Filiz Kutluyer completed her Ph.d. in Tunceli University, Fisheries Faculty, Turkey in 2014. She is working as Research Assistant in Tunceli University. Her projects were Determination of the effect of antioxidants on the quality of cryopreserved semen in Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and determination of fatty acids, protein profiles and seminal plasma composition. Her publications were published in differernt Journals.
Aquaculture, reproduction, sperm, crayfish, trout, heavy metal, toxicology, HEPP.
1. Kutluyer, F., ÖÄŸretmen, F., Ä°nanan, B. E., 2015. Effects of semen extender supplemented with L-methionine and packaging methods (straws and pellets) on post-thaw goldfish (Carassius auratus) sperm quality and DNA damage. Cryoletters, 36 (5), 336-343.
2. Kutluyer, F., Benzer, F., EriÅŸir, M., ÖÄŸretmen, F., Ä°nanan, B. E., 2015. The in vitro effect of Cypermethrin on quality and oxidative stress indices of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss spermatozoa. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, Doi: 10.1016/j.pestbp.2015.10.001.
3. Kutluyer, F., EriÅŸir, M., Benzer, F., ÖÄŸretmen, F., Ä°nanan, B. E., 2015. The in vitro effect of Lambda-cyhalothrin on quality and antioxidant responses of Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss spermatozoa. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 40 (3): 855-860.
4. ÖÄŸretmen, F., Ä°nanan, B. E., Kutluyer, F., Kayım, M.. 2015. Effect of semen extender supplementation with cysteine on post-thaw sperm quality, DNA damage, and fertilizing ability in the common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Theriogenology, 83 (9): 1548-1552.
5. Kutluyer, F., Kayım, M., ÖÄŸretmen, F., Büyükleblebici, S., Tuncer, P. B., Cryopreservation of Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss spermatozoa: Effects of extender supplemented with different antioxidants on sperm motility, velocity and fertility. Cryobiology 69: 462–466.
6. Seyhaneyildiz Can S., Kutluyer, F., Can, E., KayiÅŸ Åž., Delihasan Sonay, F., Köse, Ö., Aksu Ö., Erdamar, H., YiÄŸitoÄŸlu, M. R., and Kayim, M., Effect of Dietary Kefir on the Digestive and Liver Enzymes Activities, and Glucose Level of Çoruh Trout (Salmo coruhensis, 2009). Acta Ichthyologıca Et Pıscatorıa 44 (2): 167–170.
7. ÖÄŸretmen, F., Gölbası, S., Kutluyer, F., Efficacy of Clove Oil, Benzocaine, Eugenol, 2-Phenoxyethanol as anesthetics on Shabbout Fish (Barbus grypus Heckel, 1843).
8. HarlıoÄŸlu, MM. Kutluyer, F. and Gür, S. An investigation on the sperm number and reproductive parameters of males in wild caught freshwater crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz). Animal Biology 62 (2012): 409-418.
9. Can, E., Kutluyer, F., Delihasan Sonay F., Köse, Ö., 2012. The use of kefir as potential probiotic in Çoruh trout (Salmo coruhensis): Effects on growth performance and immunoglobulin (IgM) levels. African Journal of Biotechnology 11(30): 7775-7780.
10. Aksu, Ö., Yabanli, M., Can, E., Kutluyer, F., Kehayias, G., Seyhaneyildiz Can, S., Kocabas. 2012. Comparison of heavy metals bioaccumulation by Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771) and Unio elongatulus eucirrus (Bourguignat, 1860) from Keban Dam Lake Turkey, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin Volume 21 – No 7a.
11. Kocabas, M., BaÅŸçınar, N., Åžahin, A, Åž. ve Kutluyer, F., 2012. Hatching Performances and Yolk Sac Absorptions of Caspian Brown Trout (Salmo trutta caspius T., 1954). The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 22(1): 88-92.
12. HarlıoÄŸlu, M.M., Köprücü, K., HarlıoÄŸlu, A.G., S., MiÅŸe Yonar, S., Çakmak Duran, T., Çakmak, M.N., Aksu Ö., Özcan, S., Kutluyer, F., GündoÄŸdu, H. The effect of dietary n-3 series fatty acids on the sperm number of freshwater crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus (Eschscholtz) Aquaculture International.
13. Can, E., Yabanli, M., Kehayias, G., Aksu, Ö., KocabaÅŸ, M., Demir, V., Kayım, M., Kutluyer, F. and Åžeker, S., 2012. Determination of Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals and Selenium in Tissues of Brown Trout Salmo trutta macrostigma (Duméril, 1858) from Munzur Stream, Tunceli, Turkey. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. DOI: 10.1007/s00128-012-0824-3
14. Kocabas, M., Kayim, M., Can, E., Kutluyer, F., Aksu., Ö., 2011. The Reproduction Traits of Native Brown Trout (Salmo trutta macrostigma T., 1954), Turkey. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 10 (13), 1632-1637. DOI: 10.3923/javaa.2011.1632.1637.
15. Kocabas, M., Kayim, M., Can, E., Ates, M., Kizak, V., Kutluyer, F., Demirtas N., and Serdar, O., 2011. Stomach Contents and Food Habits of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta L., 1758) in the Munzur Stream, Turkey. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 24: 3188-3191. DOI: 10.3923/javaa.2011.3188.3191.