Muhammad Nadeem is Assistant Professor in the Department of Dairy Technology, the research work of PhD was completed at Queens University Belfast, UK. His area of specialization is Food / Dairy Lipids. He has obtained three trainings on various aspects of milk processing, value addition and quality control of milk and dairy products from the renowned training institute PTC Plus, The Netherlands.
• Reduction of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol from milk and milk products
• âFat modification by fractionation, interesterification and transesterification techniques, CLA enhancment
• âDecholesterolization of milk and milk products, use of modified fats in the formulation of value added dairy products
• Physico-chemical characterization of natural antioxidants and their use in the stabilization of fats and oils
• Oxidative and thermal stability of milk modified fats
• Extraction of bioactive compounds from food products and their usage in the formulation of Neutraceuticals and functional food
1. M. Nadeem, M. Imran and A. Khalique. Promising Features of Mango (Mangiferaindica L.) Kernel Oil: A Review. Journal of Food Science and Technology (2015) DOI: 10.1007/s13197-015-2166-8. Impact Factor: 2.203.
2. M. Nadeem, H. A. Baig and M. Imran. Enhancement of the Oxidative Stability of Butter Oil by Blending with Mango (Mangiferaindica L.) Kernel Oil in Ambient and Accelerated Oxidation. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation (2016). Impact Factor: 1.159
3. M. Imran and M. Nadeem. Triacylglycerol Composition, Physico-chemical Characteristics, Oxidative Stability and Consumer Acceptability of Canola Oil and Fully Hydrogenated Cottonseed Oil Blends before and after Chemical Interesterification.Lipids in Health and Disease. Received Minor Revision. (LHAD-D-15-00075R1 Accepted) Impact Factor 2.22.
4. M. Imran, F.M. Anjum, M. Nadeem, N. Ahmad,M.K. Khan, Z. MushtaqandS. HussainProduction of Bio-omega-3 Eggs through the Supplementation of Extruded Flaxseed Meal in Hen Diet. Lipids in Health and Disease (2015) 14:126 DOI 10.1186/s12944-015-0127-x. Impact Factor: 2.22.
5. M. Imran, N. Ahmad, F. M. Anjum, M. K. Khan, Z. Mushtaq, M. Nadeem and S. Hussain. Potential Protective Properties of Flax LignanSecoisolariciresinolDiglucoside.Nutrition Journal 14:71DOI 10.1186/s12937-015-0059-3 (2015) Impact Factor 2.926
6. M. Imran, F. M. Anjum, N. Ahmad, M. K. Khan, Z. Mushtaq, M. Nadeem, S. Hussain. Impact of Extrusion Processing Conditions on Lipid Peroxidation and Storage Stability of Full-Fat flaxseed meal. 14:92. Impact Factor: 2.22.
7. Rahman Ulla, M. Nadeem, M. Imran, S. Mehmood, A. Javid and J. Hussain. Nutritional and Therapeutic Perspectives of Chia (Salviahispanica L.) A Review. Journal of Food Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1007/s13197-015-1967-0 (2015). Impact Factor: 2.203.
8. RahmanUllah, M. Nadeem, M. Imran, M. Tayyab and R. Sajid. Antioxidant Characteristics of Ice Cream Supplemented with Sugarcane (Saccharumofficinarum L.) Juice. Food Science and Biotechnology. 24(4): 1227-1232 (2015) DOI 10.1007/s10068-015-0157-1. Impact Factor 0.653.
9. RahmanUllah, M. Nadeem, S. Ahmadand M. Ayaz. Fractionation of Chia Oil for Enrichment of Omega 3 and 6 Fatty Acids and Oxidative Stability of Fractions. Food Science and Biotechnology. (2015) Impact Factor: 0.653 (Galley Proof Submitted).
10. S. Ahmad, M. Nadeem, M. Ayazand M. H. Jaspal. Effect of Low Melting Fractions of Milk Fat on Lipolysis of Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. doi:10.1111/jfpp.12501(2015). Impact Factor: 1.159.
11. M. W. Azeem, M. Nadeem and S. Ahmad. Stabilization of Winterized Cottonseed Oil with Chia (Salviahispanica L.) Seed Extract. Journal of Food Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1007/s13197-015-1823-2) (2015) Impact Factor: 2.203.
12. S. Khan,S. Inayat, I. Hussain, M. Nadeem, F. Rahman and M. Adnan.The effect of temperature and cutting time on curd yield and quality made from Goat, Buffalo and Cow milk. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 10:789-796. DOI: 10.5897/JAR2013.8387 (2015). Impact Factor: 0.263.
13. M. Nadeem, C. Situ and M. Abdullah. The Effect of Low Melting Fractions of Milk Fat on Oxidative Stability of Ice Cream. International Journal of Food Properties. 18:4, 735-745, DOI: 10.1080/10942912.2013.814666. (2015). Impact Factor: 0.91.
14. M. Nadeem, A. Mahmud, M. Imran and A. Khalique. Enhancement of the Oxidative Stability of Whey Butter through Almond (Prunisdulcis) Peel Extract. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. doi:10.1111/jfpp.12265. (2014). Impact Factor: 1.159.
15. M. Nadeem, C. Situ, A. Mahmud, A. Khalique, M. Imran, F. Rahman and S. Khan. The Effect of Sesame (Sesamumindicum L.) Cake extract for Oxidative Stabilization of Olein Based Butter. Journal of the American Oil Chemist’s Society. DOI 10.1007/s11746-014-2432-3. (2014). Impact Factor: 1.542.
16. M. Nadeem, M. W. Azeem and F. Rahman. 2014. Assessment of Transesterified Palm Olein and Moringaoleifera Oil Blends as Vanaspati Substitutes. Journal of Food Science and Technology. DOI 10.1007/s13197-014-1271-4. (2014). Impact Factor:2.203.
17. M. Nadeem, M. Abdullah, I. Hussain, ArshadJavid and Y. Zahoor. Antioxidant Potential of Moringaoleifera Leaf Extract for the Stabilization of Butter at Refrigeration Temperature. Czech Journal of Food Sciences. 31: 332-339. (2013). Impact Factor: 0.85.
18. M. Nadeem, M. Abdullah, A. Khalique, I. Hussain and A. Mahmud. The Effect of MoringaoleiferaLeaf Extract as Antioxidant on Stabilization of Butter Oil with Modified Fatty Acid Profile. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. 15: 919-928. (2013). Impact Factor: 0.685.
19. M. Nadeem, I. Hussain and M. Abdullah. Improvement of the oxidative Stability of Butter Oil by Blending with Moringaoleifera Oil. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. DOI 10.1111/jfpp.12108. (2013). Impact Factor: 0.938.
20. M. Nadeem, I. Hussain and M. Abdullah. Enhancement of the oxidative stability of Butter Oil by SesamumOil through Interesterification. Journal of Food Science and Technology. DOI 10.1007/s13197-013-1018-7 (2013). Impact Factor: 2.024.
21. M. Nadeem, M. Abdullah, I. Hussain and S. Inayat. Modification of Fatty Acid Profile of Cow Milk by Feeding Calcium Salts of Fatty Acids and its Use in Ice Cream. Journal of Food Science and Technology. DOI 10.1007/s13197-013-1050-7 (2013). Impact Factor: 2.024.
22. M. Nadeem, I. Hussain and M. Abdullah. Effect of calcium salts of soybean oil fatty acids on physical and chemical characteristics of milk in cows. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences. 83: 811-814 (2013) Impact Factor: 0.13.