• Giuseppe Casale is a medical doctor, oncologist and gastroenterologlst. His career starts at the Regina Elena National Cancer Institute of Rome (Italy), where he spent his first years as a researcher. • In 1987 he founded in Rome Antea Associazione, one of the first not for profit organization providing palliative care in Italy; the organization, based in Rome (Italy), provides free hospice care to terminally ill patients, no longer responsive to specific treatments. • In 2005, he received the Golden Medal for merit acquired in the field of Public Health, awarded by the President of the Italian Republic C.A. Ciampi. • He is member of a number of National Technical Commissions on Palliative Care and Pain Therapy. • He is lecturer within many university post-graduate master courses and speaker in several seminars and national conferences. • He is the Principal Investigator of a series of researches projects. • He is author and co-author of more than 90 publications
Dr. Casale is interested in symptom management in palliative care, pain therapy, BTcP and procedural pain. Besides, he is interested in spiritual and social care in palliative care.