Michał Polguj is a Associate Professor in Department of Angiology, Medical University of Lodz. He published several papers in international magazines.
2010 - Rector of Medical University of Lodz Prize for scientific research III° - series articles describing variationes of limphatic vascularization of the lung and vascularization of the liver in human
2012 - Rector of Medical University of Lodz Prize for scientific research III° - series articles describing angioarchitecture of bovine spermatic cord and angioarchitecture of bovine tunica albuginea
2013 - Rector of Medical University of Lodz Prize for scientific research of I° - series articles describing anatomical factors that may predispose to neuropathy of suprascapular nerve formation
2014 - Rector of Medical University of Lodz Prize for scientific research of I° - series articles describing anatomical variations of structures at suprascapular region