College of Health Sciences
Professor Rufus Adesoji Adedoyin is the Head, Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. He is a consultant cardiopulmonary Physiotherapist with the University’s Teaching Hospitals. He had his BMR, PT and M.Sc from the Obafemi Awolowo University, in 1992 and 1999 respectively. He holds his doctoral degree in exercise physiology from the same institution in 2006. He has served as Vice Dean as well as acting Dean of the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife between 2008 and 2011. His research and clinical interest is in the area of cardiopulmonary rehab, Exercise Science and physical activity & Environment. He is currently coordinating the cardiopulmonary Rehab and fitness unit of the Medical Rehabilitation Department, Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals complex. Prof. Adedoyin is the Chairman of the Nigeria Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy Specialty group. He is an erudite scholar with over eighty publications in peer-reviewed Journals. He has served as editor-in-Chief of Journal of the Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy; reviewer and contributor to several international journals including Respiratory Care Journal of American Association of Respiratory Care (AARC). He has served as visiting lecturer and external examiner to many institutions in Nigeria including the University of Ghana. Prof. Adedoyin is a recipient of International Fellowship award of the AARC in 2008. He was enlisted as an Emerging Leader by the World Heart Federation in 2015. Prof. Adedoyin has received several other awards including, International Association for the Study of Pain as the Best Presenter; Distinguished Physiotherapist of the year by the Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy, Distinguished Health Educator by the Great Nation Publication; distinguished alumus etc. He has also received many travel grants to several countries abroad such as USA, Scotland, Wales, Kenya and Ghana.
Research Interest:
Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation
Physical Activity
and Health Promotion
1.Adedoyin R.A.(1993): Sport Injuries Common Among Nigeria Youth Corpers During Orientation. Health Team Vol.1, No3; 18-19.
2.Adedoyin R.A. and Akinkunmi A.A.(1995): The Effect of Various Sporting Activities on the ankle joints. Journal of Physical Education and Research. Vol.2, No1;171-173.
3.Adedoyin R.A. and Awotidebe T.O. (1996): Pattern of Injuries Common Among Basket Ball Players. Journal of Physical Education and Research. Vol 2.No3; 221-223.
4.Adedoyin R.A. and Ojoawo O.A.(1997): Retrospective Study of Burns.- 3 years Incidence. Journal of Nigeria Medical Rehabilitation Therapist Board Vol.2 No.2; 57-58.
5.Olaogun M.O.B., Adedoyin R.A. and Oshunniyi A.O. (1997): Rehabilitation in Terminal Conditions. A case study on the role of physiotherapy; Journal of Nigeria Medical Rehab Therapists Board. 2 (3): 33 – 35.
6.Adedoyin R.A. and Adeyemi, I.I. (2001): Relative Therapeutic efficacy of Tension Therapy and Zinc Oxide lontophoresis in Management of indolent ulcer in a sickle cell patient: A clinical report. Journal of Nigeria Medical Rehabilitation Therapists Board.Vol 6 no. 2:46-49.
7.Adedoyin R.A., Opayinka, A.J. and Oladokun Z.O.(2002): Energy Expenditure During Ambulation with Elbow And Axillary Crutches in Stair Case Ambulation. Physiotherapy. Vol. 88, 1, 47-51.
8.Adedoyin R. A., Olaogun, M.O.B. and Fagbeja, O.O. (2002): Interferential Current Stimulation for the treatment of Osteoarthritis of the knee pain. Physiotherapy. 88, 8; 493-499.
9.Olaogun M.O.B, Oladimeji, B.Y, Adedoyin, R.A et al; (2002): Pattern of Present Musculoskeletal Pain in Selected Occupations. Journal of Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy Vol 14, 1.
10.Arigbabowo A. and Adedoyin R. A. (2002): Effect of two-selected postural drainage positions and percussion on healthy subjects. Journal of Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy Vol.14, 1: 9-15.
11.Olaogun, M.O.B., Adedoyin, R.A. and Anifaloba, R. O. (2003): Reliability and concurrent Validity of Visual Analogue Scale and Modified Verbal Rating Scale of Pain Assessment in Adults with knee Osteoarthritis in Nigeria. South African Journal of Physiotherapy. Vol.9, No.2: 12-15.
12.Adedoyin R.A, Olaogun M.O.B, Omojola F,(2003):Tension Therapy In Managing Pressure Sore. South African Journal of Physiotherapy. 59: (4);16-19.
13.Olaogun MOB, Adedoyin R.A, Ikem I.C, Anifaloba OR (2004): Reliability of rating low back pain with visual analogue scale and semantic differential scale. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 20: 135-142.
14.Erhabor G.E. Adedoyin R.A. Abayomi O, Obembe OA (2004): Evaluation of energy expenditure using three different exercise protocols in asthmatic subjects. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy Rehabilitation. 15 (2): 55-60.
15.Adedoyin RA, Olaogun MOB, Ukponmwan OE, Orafidiya O.O (2004): The effect of histamine iontophoresis on the heart rate and blood pressure of female subjects Afri. J. Med. Sci; 33:5-9.