Dr. Gordana Petrovic-Oggiano MD, MSc, PhD, Scientific associate, medical doctor, specialist of hygiene, with PhD in nutrition. She works in Institute of medical research, Center of Research excellence in nutrition and metabolism at University of Belgrade, as a therapist at counseling office for nutrition and metabolism.In 2001, She received a one-year scholarship for high specialization in the diet, equivalent to Master degree, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy, for training in the profession Safety and nutritional quality in manufacturing, and commercialization, distribution of foods and drinks at the University ” La Sapienza. In Rome department of Experimental Medicine and Pathology. She passed 12 Exams and defended the final Exam with the topic: “Effetto della bevanda lecivita-D di base di soia lecithin come potenziale hipolipidico, in patients con Diabete Mellito” which is equivalent to master’s degree. Several years she was on a voluntary study stay in Germany, first, in Institute “Krakenhaushygiene-Klinikum Wuppertal Hellios”, and then passed to the Clinics of the University Medical Center “Heinrich Heine” in Düsseldorf, where dealing with clinical activity. She has been involved in several national and EU funded projects.
Her research interests include clinical, epidemiological nutrition research, with the focus on prevention and diet therapy, nutritional status assessment, obesity, metabolic disorders such as hyperlipidaemia, influence of poly phenols in reduction of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk, effect of physical activity and impact on hyperlipidaemia and reduction of CVS-risk, are the field of standing interest in the health prevention area.