Dr. Olga M. Pulido completed her MD from Central University of Caracas, Venezuela and then received her MSc from Queen’s University, Canada. She is member of several international organizations in the fields of pathology and neurotoxicology.She has numerous publications in peer reviewed journals, book chapters, book editing, journal editorial boards, reviewer, and international teaching and lecturing invitations. Currently she is serving as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Toxicologic pathology; Food safety; Environmental contaminants; Natural toxins; Neurotoxicology; Glutamate receptors; Food allergies and intolerances: celiac disease and gluten related disorders.
1. Pulido Olga M. “Letter to the Editor GHFBB; Response to Peña AS: What Is the Best Histopathological Classification for Celiac Disease? Does It Matter?”.Gastroenterology and Hepatology From Bed to Bench (2016)9.1: 68–69.
2. La Vieille S, Pulido OM, Abbott M, Koerner TB, Godefroy S. Celiac disease and gluten-free oats: A Canadian position based on a literature review. Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 Sep 30. pii: 17129.
3. Pulido OM.Marine Algal Toxins: Seafood Safety, Human Health and Beyond. Oceanography 2014, 2: e111. doi:10.4172/2332-2632.1000e111 (by Invitation)
4. Olga M Pulido. Chapter 8. Domoic Acid: Biological Effects and Health Implications. In Rossini, Gian Paolo, ed. Toxins and Biologically Active Compounds from Microalgae. Vol. 2. Biologicl Effects and Risk Management. Section 2. Impact of Toxic Microalgae and Microalgal Toxins on Biological Systems. CRC Press, 2014, pp 219-252 (by Invitation)
5. Pulido O, Zarkadas M, Dubois S, Macisaac K, Cantin I, La Vieille S, Godefroy S, Rashid M. Clinical features and symptom recovery on a gluten-free diet inCanadian adults with celiac disease. Can J Gastroenterol. 2013 Aug;27(8):449-53.
6. Olga M. Pulido and Santokh Gill. Chapter 35, Food and Toxicologic Pathology: An Introduction.Haschek and Rousseaux’s Eds. Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology 3e, VOLUME II – Safety Assessment including Current and Emerging Issues in Toxicologic Pathology Part 3 – Food and the Environment: Selected Toxic Agents. Elsevier, 2013. pp 1051-1073 (By invitation)
7. S. Gill, W. Bowers, J. Nakai, I. Chu, D. Moir, A.Yagminas, R. Mueller and O. Pulido. Effects of Environmentally Relevant Mixtures of Persistent Organic Pollutants on the Developmental Neurobiology in Rats. Toxicol Pathol 41:38-47,2013
8. Marion Zarkadas , Sheila Dubois , Krista MacIsaac , Isabelle Cantin, Mohsin Rashid, Karen C. Roberts, Sébastien La Vieille, Samuel Godefroy, Olga M. Pulido Living With Celiac Disease and A Gluten-Free Diet: A Canadian Perspective. J Hum Nutr Diet. 28:10-23,2012.
9. Zoë Gillespie, Olga Pulido and Elizabeth Vavasour. Risk Assessment Approaches for Carcinogenic Food Contaminants. International Food Risk Analysis Journal Volume 1, Issue 1, Sep 2011
10. Pulido Olga M. Chapter 1. Immune-mediated adverse reactions to dietary proteins. In Allergen Management in the Food Industry, Editors: Joyce I. Boye and Samuel Godefroy; John Wiley & Sons Publishing Co. 2010, pp 3-32. (By invitation)
11. Pulido Olga M., Gillespie Z, and Godefroy SB. Chapter 4. The Canadian criteria for the establishment of new priority food allergens: evidences for the inclusion of mustard and insufficient evidences for garlic and onion as priority allergens in Canada. In Allergen Management in the Food Industry, Editors: Joyce I. Boye and Samuel Godefroy; John Wiley & Sons Publishing Co. 2010, pp 75-130. (By Invitation)
12. Pulido Olga M. , Gillespie Z, Zarkadas M, Dubois S, Vavasour E, Rashid M, Switzer C, Godefroy SB. Chapter 6. Introduction of oats in the diet of individuals with Celiac disease. A systematic review. Adv Food Nutr Res. 2009; 57:235-85 (By invitation).
13. Pulido OM. Domoic acid toxicologic pathology: a review. Marine Drugs. 2008 May 28; 6(2): 180-219.
14. Gill SS, Hou Y, Ghane T, Pulido OM. Regional susceptibility to domoic acid in primary astrocyte cells cultured from the brain stem and hippocampus. Marine Drugs. 2008 Feb 14; 6(1):25-38.
15. Gill S, Barker M, Pulido O. Neuroexcitatory targets in the female reproductive system of the nonhuman primate (Macaca fascicularis). Toxicol Pathol. 2008; 36(3):478-84.
16. Chu I, Bowers WJ, Caldwell D, Nakai J, Wade MG, Yagminas A, Li N, Moir D, El Abbas L, Håkansson H, Gill S, Mueller R, Pulido O. Toxicological effects of in utero and lactational exposure of rats to a mixture of environmental contaminants detected in Canadian Arctic human populations. J Toxicol Environ Health A. Jan; 71(2):93-108, 2008.
17. Gill S, Veinot J, Kavanagh M, Pulido O. Human heart glutamate receptors – implicationsfor toxicology, food safety, and drug discovery. Toxicol Pathol. 35(3):411-7, 2007.
18. Rashid M, Butzner D, Burrows V, Zarkadas M, Case S, Molloy M, Warren R, Pulido O, Switzer C. Consumption of pure oats by individuals with celiac disease: a position statement by the Canadian Celiac Association. Can J Gastroenterology. Oct; 21(10):649-51, 2007.
19. Morton D, Kemp RK, Francke-Carroll S, Jensen K, McCartney J, Monticello TM, Perry R, Pulido O, Roome N, Schafer K, Sellers R, Snyder PW. Best practices for reporting pathology interpretations within GLP toxicology studies. Toxicol Pathol.; 34(6):806-9, 2006.
20. Ih Chu, Wayne J. Bowers, Don Caldwell, Jamie Nakai, Olga Pulido, Al Yagminas, Michael G. Wade, David Moir, Santokh Gill, and Rudi Mueller. Toxicological Effects of Gestational and Lactational Exposure to a Mixture of Persistent Organochlorines in Rats: Systemic Effects. Toxicol. Sci. 88: 645-655, 2005.
21. Santokh Gill and Olga Pulido. Distribution of Glutamate Receptors in Peripheral Tissues. In Glutamate Receptors in Peripheral Tissues, S.Gill &O. Pulido (Eds), Kluwer Academic Plenum Press, NY, page 3-26, 2005
22. Olga Pulido, Don Caldwell, Meghan Murphy and Santokh Gill. Chapter 15. Practical Considerations in Assessing Immunhistopathology in Rodents and Nonhuman Primates. In Investigative Immunotoxicology, Helen Tryphonas et al (Eds), Tylor & Francis International, CRC press, USA, p 229, 2005.
23. Cooke G.M., Tryphonas H., Pulido O., Caldwell. D., Bondy G.S., Forsyth D. In utero and postnatal oral (gavage) exposure of Sprague-Dawley rats to low doses of tributyltin chloride. Part 1: Toxicology, Histopathology and Clinical Chemistry. Food and Chemical Toxicology Feb; 42(2):211-20, 2004
24. H. Tryphonas, G. Cooke, D. Caldwell, G. Bondy, M. Parenteau S. Hayward and O. Pulido. Oral (gavage), in utero and post-natal exposure of Sprague-Dawley rats to low doses of tributyltin chloride. Part II: Effects on the immune system. Food and Chemical Toxicology Feb; 42(2):221-35.2004.
25. WJ Bowers, JS. Nakai, I Chu, M Wade, D Moir, S Gill, R Mueller, O Pulido. Early developmental neurotoxicity of a PCB/organochlorine mixture in rodents after gestational and lactational exposure. Toxicol Sci.; 77(1):51-62. 2004.
26. Bowers, W.J., Nakai, J.S., Chu, I., Wade, M., Moir, D., Gill, S., Mueller, R., Pulido, O.Neurobehavioral toxicity of in utero and lactational exposure to a chemical mixture based on blood levels in Canadian Arctic populations. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 25:395, 2003
27. Gill, S., Murphy, M., Clausen, J., Richard, D., Quilliam, M. MacKinnon, S., LeBlanc, P. &Pulido O. Neural Injury Biomarkers of Novel Shellfish Toxins, Spirolides. A pilot study using immunochemical and transcriptional Analysis. Neurotoxicology 34: 593-604, 2003.