He is authors of more than 200 papers in the most important scientific international journals, where also he works as a editor and referee, focusing on isolation, separation and structural determination of natural products, including analytical aspects and analysis of commercial products.
He has been spent most of his life in developing countries for studying plants used in traditional medicine according to the project of WHO, focusing in particular on alkaloids in herbal remedies against malaria, on norlignans against prostatic hypertrophy, diterpenes from Chilean plants against patogenes. Recently, the activity was focused on the control of quality of botanicals, mainly by HPTLC analysis.
1) Chemical Separation Technique
2) Hydrobiologia
3) Plant Biosistematics
1) Dall’Acqua, S., Linardi, M.A., Maggi, F., Nicoletti, M., Petitto, V., Innocenti, G., Basso, G., Viola, G., Natural Daucane Sesquiterpenes With Antiproliferative And Proapoptotic Activity Against Human Tumor Cells, In press Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (2011)
2) Francesca R. Galloa*, Giuseppina Multaria, Elena Federicia,Giovanna Palazzinoa, Massimo Giambenedettia, Valentina Petittob,Ferruccio Polic and Marcello Nicolettib Chemical fingerprinting of Equisetum arvense L. using HPTLC densitometry and HPLC Natural Product Research Vol. 25, No. 13, August 2011, 1261–1270
3) Marcello Nicoletti Identification of Thiosildenafil in a Health Supplement Natural Product Communications 2011 Volume 6, Number 7 pp. 1003-1005
4) NICOLETTI M., VALENTINA PETITTO (2010). Contamination of herbal products determined by NMR fingerprint. NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH, vol. 24; p. 1325-1329, ISSN: 1478-6419
5) PETITTO V, SERAFINI M, GALLO FR, MULTARI G, NICOLETTI M. (2010). Alkaloids from Glaucium flavum from Sardinia. NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH, vol. 24; p. 1033-1035
6) MAGGI FILIPPO, NICOLETTI M., PETITO VALENTINA, SAGRATINI GIANNI, PAPA, FABRIZIO, VITTORI SANDRO (2011). Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) Analysis of six Italian Populations of Ephedra nebronensis Tineo subsb nebronensis. CHEMISTRY & BIODIVERSITY, vol. 8; p. 95-113
7) Nicoletti Marcello (2011) HPTLC fingerprint: a modern approach for the analytical determination of botanicals. Rev. bras. farmacogn. vol.21, no.5, p.818-823
8) Giuseppe Celenza, Bernardetta Segatore, Domenico Setacci, Pierangelo Bellio, Fabrizia Brisdelli, Marisa Piovano, Juan A. Garbarino, Marcello Nicoletti, Mariagrazia Perilli, Gianfranco Amicosante In vitro antimicrobial activity of pannarin alone and in combination with antibiotics against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus clinical isolates. In Phytomedicine 19, 596-602 (2012)
9) M.F. Cometa, S. Fortuna, G. Palazzino, M.T. Volpe, E.R. Salgado, M. Nicoletti, L. Tomassini Cholinesterase inhibiting Bisbenzylisoquinoline Alkaloids from Abuta grandifolia In Fitoterapia 83, 476-480 (2012)
10) Marcello Nicoletti, Oliviero Maccioni, Tuliana Ciocchetti, Susanna Mariani, Fabio Vitali Insecticides - Advances in Integrated Pest Management, ISBN 978-953-307-780-2, edited by Farzana Perveen "Neem Tree (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) as Source of Bioinsectides" http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/neem-tree-azadirachta-indica-a-juss-as-source-of-bioinsectides (2012)
11) F. R. Gallo, Giuseppina Multari, Elena Federici, Giovanna Palazzino, Marcello Nicoletti Valentina Petitto The modern analytical determination of Botanicals and similar novel natural products by the HPTLC Fingerprint approach In Studies in Natural Products Chemistry. Atta-ur-Rahman (Ed.). Elsevier 37, 217-258 (2012).
12) Marcello Nicoletti, Mauro Serafini, Susanna Mariani, Tuliana Ciocchetti, Kardaray Murugan Neem cake: chemical composition and larvicidal activity on Asian tiger mosquito In Parassitology Research 111 (1), 205-213 (2012)