Vaclav Ranc received his Ph.D. degree in analytical chemistry in 2009 from the Department of Analytical chemistry, Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic under a supervision of Prof. Karel Lemr. He was then employed at the Department of Analytical chemistry, Palacky University, Olomouc as an Assistant professor from 2008 to 2010. In 2011, he joined the team of prof. Rainer at the department of medicine at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland as a research scientist. He worked there from 2011-2012.He has been employed at the Regional center of advanced technologies and materials since 2012.His research activities are directed towards development of nano-sensors based on the utilization of Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy and electrochemistry, and synthesis of functionalized nanomaterials.Vaclav Ranc published 45 original papers, more than 30 conference presentations
1)Imaging of biological samples including cells and tissues using Raman spectroscopy and Atomic force microscopy
4)Analysis of drugs and metabolites using various analytical procedures
5)characterization of carbon and silica based nanomaterials using AFM and Raman
6)Functionalization of nanomaterials by proteins or oligonucleotides.
1)Balzerova, Anna; Fargasova, Ariana; Markova, Zdenka; Ranc, Vaclav; Zboril, Radek, Magnetically-Assisted Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (MA-SERS) for Label-Free Determination of Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG) in Blood Using Fe3O4@Ag Nanocomposite, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 86 22 pp11107-11114.
2)Ranc, Vaclav; Markova, Zdenka; Hajduch, Marian; Prucek, Robert; Kvitek, Libor; Kaslik, Josef; Safarova, Klara; Zboril, Radek; Hajduch, Marian, Magnetically Assisted Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Selective Determination of Dopamine in an Artificial Cerebrospinal Fluid and a Mouse Striatum Using Fe3O4/Ag Nanocomposite, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 86 6 pp2939-2946.
3)Ranc, Vaclav; Srovnal, Josef; Kvitek, Libor; Hajduch, Marian Hajduch, Marian, Discrimination of circulating tumor cells of breast cancer and colorectal cancer from normal human mononuclear cells using Raman spectroscopy, ANALYST 138 20 pp5983-5988.
4)Ranc, Vaclav; Petruzziello, Filomena; Kretz, Robert; Argandona, Enrike G.; Zhang, Xiaozhe; Rainer, Gregor Rainer,Broad characterization of endogenous peptides in the tree shrew visual system, JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS 75 9 pp2526-2535.
5)Ranc, Vaclav; Stanova, Andrea; Marak, Jozef; Maier, Vitezslav; Sevcik, Juraj; Kaniansky, Dusan, Preparative isotachophoresis with surface enhanced Raman scattering as a promising tool for clinical samples analysis, JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A, 1218 2 pp205-210