Dr.Zeba Jaffer Abidi is working as Senior Scientist in Division of Fisheries Resources,Harvest& Post-harvest Management. Central Institute of Fisheries Education Seven Bungalows, Versova,Mumbai, India, Zeba completed Post-Doctoral fellow in Dept .of Ocean Development at CIFE Mumbai (January 1986 -September1988}: Hydro-biological studies of Thana and Bassein Creek of Bombay with special reference to Highest Degree pollution and fisheries.Zeba has Good number of Publications.
1)Fresh water
3)Marine waters
1)Tilak Raj, Jaffer, Z and Jain, S. (1988) Studies on the pectoral and pelvic girdle of Salmostoma and Chela (Subfam, Cultrinae, Cyprinidae) in relation to taxonomy, Zool, Anz. Jena East Germany 2114 (1988) 1/2:203-208.
2)Jaffer, Z and Raj, Tilak (1991): Studies on the pelvic girdle of a few Indian representatives of the subfamilies Rasborinae (Cyprinidae) - Adaptation and taxonomy in relation to phylogeny-World Fisheries Congress, American Fisheries, Society- ethesdon MD USA pl-29+p15.
3)Tilak, R, ZebaJaffer and A.Hussain (1984): Systematic status of Bariliusbendelisis H a m i l t o n (Cyprinidae: Pisces) Rec. Zool, Surv., India 81(3+4): 279-290.
4)Jaffer, Z and Selvakumar, A (1988), Hydrographic study and fish catch composition off Bombay to Ratnagiri coast. J. Ind. Fish, Assoc. (Vol. 18; 499-510).
5)Tilak, R and Ja ff er, Z (1991): On secondary sexual di ff erences in the pectoral girdle of Bariliusbendelises Hamilton (Cyprindaepisces) Indian, J. Forest 5(2): 149-157. Sherry, P.M. and Zeba Jaffer Abidi (2002): Erythrocytic and leucocyticresponses Science Congress,Lucknow Abs. No. 171.
6)Sherry, P.M. and Zeba Ja ffer Abidi (2000); Biochemical alterations in liver and intestine of common murrel fish Channa punctatus after lead exposure. Fish Health Management and Sustainable Aquaculture G.B. Pant nagar University Vol. iiiI, Pp 1-6.
7)Khan, H.A. and Zeba Jaffer Abidi (1998): Allozymic and Cytological investigations in threatened cyprinid fishes, a review Mountain meet 1998, international symposium on Environmental Management in Mountainous regions Pp. 20-23.
8)Abidi, Z.J. and H.A. Khan (1994): Role of protein sparing nutrients and protein substitutes in feed formulation for Culturable carps and overview. J. Ind. Fish Assoc.Vol.22 .Pp-64-78.
9)Khan, H.A. and ZebaJafferAbidi (1994): Indian trout Raimas bola (Ham) an endangered species needs protection. Netcom publication 5:176-179.
10)Abidi, Zeba Ja ff er (1991): Use of Dermosphenotic bone in the systematics of subfamilies Rasborinae and Cultrinae (family cyprinidae) Abstract Proc. in 79th India Science Congress; Baroda.
11)Khan, H.A. and Z.J. Abidi (1994): Nutritional requirements of culturable carps-a review-Fishing chimes. Pp 11-20.
12)Khan, H.A., M. Shahid Siddiqui and Z.J. Abidi (1994): Study of phenomenon of growth compensation in Indian Cyprinids from different environments.Ind. Fish.Assoc.Vol. 24,Pp.13-15.
16)A b i d i , Z e b a J a ff e r a n d H . A . K h a n ( 1 9 9 1 ) : M a t s y a Pa l a n M e i n Ph e r o m o n e s k a Mahatva. Proceeding AkhilBhartiya Hindi seminar held at CIFE, Mumbai 18-19th Dec. 1991,Pp. 33-42.
17)Khan, H.A. and Z.J. Abidi and P.M. Sherry (1994): A Socio-economic survey of Fishermen Communities engaged in Fish trade in and around Lucknow Aquacrops. Pp. 125
18)Sherry. P.M. and Zeba Jaffer Abidi (2000): Bhari Dhatu Seesa (lead) Channa punctatus keyakrat Evam Aant Mein Jav-Rasainik Parivartan-Ek Adhyan/Matsya Evum Parivesh National seminar CIFE, Mumbai.
19)Jaffer, Z and R. Tewari 91987): Jheenga Samvardhan Ek NaiAsha, Yojana New Delhi, Jan. Pp. 30-21.
20)Jaffer, Z (1987) : Gramin Vikas Mein, Machli Palanka yogdan, Yojana, (1987) July 16-31, Pp. 27-29.