Jung Hoon Lee is an Associate Professor of Food Science at Fort Valley State University. He received his B.S. degree of Food Science &Technology from Oregon State Universityin 1993, and earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in Food Science and Technology with a minor in Statisticsfrom The University of Tennesseein 1996 and 2000, respectively. He has conducted research on food chemistry and food safety areas in animal based food products such as developing value-added products using goat meat as a functional ingredient and pre-harvest intervention strategies to reduce pathogen shedding in meat goats; developing soft and hard goat milk cheeses to enhance the profitability in dairy goat industries and small farmers in the U.S.; and, modifying fatty acid composition of animal based food products by developing and feeding with protective oil-protein supplements for ruminants with food by-products that protect oil- and water-soluble components against ruminalbiohydrogenation.
His recent research interests are focusing on functional components in foods and physicochemical properties of lipids, utilization of agricultural by-products, and health benefits of phytochemicals, as well as meat and dairy product development with the emphasis on storage stability and nutritional issues.
1. H. Li, L.O. Pordesimo, B.B., Bradford, and J.H. Lee*. 2002. Drying Jalapeño peppers. ASAE Annual International Meeting/CIGR XVth World Congress Paper No. 026164. 2. L. O. Pordesimo, H. Li, J. H. Lee*, and B. Reddick. 2004. Effects of drying procedure, cultivar, and harvest number on capsaicin levels in dried Jalapeño peppers. Appl. Eng. Agric. 20 (1):35-38.
3. J.H. Lee*, S.L. Melton, J.C. Waller, and A.M. Saxton. 2004. Modification of physiochemical characteristics of goat milk fat by feeding protected high oleic sunflower oil supplements. J. Food Sci. 69:280-286.
4. J.H. Lee*, J.C. Waller, S.L. Melton, A.M. Saxton and L.O. Pordesimo. 2004. Feeding encapsulated ground full-fat soybean supplements to increase polyunsaturated fat levels and effect on flavor volatiles in fresh lamb. J. Anim. Sci. 82:2734-2741.
5. Park, Y.W., J.H. Lee*, and K.L. Arora. 2004. Effect of 6 months prolonged frozen-storage on changes in organic acid composition of plain soft goat milk cheese. South African J. Anim. Sci. 34: Suppl. 1:186-188.
6. J.H. Lee*, J.C. Waller, and S.L. Melton. 2005. Enhancing ï¡-tocopherol and linoleic acid in ewe’s milk by feeding emulsified sunflower oil and DL-ï¡-tocopheryl acetate in a chemically treated protein matrix. J. Agric. Food Chem. 53:6463-6468.
7. Y.W. Park and J.H. Lee*. 2006. Effect of freezing on organic acid contents and lipolytic index of plain soft and Monterey Jack goat milk cheeses. Small Rumin. Res. 63:58-65.
8. J.H. Lee*, A.M. Saxton, L.O. Pordesimo, J.C. Waller, and S.L. Melton. 2006. Protecting dietary vitamin C and high oleic acid oil in feed and its effect on the nutritional profile of goat milk. J. Anim. Vet. Adv. 5 (1):33-37.
9. Y.W. Park, J.H. Lee*, and S.J. Lee. 2006. Effects of frozen and refrigerated storage on organic acid profiles of goat milk plain soft and Monterey Jack cheeses. J. Dairy Sci. 89:862-871.
10. J.H. Lee*, G. Kannan and B. Kouakou. 2006. Concentration and distribution of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) and trans fatty acids in small ruminant milk and meat lipids. J. Food Lipids 13:100-111.
11. J.H. Lee*, J.C. Waller, S.L. Melton, and A.M. Saxton. 2006. Incorporation of ï¡-tocopherol and linoleic acid in fresh lambs by feeding chemically treated dietary supplement containing DL-ï¡-tocopheryl acetate and sunflower oil. J. Agric. Food Chem. 54:568-573.
12. J.H. Lee*, J.C. Waller, and S.L. Melton. 2007. Distribution of fatty acids and effects of chemically treated ground, full-fat soybean supplements on tocopherols concentrations in crossbred (Dorset x Suffolk) lambs. Small Rumin. Res. 68: 269-278.
13. J.H. Lee*, J.C. Waller, Y. Yilmaz, and S.L. Melton. 2007. Effect of feeding rumen-protected dietary protein-oil supplements on fatty acid composition and ï¡-tocopherol content of blood serum and muscle lipids of lambs. Small Rumin. Res. 72:101-110.
14. J.H. Lee*, G. Kannan, K. Eega, B. Kouakou, and W.R. Getz. 2008. Nutritional and quality characteristics of meat from goats and lambs finished under identical dietary regimen. Small Rumin. Res. 74:255-259.
15. J.H. Lee*, B. Kouakou, and G. Kannan. 2008. Chemical composition and quality characteristics of chevon from goats fed three different post-weaning diets. Small Rumin. Res. 75:177-184.