Catal., 1989, 47, 209-227.
17. Khan A.Z. Activity of Iron-based catalysts in Fischer-Tropsch and Kolbel-Engelhardt Syntheses for Production of Hydrocarbons.J. Bangladesh Acad. Sci., 1989, 13, 67-85.
18. Larkins F.P. and Khan A.Z. Pyrolysis of Methane to Higher Hydrocarbons: A thermodynamic Study. Austr. J. Chem., 1989, 42, 1655-1670.
19. Larkins F.P. and Khan A.Z. Thermodynamic Properties of Methane Pyrolysis. In: The Catalytic Pyrolysis of Methane to Light Olefins and Liquid Fuels. P. Iliopoulos, P. Fleming, C. Cumins and N. White (eds.), NERDDC Project 86/6268, BHP Melbourne Research Laboratories, Melbourne, 1989, 90-133 (confidential).
20. Larkins F.P. and Khan A.Z. The Catalytic Pyrolysis of Methane to Light Olefins: XRD, XRF, XPS, and DRIFTS Studies, In: The Catalytic Pyrolysis of Methane to Light Olefins and Liquid Fuels, P. Iliopoulos, P. Fleming, C. Cumins and N. White (eds.), NERDDC Project 86/6268, BHP Melbourne Research Laboratories, Melbourne , 1989, 134-182 (confidential).
21. Larkins F.P. and Khan A.Z. The Catalytic Pyrolysis of Methane to Light Olefins and Liquid Fuels: A Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) Study, NERDDC Project 86/6268, The University of Tasmania, Australia, 1989, 60 pp. (confidential).
22. Khan A.Z. Conversion of Methane to Higher Hydrocarbons: A Thermodynamic Study. Abstr.Bangladesh Chemical Society Conference, Dhaka, 1990, 23.
23. Khan A.Z.A Thermodynamic Study of Conversion of Methane to Higher Hydrocarbons.J. Bangladesh Chem. Soc., 1990, 5, 139-146.
24. Khan A.Z. and Ruckenstein E. Methane Oxidative Coupling over Bismuth Oxychloride-Lithium Carbonate-Magnesia Systems. Catal.Lett., 1992, 13, 95-102.
25. Khan A.Z. and Ruckenstein E. Investigation of Oxidative Coupling of Methane over Bismuth Oxychloride-Lithium Carbonate-Magnesia System. J. Catal., 1992, 138, 322-342.
26. Khan A.Z. and Ruckenstein E. Oxidative Coupling of Methane over Alkali Metal Chloride Promoted Zirconia: Effect of the Preparation Method. Appl. Catal., 1992, 90, 199-207.
27. Khan A.Z. and Ruckenstein E. Oxidative Coupling of Methane over Alkali Metal Compound Promoted Zirconia. J. Catal.,1993, 139, 304-321.