Clinical and Research Investigator (Doctor of Dental Surgery) at Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Neurosciences and Sense Organs, School of Medicine - University of Bari ALDO MORO. Master of Science (M.Sc) in Orthognathodontics (University of Foggia, Italy) and Sexuality medicine (University of Bari ALDO MORO, Italy). Post Graduate in Epidemiological Methodology, Bioethics, and Culture and Quality Management (University of Bari ALDO MORO, Italy). Laboratory Head at Department of Dental Sciences and Surgery. Scientific research activity in Dentistry, Sexual Transmitted Diseases, Medical Genetics, Clinical Biochemistry, Dermatology, Immunology, Microbiology, Preventive Medicine, Maxillofacial Surgery, Biotechnology, Occupational Medicine, Dental Hygiene. The research interests are focused on: stem cells from oral and extra-oral tissues, regenerative therapies in dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, biomimetic scaffolds, genetic disorders with and without oral and maxillofacial features, genetics of periodontal disease and its correlation with systemic diseases and pregnancy, genotoxicity, cytogenetic, implant dentistry, orthodontics, and Laser Technology and Therapy. Author of scientific papers on National and International Journals with Impact factor. Invited reviewer, Lead Guest Editor, Past-AssociateEditor and Editorial Board Member in International Journals. In 2015 Principal Investigator (PI) in the INNBIORESTM RESEARCH INCENTIVE AWARD, founded from “Innovative-Biological-Research”. Participant in European Research Projects Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP)- FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IAPP “LUSTRE”- Ultra-fast Laser Surfacing of Teeth for Resistance to Erosion. (grant from 2014-01-01 to 2017-12-31- submission phase- Project reference: 324538). Participant in Research Projects of National interest on Stem Cells isolation, differentiation and clinical application, funded by the Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research (MIUR) (grant 2002 for the biennium 2002-2004, grant 2005 for the biennium 2005-2007, grant 2007 for the biennium 2008-2010, grant 2009 for the biennium 2011-2013). Participant in various Research Projects founded from University of Bari ALDO MORO and Local Foundation (Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Puglia). Winner “Sant’Apollonia Award” from ANDI (Italian Dental National Association) in year 2005 for the best clinical and scientific report in Dental Sciences. Speaker in National and International courses and conferences
stem cells from oral and extra-oral tissues, regenerative therapies in dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, biomimetic scaffolds, genetic disorders with and without oral and maxillofacial features, genetics of periodontal disease and its correlation with systemic diseases and pregnancy, genotoxicity, cytogenetic, implant dentistry, orthodontics, and Laser Technology and Therapy
Author in Book Chapter
Bone Regeneration , Book edited by: Prof. Dr. Haim Tal - Chapter n.5 (pp 87-100) dal Titolo”Tissue engineering in maxillar sinus lifting: a comparation of different grafts and confocal laser scanning microscopic evaluation.”AUTHORS: A. Ballini, M. Scivetti, S. Cantore, B. Rapone, G. Favia and F.R. Grassi . Publisher: InTech - ISBN 978-953-51-0487-2 - InTech - Open Access Publisher © 2004 - 2012
Manuale di ChirurgiaOraleSICOI - SocietàItaliana di ChirurgiaOraleedImplantologiaChapter 12 • “Surgical techniques for orthodontics” (Frenectomy in oral surgery). Autore F.R. Grassi, with the collaboration of A. Ballini, S. Cantore. p. 528-541 . Editore ElsevierMasson Italia. Ottobre 2011 Pagine: 944 - ISBN: 9788821425226
1. Ballini A, F. Mastrangelo, G. Gastaldi, L. Tettamanti, N. Bukvic, S. Cantore, T. Cocco, R. Saini, A. Desiate, E. Gherlone, S. Scacco (2015). Osteogenic Differentiation And Gene Expression Of Dental Pulp Stem Cells Under Low-Level Laser Irradiation: A Good Promise For Tissue Engineering. J BiolRegulHomeost Agents. 2015 Oct-Dec;29(4):913-22
2. A Ballini,S. Cantore, D. Farronato, N. Cirulli, F. Inchingolo, F. Papa, G. Malcangi, AD Inchingolo, G. Dipalma, N. Sardaro, R. Lippolis, L. Santacroce, FM Coscia, F. Pettini, D. de Vito, S. Scacco. Periodontal Disease and Bone Pathogenesis: The Crosstalk Between Cytokines and PorphyromonasGingivalis. J BiolRegulHomeost Agents. 2015 Apr-Jun;29(2):273-81
3. F. Pettini,M. Savino, M. Corsalini, S. Cantore, A. Ballini. Cytogenetic genotoxic investigation in peripheral blood lymphocytes of subjects with dental composite restorative fillings materials. Journal Of BiologicalRegulators&Homeostatic Agents. 2015 Jan-Mar;29(1):229-33.
4. Cantore S,A. Ballini, D. Farronato, G. Malcangi, G. Dipalma, F. Assandri, U. Garagiola, F. Pettini, F. Inchingolo,De Vito D, N. Cirulli. Evaluation of an Oral Appliance in Patients with mild to moderate OSAS intolerant to CPAP use: our experience. International Journal Of Immunopathology And Pharmacology. 2015 Dec 18. pii: 0394632015590949. pp 1-7 [Epub ahead of print]
5. Crincoli V, Ballini A, M. Di Comite, L. Tettamanti, M.F. Coscia, F. Mastrangelo, D. De Vito (2015). Microbiological investigation of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: preliminary results. BiolRegulHomeost Agents. 2015 Oct-Dec;29(4):977-83
6. N. Cirulli, A. Ballini, S. Cantore, D. Farronato, F. Inchingolo, G. Dipalma, M.R. Gatto, G. Alessandri Bonetti. Mixed Dentition Space Analysis for a Southern Italian Population: new regression equations for unerupted teeth. J BiolRegulHomeost Agents. 2015 Apr-Jun;29(2):515-20
7. F. Pettini, A. Ballini, S. Capodiferro, S. Cantore, N. Cirulli , A. Garofalo, M.F. Coscia, D. De Vito, C. Foti. Management of oral pemphigus vulgaris: a case report and a clinical update. European Journal Of Inflammation.April 2015 13: 53-57.
8. Cantore S.Ballini A., Saini R. Sedation of Uncooperative Pediatric Dental Patients.-Int. J Experiment Dent Sci. 2015,Jan-Jun; 4(1): 29-32.
9. M.F. Coscia, R. Monno, Ballini A, R. Mirgaldi, G. Dipalma, F. Pettini, V. Cristallo, F. Inchingolo, C. Foti, D. de Vito (2015). Human papilloma virus (HPV) genotypes prevalence in a Region of South Italy. AnnIst Super Sanità 2015, vol. 51, p. 248-251, ISSN: 0021-2571
10. A. Di Benedetto, G. Brunetti, F. Posa, A. Ballini, F.R. Grassi, G. Colaianni, S. Colucci, E. Rossi , E. A. Cavalcanti-Adams, L. Lo Muzio, M. Grano, G. Mori. Osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells from dental bud: Role of integrins and cadherins. Stem Cell Res. 2015 Sep 30;15(3):618-628
11. Prejbeanu R, Vermesan D, Crainiceanu Z, Nitescu S, Lazureanu V, Florescu S, Balanescu A, Inchingolo F, Ballini A, Cagiano R, Caprio M, Potenza MA, Abbinante A, Dipalma G, Haragus H.Carpal tunnel release: transverse or longitudinallimited-incisions?Clin Ter. 2015 May-Jun;166(3):e158-64.
12. Foti C, Romita P, Rigano L, Zimerson E, Sicilia M, Ballini A,Ghizzoni O, Antelmi A, Angelini G, Bonamonte D, Bruze M.Isobornylacrylate: an impurity in alkylglucosides.CutanOculToxicol. 2015 Jun 22:1-5.
13. M. Di Comite, V. Crincoli, L. Fatone, A. Ballini, G. Mori, B. Rapone, A. Boccaccio, C. Pappalettere, F. R. Grassi, A. Favia.Quantitative Analysis of Defects at the Dentin-Post Space in Endodontically Treated Teeth. Materials 2015, 8(6), 3268-3283; doi:10.3390/ma8063268
14. F. Inchingolo, A. Ballini, S. A. Mura, D. Farronato, N. Cirulli, F. Pettini,E. Gheno, D. Vermesan, P. Pederzoli, G. Resta, M. Caprio, F. Muollo, G. Marinelli, A. D. Inchingolo, G. Malcangi, S. Cantore, M. Del Corso, M. Debenedittis, A. M. Inchingolo, M. Serafini, S. Diteodoro, F. Schinco, R. Cagiano, D. De Vito, R. Cortelazzi and G. Dipalma. Use of Platelet rich fibrin and Bio-Oss/Sint-oss for implant-prosthetic rehabilitation in maxillary sinus atrophy with sinus pathology. A 48 months follow-up. European Journal of Inflammation. April 2015 13: 58-65
15. Inchingolo F, Ballini A, Cagiano R, Inchingolo AD, Serafini M, De Benedittis M, Cortelazzi R, Tatullo M, Marrelli M, Inchingolo AM, Vermesan D, Del Corso M, Malcangi G, Diteodoro S, Mura SA, Cantore S, Cortelazzi A, Paduanelli G, Resta G, Muollo F, Cirulli N, Pettini F, Farronato D, De Vito D, Caprio M, Haragus H, Dipalma G. Immediatelyloadeddentalimplantsbioactivated with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) placed in maxillary and mandibularregion.Clin Ter. 2015 May-Jun;166(3):e146-52.
16. Cantore S, Mirgaldi R, Ballini A, M.F. Coscia, S Scacco, F Papa, F Inchingolo, G Dipalma, D De Vito. Cytokine gene polymorphisms associate with microbiological agents in periodontal disease: our experience-Int. J. Med. Sci. 2014; 11(7): 674-679. doi:10.7150/ijms.6962
17. Ballini A, Cantore S., Desiate A. Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia: A Genetic Disorder with Oral Manifestations. Int. J Experiment Dent Sci. 2014.3(1) 49-52. DOI : 10.5005/jp-journals-10029-1069
18. Carlino P, Pettini F, Cantore S, Ballini A, Grassi FR, Pepe V. Surgical and Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Combination Syndrome. Case Reports in Dentistry .Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 186213, 4 pages
19. De Vito D, Jirillo E, Ballini A,Mastrorillo G. Administration of an Autogenous Vaccine in Patients with Chronic Bacterial Osteomyelitis. Immunology and Infectious Diseases 2(1): 9-11, 2014 DOI: 10.13189/iid.2014.020
20. Ballini A,Desiate A, Cantore S. “In vitro Comparison between Two Different Implant Titanium Surfaces in Osseointegration Process”. Int. J Experiment Dent Sci. 2012.1(2) 84-88. DOI :10.5005/jp-journals-10029-1021
21. A. Ballini, S. Cantore, L. Fatone, V. Montenegro, D. De Vito, F. Pettini, V. Crincoli, A. Antelmi, P. Romita, B. Rapone, G. Miniello, L Perillo, FR Grassi, C. Foti "Transmission of non-viralsexuallytransmittedinfections and oral sex"Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2012 Feb;9(2):372-84. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2011.02515.x. Epub 2011 Oct 24
22. Grassi FR, Pappalettere C, Di Comite M, Corsalini M, Mori G, Ballini A, Crincoli V, Pettini F, Rapone B, Boccaccio A. Effect of Different Irrigating Solutions and Endodontic Sealers on Bond Strength of the Dentin - Post Interface with and without Defects. Int J Med Sci. 2012;9(8):642-54. doi: 10.7150/ijms.4998. Epub 2012 Sep 24
23. Mori G, Ballini A, Carbone C, Oranger A, Brunetti G, Di Benedetto A, Rapone B, Cantore S, Di Comite M, Colucci S, Grano M, Grassi FR. "Osteogenic differentiation of dental follicle stem cells.” Int J Med Sci. 2012;9(6):480-7. Epub 2012 Aug 13.
24. Boccaccio A, Ballini A, Pappalettere C, Tullo D, Cantore S, Desiate A. “Finite Element Method (Fem), Mechanobiology And BiomimeticScaffolds In Bone TissueEngineering”. Int J BiolSci. 2011 Jan 26;7(1):112-32.