Dr. Omar obtained his MD degree in 1977 from the Med Academy of Sofia, Bulgaria. He combined his residency training in Anatomic and Clinical pathology with graduate education in Experimental Pathology at SUNY-Downstate Med Center, NY, between 1978-1983 that culminated with a PhD degree in Experimental Pathology and Board certification in Pathology (AP/CP). Currently he is the Chief of Path & Lab Med Service at the VA Med Center & Professor of Path & Lab Medicine, University of Louisville, Ky, United States.
1. Heat Shock proteins in oxidative stress and carcinogenesis
2. Pathogenesis of Neurodegenerative Disease (Alzheimer's Disease)
3. Human Papilloma Virus infection in men; a follow up on landmark paper published on the subject in Urology, 1991 (see publications)
4. Cell (Tumor) Biology and Viral Oncogenesis
5. Diagnostic Molecular Pathology
6. Diagnostic Surgical Pathology (special interest in Hepatobiliary Pathology)
1. Omar RA and Lanks KW . Enhanced transformation of mouse embryo cells by SV40 virus following treatment with fibroblast growth factor. Europ J Cancer Oncol, 18:605-606, 1982.
2. Omar RA and Lanks KW. Origins of phenotypic variation in clones of mouse embryo cells and their SV40-transformants. Cancer Res, 43:1835-1841, 1983.
3. Omar RA. Phenotypic Characteristics and protein synthesis patterns in clones of mouse embryo cells and their SV40-transformants. Thesis toward PhD degree in Exp Pathology, 1983.
4. *Omar RA and Lanks KW . Heat shock protein synthesis and cell survival in clones of normal and SV40-transformed mouse embryo cells. Cancer Res, 44:3976-3982, 1984.
5. Stahl R, Omar R and Wormser G . Fungal stains in Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Ann Intern Med, 102:413, 1985(ltr).
6. Aleem F, Omar R and el-Tabbakh G . Immunoreactive B-endorphin in human ovaries. Fertil Steril, 45:507-511, 1986.
7. Omar RA, Davidian M, Marcus J and Rose J. Significance of the "maturtion" of metastasis from Wilms'tumor after therapy. J Surg Oncol, 33:239-242 , 1985.
8. Aleem F, el-Tabbakh G, Omar R and Southren L . Ovarian follicular fluid B-endorphin levels in normal and polycystic ovaries. Am J Obst Gynecol, 156:1197-1200, 1987.
9. Omar RA and el-Tabbakh G. Immunoreactive B-endorphin in ovarian sex cord-stromal tumors. Arch Pathol Lab Med, 111:436-439, 1987.
10. *Omar RA, Yano S and Kikkawa Y. Antioxidant enzymes and survival of normal and SV40-transformed mouse cells after hyperthermia. Cancer Res, 47:3473-3476 , 1987.
11. Omar RA. Back to basics: The language of medicine. Am J Surg Pathol, 12:326 , 1988(ltr).
12. Stackpole C, Omar R, Fornabaio D and Kim Y . Cytotoxic effect of RA233 on hypoxic B16 melanoma cells in Vitro. Cancer Lett, 42:127-131, 1988.
13. Omar RA, Nomikos J, Piccoreilli G, Savino J and Agarwal N . Prevention of postischemic lipid peroxidation and liver cell injury by iron chelation. Gut, 30:510-514, 1989.
14. Pappolla M, Omar R, Saran B, Suarez M, Pavia C, Weinstein A, Shank D, Davies K and Burgdorfer W . Concurrent neuro-borreliosis and Alzheimer's disease: Analysis of the evidence. Human Pathol, 20:753-757, 1989.
15. Pappolla M, Omar R, and Saran B . The "normal" brain: "Abnormal" ubiquitinilated deposits highlight an age-related protein change. Am J Pathol, 135:585-591, 1989.
16. Omar RA . Postischemic liver cell injury: Role of oxygen free radicals and their scavengers. Eur J Med Updating, 2:25-28, 1990.
17. Omar RA, Pappolla M and Saran B . Immunocytochemical detection of the70 kD heat shock protein in hepatocytes of alcoholic liver disease. Arch Pathol Lab Med, 114:589-592, 1990.
18. Omar RA, Pappolla M and Saran B . Heat shock protein response in alcoholic liver disease. Lab Med, 21:811-814, 1990.
19. Pappolla M, Omar R and Saran B, Fortunato L and Theodoropolous T . Heat shock proteins in dementia and degenerative nervous system disorders. Mental Illness Neurol Dis, 4:12-13, 1991.
20. Omar RA, Choudhury M, Fisher J and Ezpeleta C . A "Pap" test for men? Male urethral smears as a screening tool for detecting subclinical human Papillomavirus infection. Urology, 37:110-115, 1991.
21. Pappolla M, Omar R and Theodoropoulos T . Two distinct types of intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles highlighted by polarized light after silver impregnation with a modified Bielchowsky method. Arch Pathol Lab Med, 115:131-133, 1991.
22. Pappolla M, Omar R and Vinters H . Image analysis micro-spectroscopy shows that neurons are related to a subset of early primitive senile plaques. Am J Pathol, 139:599-607, 1991.
23. *Pappolla M, Omar R, Kim K and Robakis N. Immunohistochemical evidence of oxidative stress in Alzheimer's disease. Am J Pathol, 140:621-628 , 1992.
24. Omar H, Figuero R, Omar R, Tejani N and Wolin M . Hydrogen peroxide and reoxygenation cause prostaglandin-mediated contraction of human placental arteries and veins. Am J Obst Gynecol, 167:201-207, 1992.
25. Pappolla M, Omar R, Sambamurti K, Anderson J, Kim K and Robakis N. The genesis of senile plaque. Further evidence in support of its neuronal origin. Am J Pathol, 141:1151-1159 , 1992.
26. Omar H, Figueroa R, Omar R and Wolin M . Properties of an endogenous arachidonic acid-elicited relaxing mechanism in human placental vessels. Am J Obst Gynecol, 167:1064-1070, 1992.
27. Omar R, Pappolla M, Argani I and Davis K. Detection of acid phosphatase activity in senile plaques and CSF of Alzheimer's disease. Arch Pathol Lab Med, 117:166-169, 1993.