Miguel Souto Bayarri, MD, PhD, is a University-Professor of Radiology at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.He completed his PhD degree in digital image processing of chest radiographs (1990). After obtaining a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, he had, a) a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, with professor Robert G. Fraser, M.D. (1991-92), and b) two fellowships in the department of Radiology at Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD) with professor Elias Zerhouni, M.D., former chair of the NIH (1993-94). From these years are several publications, among them, three publications in “Radiology” and a State-of-the-art published in “European Radiology”.He published more than 100 papers, including peer reviewed journals, chapters and international proceedings.
1)Digital image processing
2)Digital radiology
3)Computer aided diagnosis (CAD) related to chest computed tomography imaging
4)Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (development of algorithms for automatic quantification of left and right ventricular function)
1) Tucker D, Souto M, Barnes GT. “Scatter in Computed Radiography”. Radiology 1993;188:271-274.
2) Souto M, Malagari K, Tucker D, Tahoces PG, Correa J, Benakis VS, Roussos C, Strigaris KA, Vidal JJ, Barnes GT, Fraser RG. “Digital Radiography of the Chest. State of the Art”. European Radiology 1994;4:281-297.
3) Correa J, Souto M, Tahoces PG, Malagari K, Tucker D, Larkin J, Kuhlman J, Barnes GT, Zerhouni E, Fraser RG, Vidal JJ. “Digital chest radiography: A comparison between unprocessed and processed images in the detection of solitary pulmonary nodules. Radiology 1995;195:253-258.
4) Croisille P, Souto M, Cova M, Wood S, Afework Y, Kuhlman J, Zerhouni E. “Pulmonary nodules: Improved detection with vascular segmentation and extraction in spiral CT”. Radiology 1995;197:397-401.
5) Lado MJ, Tahoces PG, Souto M, Méndez AJ, Vidal JJ. “Real and simulated clustered microcalcifications in digital mammograms. ROC study of observer performance”. Med. Phys. 1997;24(9):1385-1394.
6) Méndez AJ, Tahoces PG, Lado MJ, Souto M, Vidal JJ. “Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Automatic Detection of Malignant Masses in Digitized Mammograms”. Med. Phys. 1998;25(6):957-964.
7) Carrascal FM, Carreira JM, Souto M, Tahoces PG, Gómez L, Vidal JJ. “Automatic calculation of total lung capacity from automatically traced lung boundaries in postero-anterior and lateral digital chest radiographs ”. Med. Phys. 1998;25(7):1118-1131.
8) Penedo M, Souto M, Tahoces PG, Carreira JM, Villalón J, Porto G, Seoane C, Vidal JJ, Berbaum KS, Chakraborty DP, Fajardo L. FROC evaluation of JPEG2000 and Object-Based SPIHT lossy compression on digitized mammograms. Radiology. 2005; 237:450-457.