Dr. Sandeep Kumar Kar is presently working as Assistant Professor, Super specialty department of Cardiac Anesthesiology, Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, and Kolkata, India. He has represented India in several world congress in Anesthesiology and Critical Care. He has published more than fifty research articles and reviews in high impact international journals including Anesthesiology (Journal of American Society of Anesthesiology). He is in the Editorial board of several journals and Editor of Translational Biomedicine, Insight of Blood Pressure, Journal of Neurosurgery, and Interventional Cardiology and Clinical & Experimental Cardiology. He has won several international and National awards like Janak Mehta National Award for best paper in Cardiac Anesthesiology, B Braun Scholar of the year (2012), ESOP Scholarship (NWAC 2013) and presented papers and lectures in several National and International conferences. He is also a Poet and Writer of international repute with poetry published in several international Journals.
Cardiac Anesthesiology
Sandeep Kumar Kar, Chaitali Sen DasGupta, Anupam Goswami: Amiodarone In Rheumatic Valve Disease Undergoing Valve replacement. 1ST 01/2015; LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING., ISBN: 978-3-659-66863-0
Sandeep Kumar Kar: Current Trends in Preliminary Cerebral Protection after Traumatic Brain Injury.
Sandeep Kumar Kar, tanmoy ganguly, swarnali dasgupta, manasij mitra, Riju bhattacharya: Pericardial Cyst: A Review of Historical Perspecive and Current Concept of Diagnosis and Management. Interventional Cardiology 12/2015; Volume 1(issue 8):1-8.
Sandeep Kumar Kar, dipanwita das, chaitali sen dasgupta: Recurrent Fibrosarcoma Protuberans of Anterior Chest and Abdominal Wall. A Rare Case Report. Archives of Medicine 12/2015; Volume 8(issue 1):1-6.
Sandeep Kumar Kar, Tanmoy Ganguly, Chaitali Sen Dasgupta, Anupam Goswami: Preoperaive Anxiety in Pediatric Populaion: Anesthesiologist"s Nightmare. Translational Biomedicine 12/2015; VOL 6(no 4):30.
Sandeep Kumar Kar: Translaional Biomedicine: The Future of Modern Internal Medicine. Translational Biomedicine 12/2015; Volume 6(NO 4):36.
Sandeep Kumar Kar, Rajat Choudhuri, Dhiman Adhikari, Gargi Nandi, Rajdeep Basu: Atypical Associaion of Japanese Encephaliis with Sixth and Seventh Cranial Nerve Palsy during Outbreaks : Does it Require a Second Thought? A Case Report. Translational Biomedicine 12/2015; Vol 6(NO 4):1-4.
Sandeep Kumar Kar, Bipasa Chakraborty, Sudipta Ghosh, Manash Sarkar, Raja Ray: Kar SK. HIV in Intensive Care Unit: Concerns and Constraints of Intensivists. Transl Biomed. 2015, 6:4.. Translational Biomedicine 12/2015; Volume 6(issue 4):1-6.
Sandeep Kumar Kar, Dipanwita Das, Chaitali Sen Dasgupta, Riju Bhattacharya, Asit Munsi: Inhalation of Pin: A Rare Case Report. 12/2015; Vol 1(issue 1):22-26. DOI:10.18052/www.scipress.com/IJPPE.1.23
Sandeep Kumar Kar, tanmoy Ganguly, Chaitali SenDasgupta, Harneet Singh Khurana: Cardiovascular Consideration of Bilateral Carotid Body Tumour: a Rare Case Report. International Archives of Medicine 09/2015; Vol. 8(227):1-6. DOI:10.3823/1826
Sandeep Kumar Kar, tanmoy ganguly, shanta dutta: Incidental Diagnosis of a Giant Pericardial Cyst and Surgical Management: a Rare Case Report. International Archives of Medicine 08/2015; 8(198):1-7. DOI:10.3823/1797
anusuya banerjee, Sandeep Kumar Kar, Chaitali Sen Dasgupta, Anupam Goswami: Renal Cell Carcinoma Extending through Inferior Vena Cava into Right Atrium Removed with Cardiopulmonary Bypass Support. Archives of Medicine 08/2015; VOL 7(VOLUME 3:2):1-4. DOI:10.15761/CCRR.1000136
Sandeep Kumar Kar, tanmay ganguly, jishnu nayek: Robotic Cardiac Surgery: A Systematic Review of the Past and Present.. Prensa médica argentina 06/2015; 101(6):1-6. DOI:10.4172/lpma.1000181
Sandeep Kumar Kar: Laparoscopic Bilateral Adrenalectomy in a Patient of Cushing Disease due to Pituitary Microadenoma: a Challenge for the Anaesthesiologist. Prensa médica argentina 05/2015; volume 101(issue 6):1-4. DOI:10.4172/lpma.1000176
Sandeep Kumar Kar, Tanmoy Ganguly, chaitali Sen Dasgupta, Chiranjib Bhattacharya, Manasij Mitra: Thoracic Gunshot Wound: A Report of 3 Cases and Review of Management.. Prensa médica argentina 05/2015; Volume 101(issue 6):1-5. DOI:10.4172/lpma.1000177
Rajat Choudhuri, Sandeep Kumar Kar, Samarendranath, Samui, Nairita Mayur: Perioperative Management of a Child having Ovarian Dysgerminoma with Para Neoplastic Syndrome: CaseReport of Stormy Events. Prensa médica argentina 05/2015; 101(issue 6):1-3.
Sandeep Kumar Kar, manasij mitra, tanmayganguly, chaitalisendasgupta, manabendra sarkar, Anupam Goswami: Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia: Presening with Epistaxis.
Sandeep Kumar Kar, tanmay ganguly, chaitali sendasgupta, anuupam goswami, chiranjib bhattacharya: Comparison of Postoperative Analgesia in Thoracotomy versus paravertebral block Patients by Thoracic Epidural versus Paravertebral Block with Ropivacaine and Clonidine.
Sandeep Kumar Kar, Tanmoy Ganguly: Postoperative Pneumoscrotum in a Cardiac Surgery Patient: A Case Report. Prensa médica argentina 05/2015; volume 101(issue 6):1-5. DOI:10.4172/lpma.1000175
Sandeep Kumar Kar, Tanmay Ganguly, Chaitali SenDasgupta, Anupam Goswami: Surgical Management of Congenital Cysic Adenomatoid Malformaion in a 2 Month Old Paient: A Case Report. Archives of Medicine 04/2015; Volume 7(1:5):1-4.
Sandeep Kumar Kar, Tanmay Ganguly, chaitali sen dasgupta, Anupam Goswami: Comparison of Low Venilaion, No Venilaion and Coninuous Posiive Pressure Venilaion as Pulmonary Protecion Strategy During Cardiopulmonary Bypass. Archives of Medicine 04/2015; Volume 7(1:2).
Tanmoy Ganguly, Sandeep Kumar Kar, Chaitali Sen Dasgupta, Anupam Goswami: Surgical Management of Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation in a 2 Month Old Patient: A Case Report. Archives of Medicine 04/2015; Volume 7(No 1):Page 1-4.
R. Choudhuri, S.K. Kar, D. Adhikari, C.S. Dasgupta, A. Saha: Can undiagnosed Parkinson's disease become uncovered in perioperative phase? A case report of stormy postoperative event.
Sandeep Kumar Kar, Tanmoy Ganguly, Santa Saha Roy, Anupam Goswami: Effect of Indian Classical Music (Raga Therapy) on Fentanyl, Vecuronium, Propofol Requirements and Cortisol levels in Cardiopulmonary Bypass.
Sandeep Kumar Kar: Cardiovascular and Airway Considerations in Mediastinal Mass During Thoracic Surgery. Experimental and clinical cardiology 12/2014; Volume 5(issue 12):1-8. DOI:10.4172/2155-9880.1000354
Tanmay Ganguly, Sandeep Kumar Kar, Chaitali Sen Dasgupta, Anupam Goswami, Ansuman Mandal: Penetrating Arrow Wound of the Chest -A Case Report.
Sandeep Kumar Kar: Comparison of the Additive Effects of Intravenous Methyl Prednisolone with that of Intravenous Pentoxyfylline on Low Tidal Volume Normal Frequency Ventilation as a Lung Protection Strategy during Cardiopulmonary Bypass that Improves Immediate Postoperative Outcome.
Sandeep Kumar Kar, Rajat C, Chaitali SD, Dhiman A, Tanmoy G: Influence of Speed of Fentanyl Citrate Injection before Induction of Anesthesia on Fentanyl-Induced Cough: a Prospective, Randomized, Double Blinded Study. Prensa Med Argent 100:4.. Prensa médica argentina 10/2014; volume 100(issue 4):1-5. DOI:10.4172/lpma.1000141
Kumar Sandeep, Rajat Kar, Dhiman Choudhuri, Aveek Adhikari, Mukherjee, Kar: Acute Necrotising Pneumonia with Bronchiectatic Changes and Transaminitis following Kerosene Ingestion: An Unusual Acute Presentation. Prensa médica argentina 10/2014; VOLUME 100(ISSUE 4):1-4. DOI:10.4172/lpma.1000139
Sandeep Kumar Kar: Fat Embolism Syndrome and Role of Immunomodulation: A Case Report. Experimental and clinical cardiology 09/2014; Volume 5(issue 8):1-4. DOI:10.4172/2155-9880.1000332
Sandeep Kumar Kar: A Discussion about Modalities of Smoking Cessation in Perioperative Phase for Addicts:.
Rajat Choudhuri, Sandeep Kumar Kar, Dhiman Adhikari, Chaitali Sen Dasgupta, Anirban Som: Effect of Paracetamol Intravenous Infusion on Duration and Quality of Spinal Blockade in Patients Undergoing Major Gynaecological Surgeries: A Prospective, Randomised, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Study.
Sandeep Kumar Kar: Unusual Variant of Guillain-Barré Syndrome Following Hepato-biliary Surgery — A Rare Case Report.
Sandeep Kumar Kar: Can Undiagnosed Parkinson’s Disease become Uncovered in Perioperative Phase? A Case Report of Stormy Postoperative Event. Prensa médica argentina 07/2014; 100(3):5. DOI:10.4172/lpma.1000129
Sandeep Kumar Kar: Anaesthetic Management of a Dwarf with Hypopituitarism Presenting for Epigastric Hernioplasty:.
Sandeep Kumar Kar: CONTEMPORARY LITERARY REVIEW INDIA – journal that brings articulate writings for articulate readers..
Chaitali Sen Dasgupta, Sandeep Kumar Kar, Anupam Goswami, Santanu Dutta, Uday Narayan Sarkar: Effect of low volume ventilation during cardiopulmonary bypass on oxygenation and postoperative pulmonary outcome. Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 01/2013; 28(4). DOI:10.1007/s12055-012-0168-y
Sandeep Kumar Kar, Chaitali SenDasgupta, Anupam Goswami: Effect of Indian Classical Music(Raga Therapy) on fentanyl propofol, vecuronium requirement and cortisol levels during cardiopulmonary bypass.
Sandeep Kumar Kar: Cardiac Anesthesiologist. Anesthesiology 03/2012; 117(2):420-1. DOI:10.1097/ALN.0b013e3182531b6e
Sandeep Kumar Kar, Chaitali Sen Dasgupta, Anupam Goswami: Effect of prophylactic amiodarone in patients with rheumatic valve disease undergoing valve replacement surgery. Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 09/2011; 14(3):176-82. DOI:10.4103/0971-9784.83986
Conference Proceedings
Sandeep Kumar Kar, Tanmoy Ganguly, Chaitali Sen Dasgupta, Anupam Goswami: Cardiovascular & Airway Considerations in Mediastinal Mass During Thoracic surgery. CTVAC 2014; 12/2014
Sandeep Kumar Kar: Effect of Indian Classical Music (RagaTherapy) on Fentanyl, Vecuronium, Propofol requirements and cortisol levels in Cardiopulmonary bypass.. Conference Handbook TM’s 3rd World Cardiovascular On Conference September 16-18, 2013; 09/2013
Sandeep Kumar Kar, Chaitali Sen, Anupam Goswami: 68:Effect of Indian Classical Music (RagaTherapy)on Fentanyl, Vecuronium, Propofolrequirement and cortisol levels inCardiopulmonary Bypass. WFSA 2012; 03/2012
Sandeep Kumar Kar: Comparison of low volume ventilation, no ventilation and continuous positive airway pressure during cardiopulmonary bypass Paper No: 212.00 on immediate postoperative outcome http://bja.oxfordjournals.org/ WFSA 2012. WFSA 2012; 03/2012
Sandeep Kumar Kar, Chaitali Sen, Kakali Ghosh, Anupam G. Oswami: Comparison of low volume ventilation, no ventilation and continuous positive airway pressure during cardiopulmonary bypass on immediate postoperative outcome. 15th World-Federation-of-Societies-of-Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) World; 03/2012
Sandeep Kumar Kar: Effect of Indian Classical Music Raga Therapy on Fentanyl, propofol, vecuronium requirements and cortisol levels in cardiopulmonary bypass. NWAC 2011, Rome; 04/2011