Professor of oral surgery and oral pathology Javeriana University. Dentist Graduated from carabobo`s university-valencia venezuela 2002. Specialist in oral pathology and oral surgery graduated from the javeriana university bogota colombia 2004. (with honors). Intensive rotation 146 hours, in oral pathology and oral medicine at cayetano heredia university lima peru january- february-2014. (dr wilson delgado). Intensive rotation 350hours, oral and maxillofacial histopathology at oral diagnosis department, baylor dental school. Dallas texas. April-June 2014.
· Peraza Alberto. Intraoral Melanoma located at the interproximal mandibular teeth gingiva. Clin Case Rep Rev, 2015. Vol. 1(9):201-204.
· Peraza L Alberto. Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of the Mandibular edentulous ridge. An infrequent location. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. 2016; 25(2)2-4.
· Peraza L Alberto, Kessler Harvey. Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinoma—A Case Comparison Highlighting its Importance. Biol Med. 2016. Vol 8 (2).273-278.