Dr.Gunturkun is Associate Professor in Department of Electric–Electronic Engineering, Dumlupinar University.
1)Neural Networks
2)Electric-Electronic Engineering
1. TEMURTAÅž, F., GÜNTÜRKÜN, R., YUMUÅžAK, N., TEMURTAÅž, H., “Harmonic Detection Using Feed Forward and Recurrent Neural Networks For Active Filters”, Electric Power Systems Research 72(2004) 33–40, Elsevier B.V.
2. TEMURTAÅž, F., GÜNTÜRKÜN, R., YUMUÅžAK, N., TEMURTAÅž, H., ÜNSAL, A. “An Application of Elman’s Recurrent Neural Networks to Harmonic Detection”, Lecture Notes Computer Science, IEA/AIE 2004, LNAI 3029, pp. 1043-1052, 2004. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004.
3. TEMURTAÅž, F., YUMUÅžAK, N., GÜNTÜRKÜN, R , TEMURTAÅž, H., ÇEREZCÄ°, O., “Elman’s Recurrent Neural Networks Using Resilient Back Propagation for Harmonic Detection” C. Zhang, H.W. Guesgen, W.K. Yeap (Eds.): PRICAI 2004, LNAI(Lecture Notes Artificial Intelligent) 3157, pp. 422–428, 2004.© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004.
4. YUMUÅžAK, N., TEMURTAÅž, F., GÜNTÜRKÜN, R., “Harmonic Detection Using Neural Networks with Conjugate Gradient Algorithm” AIMSA 2004, LNAI((Lecture Notes Artificial Intelligent) 3192, pp. 304–311, 2004. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004.
5. GÜNTÜRKÜN, R., “Using Elman Recurrent Neural Networks with Conjugate Gradient Algorithm in Determining the Anesthetic the Amount of Anesthetic Medicine to Be Applied“, Journal of Medical Systems, DOI: 10.1007/s10916-9260-2, Published online . 12 February 2009
6. GÜNTÜRKÜN, R., “Determining the Amount of Anesthetic Medicine to Be Applied by Using Elman’s Recurrent Neural Networks via Resilient Back Propagation“, Journal of Medical Systems, DOI: 10.1007/s10916-009-92620, Published online, 21 February 2009
7. GÜNTÜRKÜN, R.,“Estimation of Medicine Amount Used Anesthesia by an Artificial Neural Network“,Journal of Medical Systems,DOI: 10.1007/s10916-009-9309-2
8 TOSUN, M., GUNTURKUN, R.,” Anesthetic gas control with neuro-fuzzy system in anesthesia”, Expert Systems with Applications 37 (2010) 2690–2695, Elsevier.
9. Tosun, M., Ferikoglu, A., Gunturkun, R., “Control of Sevoflurane Anesthetic Agent Via Neural Network Using Electroencephalogram Signals During Anesthesia”, JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SYSTEMS Volume: 36 Issue: 2 Pages: 451-456, APR 2012
10. M. Yilmaz, Z. Caldiran, A. R. Deniz, S. Aydogan, R. Gunturkun & A. Turut” Preparation and characterization of sol–gel-derived n-ZnO thin film for Schottky diode application”, Applied Physich A Materials Science & Processing, ISSN 0947-8396 DOI 10.1007/s00339-015-8987-5, Springer
11. Mehmet Yilmaz, Demet Tatar, Erdal Sonmez, Cagri Cirak, Sakir Aydogan & Rustu Gunturkun,” Investigation of Structural, Morphological, Optical, and Electrical Properties of Al Doped ZnO Thin Films Via Spin Coating Technique”, Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry (2016) 46, 489–494 Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 1553-3174 print / 1553-3182 online DOI: 10.1080/15533174.2014.988795
12. RuÅŸtu GUNTURKUN, Åžukru KÄ°TÄ°Åž, Hasbi APAYDIN, “HYBRID VEHICLE DESIGN FOR DISABLED AND ITS CONTROL”, Journal of ultidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST), ISSN: 3159-0040, Vol. 1 Issue 3, October - 2014
13. RüÅŸtü GÜNTÜRKÜN, N.ÇaÄŸatay ÜSTÜNDAÄž, Bünyamin KAYA and Burcu DEMÄ°RELLÄ°, “Digital Technology Use Instead of Hardcopies During Pre-Assembly Operation of Wiring Harness Production”, International Journal of Electronics and Modern Technology May 2015, Vol-01, Issue-03, pp.:1-6, © Carthage Science Publishing www.cs-publishing.com
14. RüÅŸtü Güntürkün, Hasbi Apaydın, Åžükrü KitiÅŸ, Veysel GöÄŸebakan,” THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A VEST MADE FOR VISUALLY HANDICAPPED WHICH RECOGNIZES THE OBSTACLES AND DETERMINES THE DIRECTION”, Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 2, (Part - 4) February 2016, pp.59- 62, www.ijera.com