Matthew is a researcher in applied health at Leeds Institute of Health Sciences at the University of Leeds, UK. His research focuses on engaging users in the design and development of healthcare technology for palliative care services in Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. He has also conducted user involvement research across a range of disciplines, including rehabilitation medicine, neurosurgery and ophthalmology. Matthew is currently working on a project funded by the National Institute of Health Research in the UK, designing an electronic pain reporting system for use by patients with advanced cancer.
Dr. Mathew Research focuses on engaging users in the design and development of healthcare technology for palliative care services in Europe and sub-Saharan Africa
1. Strengthening pharmaceutical systems for palliative care services in resource limited settings: piloting a mHealth application across a rural and urban setting in Uganda. E Namisango, C Ntege, EBK Luyirika, F Kiyange, MJ Allsop. BMC Palliative Care 15 (1), 1. 2016.
2. The Feasibility of Collecting Patient Reported Pain Data Using a System Delivered Across Four Modes of Technology. S Taylor, MJ Allsop, J Shaw, MI Bennett, R Jones, BM Bewick. Pain Medicine 16 (11), 2212-2213. 2015.
3. Diagnosis, medication, and surgical management for patients with trigeminal neuralgia: a qualitative study. MJ Allsop, M Twiddy, H Grant, C Czoski-Murray, M Mon-Williams et al. Actaneurochirurgica 157 (11), 1925-1933.2015.
4. Patient attitudes towards prenatal diagnostic testing for inherited retinal disease. K Ahmed, M Ahmed, B Potrata, TA Willis, HL Grant, MJ Allsop, J Hewison et al. Prenatal diagnosis 35 (9), 913-918.2015.
5. Willingness to pay for genetic testing for inherited retinal disease. S Tubeuf, TA Willis, B Potrata, H Grant, MJ Allsop, M Ahmed, J Hewison et al. European Journal of Human Genetics 23 (3), 285-291.2015.
6. 2014 Ad Hoc Reviewers. M Allsop, S Arthanat, M Arazpour, M Avellis, JP Baeyens, S Bauer et al. DisabilRehabil Assist Technol 10 (2), 181.2015.
7. Hospice volunteers as facilitators of public engagement in palliative care priority setting research. MJ Allsop, LE Ziegler, A Kelly, S Pavitt, MI Bennett. Palliative Medicine. 2015.
8. Current understanding of genetics and genetic testing and information needs and preferences of adults with inherited retinal diseaseM McKibbin, M Ahmed, MJ Allsop, L Downey, R Gale, HL Grant, B Potrata et al. European Journal of Human Genetics 22 (9), 1058-1062. 2014.
9. Assessing the Quality and Usability of Smartphone Apps for Pain Selfâ€Management. C Reynoldson, C Stones, M Allsop, P Gardner, MI Bennett, SJ Closs et al. Pain Medicine 15 (6), 898-909. 2014.
10. Information and communication technology for managing pain in palliative care: a review of the literature. MJ Allsop, S Taylor, MR Mulvey, MI Bennett, BM Bewick. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, bmjspcare-2013-000625.2014.
11. In addition to the members of the Editorial Board, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology gratefully acknowledges the following reviewers of articles during the year 2013.M Adya, M Allsop, J Andrysek, M Arazpour, M Avellis, P Axelson et al. DisabilRehabil Assist Technol 9 (3), 270. 2014.
12. Evaluating methods for engaging children in healthcare technology design. MJ Allsop, RJ Holt. Health and Technology 3 (4), 295-307. 2013.
13. Engaging with economic evaluation methods: insights from small and medium enterprises in the UK medical devices industry after training workshops. M Craven, M Allsop, S Morgan, J Martin. Health Research Policy and Systems 10 (29). 2013.
14. 2011 Ad Hoc Reviewers. M Allsop, AAruin, IL Boman, J Borg, S Brunelli, I Cikajlo, D Davies et al. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 7 (2), 180. 2012.
15. In the Best Paper Award announcement on p. 615 of Journal of Engineering Design, Vol. 21, No. 6, the fourth paragraph should read as follows:‘The Editors are pleased to announce the best paper of 2010 as’:“Engaging children in healthcare technology design: Developing rehabilitation technology for children with cerebral palsy”. APH Weightman, N Preston, R Holt, M Allsop, M Levesley, B Bhakta. Journal of Engineering Design 22 (3), 215. 2011.