Atlanta Area School for the Deaf, Atlanta, GA: Audiologist Assistant and Interpreter, Hired as first teacher to bring American Sign language course and methods to kindergarten and first grade classrooms of fully hearing impaired students, 1977 – 1980 New York Telephone Company,NCY, NY: Corporate Wellness Program Director, Designed, advertised and implemented corporate wellness program for company management and staff with focus on aerobics and strength training classes, smoking cessation classes, and nutrition education classes. 1980 – 1988School Board of Broward County, Florida:Chairperson, Nutrition Subcommittee, Convened committee of 60 administrators, educators, parents, community volunteers and dietitians to evaluate and implement changes to school food service to make food offerings: a) more palatable and better accepted by students to reduce plate waste; and b) higher in fiber and lower in fat and sodium, Provide nutrition lectures to teachers and elementary school students. 1990 – 1991University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center, Miami, FL: Nutrition and Metabolic Support Dietitian, clinical practitioner on nutrition and metabolic support team consisting of trauma surgeons, gastroenterologists, advanced practice nurses and pharmacists. Provided direct care to trauma and critical care patients for enteral and parenteral support; participated in daily trauma, burn and surgical intensive rounds; conducted nutrition focused physical exams; conducted nutrition assessment; assess biochemical lab values; wrote orders for enteral and parenteral support; created and directed nutrition support journal club; wrote annual protocols for enteral and parenteral support in intensive care units; conducted outcomes research with patients in trauma and surgical intensive care units. 1991 – 1997Florida International University, Miami, Florida: Graduate Teaching Assistant, Food Science Course & Lab, Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, Design and conduct food science experiments for lab portion of course, Teach students food lab methods, Teach sensory and objective assessment of food quality, Set up and perform taste testing with students, 1998–1999Florida International University, Miami, Florida: Graduate Research Associate, National Policy and Resource Center on Nutrition and Aging, Primary Responsibilities: Write interpretative guidelines for Title IIIC to be posted on “Ask the Expert” webpage, Provide nutrition resources to State Units on Aging and Area Agencies on Aging, Contribute to White Papers for Administration on Aging, Create and maintain database for Center projects, Mentor undergraduate students, 1999 – 2001
Nutrition and Dietetics
1) Silver HJ. The Effect of Menu Change, Nutrition Education, and Marketing on Plate Waste in Elementary Schools. Master’s Thesis, Florida International University. 1991 2) Silver HJ. Nutritional Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy. J Am Diet Assoc. 1993;12:1381-82. 1995
3) Silver HJ. A Case Report in Enteral Nutrition: Immuno-Nutrition in Trauma Intensive Care. Stud Doctor. 1998;19:14-16. 1998
4) Silver HJ. Potential Adverse Effects of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids. Support Line. 1998; 20:3-7. 1998
5) Silver HJ, Castellanos VH. Nutritional Complications and Management Of Intestinal Transplant. J Am Diet Assoc. 2000;100:680-689. (selected as Continuing Education article) 2000
6) Silver HJ. Stressors, Mediators, and Health Care Outcomes of Home Enteral Nutrition in Family Caregivers and Their Older Adult Care Recipients. Dissertation. Florida International University. 2001
7) Silver HJ, Wellman NS. Family Caregiver Training Is Needed To Improve Outcomes Of Home Care Technologies In Older Adults. J Am Diet Assoc. 2002;102:831-836. 2002
8) Silver HJ, Wellman NS. Nutrition Education May Reduce Burden in Family Caregivers of Older Adults. J Nutr Ed Behav. 2002;34:S53-S58. 2002
9) Castellanos VH, Silver HJ, Gallagher-Allred C, Smith T. Nutrition Issues in Home, Community, and Long-term Care. Nutr Clin Pract. 2003;18:21-36. 2003
10) Silver HJ, Wellman NS. Nutrition diagnosing and order writing: Value for practitioners, quality for clients. J Am Diet Assoc 2003;103:1470-1472. 2003
11) Silver HJ, Wellman NS, Galindo-Ciocon D, Johnson P. Family Caregivers of Older Adults on Home Enteral Nutrition Have Multiple Unmet Task-Related Training Needs and Low Overall Preparedness for Caregiving. J Am Diet Assoc 2004;104:43-50. (selected as Continuing Education article) 2004
12) Silver HJ, Wellman NS, Arnold DJ, Livingstone AS, Byers PM. Older Adults on Home Enteral Nutrition: Enteral Regimen, Provider Involvement, and Health Care Outcomes. J Parenter Enteral Nutr March 2004;28:92-98. (selected as Continuing Education article) 2004
13) Silver HJ, The Lived Experience of Home Total Parenteral Nutrition: An Online Qualitative Inquiry with Adults, Children, and Mothers. Nutr Clin Prac 2004;19:297-304. 2004
14) Silver HJ. Nutrition-related needs of Informal Caregivers. Generations: Special Issue on Nutrition and Aging. 2004;28(3):61-64. (Invited) 2004
15) Jensen GL, Silver HJ, Roy MA, et al. Obesity is a Risk Factor for Reporting Homebound Status Among Community Dwelling Older Persons. Obes Res. 2006;14(3):509-517. 2006
16) Silver HJ, Callahan E, Jensen GL. Nutrition Support of the Adult Cancer Patient. In: Heber, Blackburn, Go, Milner, eds. Nutritional Oncology. 2nd ed. Elsevier, Inc: 2006; 679-693. 2006
17) Silver HJ, Torquati A, Jensen GL, Richards WO. Weight, Dietary, and Physical Activity Behaviors of Post Obese Adults Two Years After Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass. Obes Surg. 2006;16:859-864. 2006
18) Silver HJ, Dietrich M, Murphy BA. Changes in Body Mass, Energy Balance, Physical Function and Inflammatory State in Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer Patients Treated with Concurrent Chemoradiaton after Low Dose Induction Chemotherapy. Head & Neck. 2007; April 2 epub. 2007
19) Tanumihardjo SA, Anderson C, Horwitz KM, Bode L, Emenaker NJ, Haqq A, Satia JA, Silver HJ, Stadler D. Poverty, Obesity and Malnutrition: An International Perspective Recognizing the Paradox. J Am Diet Assoc. 2007;107:1966-72. 2007
1) Full Academic Achievement Scholarship, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1973 - 1977
2) Graduated Cum Laude, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1977
3) American Jewish Women’s Association Academic Scholarship, 1989 - 1991
4) Leopold Schepp Foundation Academic Scholarship, 1989 – 1991
5) Phi Kappa Phi, Honorary Member, 1989 – 1991
6) Graduated Cum Laude, Florida International University, 1991
7) Phi Kappa Phi, Honorary Member, 1998
8)First Place, Graduate Student Association Scholarly Competition, 1999
9) Outstanding Doctoral Scholarship Award, Florida International University, 2001
10) Doctoral Recognition Award of the Year, Florida International University, 2001
1) NIH, National Institute on Aging, Summer Research Institute, 2003
2) Dannon Institute, Nutrition Leadership Institute, 2003
3) Marquis Who’s Who in America, 2004
4) Vanderbilt-Ingram Comprehensive Cancer Center, Membership, 2005
5) Vanderbilt Diabetes Training and Research Center, Membership, 2007
6) Visiting Nurse Association Geriatric Home Care Practice Board, 2007
7) Vanderbilt Lipid Club, Membership, 2008
8) Vanderbilt Institute for Obesity and Metabolism, Membership, 2009
9) Vanderbilt School of Nursing global Health Advisory Taskforce, 2010