In 1981, I received the degree of B. Sc. in Chemical Engineering, from the University of California at Los Angeles, (UCLA) (1981). In 1992, I obtained the degree of M. Sc. in Chemical Science from Budapest Technical University (BTU). In 1998, I finished the Ph. D. (Candidate) in Chemical Science, from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest with a summa cum laude honor.
In 1999, I started working, as a researcher ,at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Chemical Research Center, Department of Surface Modification and Corrosion Science. Since 2005, I work as a senior research fellow at the Functional Interfaces Group, Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
National American Society of Corrosion Engineers (NACE), USA, member since 1991.
American Society of Chemical Engineers (A.S.Ch.E), USA, member since 1990.
Hungarian Chemical Society (MKE), member since 1992.
Hungarian Corrosion Society, member since 1992.
International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), member since 19993.
Libyan National Science Society, member since 1983.
Surface Analysis Society of Japan, member since 2000
Nanosensors and biosensors.
Quartz crystal microbalance techniques (QCM, EQCM, QCM-D).
Electrochemistry of corrosion.
Copper corrosion and its mechanisms.
Corrosion prevention using inhibitors.
Electrochemical methods.
Surface analytical techniques (AFM, STM, ESEM, etc).
G. Ezznaydy, A. Shaban, J. Telegdi, B. Ouaki, S. El Hajjaji: Inhibition of copper corrosion in saline solution by mono-hydroxamic acid. Journal of Materials and Environmental Science 06/2015; 6(7):1819-1823.
Jelena NakomÄić, Gyöngyi Vastag, Abdul Shaban, Lajos Nyikos: Effect of Thiazole Derivatives on Copper Corrosion in Acidic Sulphate Solution. International journal of electrochemical science 05/2015; 10(7):5365-5381.
T. RigoÌ, A. MikoÌ, J. Telegdi, M. Lakatos-VarsaÌnyi, A. Shaban, E. KaÌlmaÌn: Inhibition Effect of Hydroxamic and Phosphonic Acids Langmuir-Blodgett Films on Iron Corrosion in Sodium Perchlorate Solution. Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 08/2005; 8(10):B51-B54.
I. Lukovits, A. Shaban, E. Kálmán: Thiosemicarbazides and thiosemicarbazones: Non-linear quantitative structure-efficiency model of corrosion inhibition. Electrochimica Acta 07/2005; 50(20):4128-4133. DOI:10.1016/j.electacta.2005.01.029
E. SzÅ‘cs, Gy. Vastag, A. Shaban, E. Kálmán: Electrochemical behaviour of an inhibitor film formed on copper surface. Corrosion Science 04/2005; 47(4):893-908. DOI:10.1016/j.corsci.2004.06.029
I. Lukovits, A. Shaban, E. Kálmán: Corrosion inhibitors: quantitative structure-activity Relationship. Elektrokhimiya 05/2003; 39(2):197-202.
I. Lukovits, A. Shaban, E. Kálmán: Corrosion Inhibitors: Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationships. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry 02/2003; 39(2):177-181. DOI:10.1023/A:1022313126231
Vastag Gy, SzÅ‘cs E., Shaban A., Kálmán E.: Tiazol származékok mint rézkorróziós inhibitorok savas közegben. Korrozios Figyelo 01/2002; 42(6):192-198.
Gy. Vastag, E. Szöcs, A. Shaban, E. Kálmán: New Inhibitors for Copper Corrosion. Pure and Applied Chemistry 12/2001; 73(12):1861-1869.
Gy. Vastag, E. Szöcs, A. Shaban, E. Kálmán: New inhibitors for copper corrosion. Pure and Applied Chemistry 12/2001; 73(12):1861-1869. DOI:10.1351/pac200173121861
J Telegdi, M. M Shaglouf, A. Shaban, F. H Kármán, I Betróti, M Mohai, E Kálmán: Influence of cations on the corrosion inhibition efficiency of aminophosphonic acid. Electrochimica Acta 08/2001; 46(24):3791-3799. DOI:10.1016/S0013-4686(01)00666-1
Gy Vastag, E SzÅ‘cs, A Shaban, I Bertóti, K Popov-Pergal, E Kálmán: Adsorption and corrosion protection behavior of thiazole derivatives on copper surfaces. Solid State Ionics 05/2001; 141(1):87-91. DOI:10.1016/S0167-2738(01)00725-1
J Telegdi, A. Shaban, E Kálmán: EQCM study of copper and iron corrosion inhibition in presence of organic inhibitors and biocides. Electrochimica Acta 07/2000; 45(22):3639-3647. DOI:10.1016/S0013-4686(00)00447-3
G Vastag, E Szocs, A Shaban, G Konczos, E Kalman: Investigation of 5-mercapto-1-phenyl-tetrazole inhibition properties by using EQCM and EC-STM techniques. 03/2000; 106(3):110-117.
Gyöngyi Vastag, Edit SzÅ‘cs, Abdul Shaban, Géza Konczos, Erika Kálmán: 5-merkapto-1-tetrazol inhibitorhatásának vizsgálata elektrogravimetriás és pásztázó alagútmikroszkópos módszerekkel. Magyar Kemiai Folyoirat 03/2000; 106(3):110-117.
Vastag Gyöngyi, SzÅ‘cs Edit, Abdul Shaban, Konczos Géza, Kálmán Erika: 5-merkapto-1-fenil-tetrazol inhibitorhatásának vizsgálata elektrogravimetriás és pásztázó alagútmikroszkópos módszerekkel.. Magyar Kemiai Folyoirat 01/2000; 106(3):110-117.
E. Szocs, Gy. Vastag, A. Shaban, G. Konczos, E. Kálmán: Investigation of copper corrosion inhibition by STM and EQCM techniques. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 10/1999; 29(11):1339-1345. DOI:10.1023/A:1003869715760
A. Shaban, E. Kálmán, J. Telegdi: Inhibition of copper corrosion in chloride solution by benzo-hydroxamic acids. Electrochimica Acta 12/1998; 43(1):159-163. DOI:10.1016/S0013-4686(97)00244-2
István Lukovits, Imre Bakó, Abdul Shaban, Erika Kálmán: Polynomial model of the inhibition mechanism of thiourea derivatives. Electrochimica Acta 12/1998; 43(1):131-136. DOI:10.1016/S0013-4686(97)00241-7
A. Shaban, E. Kálmán, J. Telegdi, G. Pálinkás, Gy. Dóra: Corrosion and inhibition of copper in different electrolyte solutions. Applied Physics A 03/1998; 66:S545-S549. DOI:10.1007/s003390051199
J. Telegdi, A. Shaban, J. Beczner, Zs. Keresztes, Erika Kálmán: Biofilm Formation Controlled by Quartz Crystal Nanobalance. Materials Science Forum 01/1998; 289-292:77-82. DOI:10.4028/
Abdul Shaban, Kálmán Erika, Telegdi Judit: A rézkorrózió inhibíciója benzhidroxámsav-származékokkal vizes nátrium-klorid-oldatban.. Magyar Kemiai Folyoirat 12/1997; 103(12):572-575.
E. Kalman, B. Varhegyi, I. Felhosi, I. Bako, G. Palinkas, FH. Karman, A. Shaban: Corrosion inhibition by 1-hydroxy-ethane-1,1-diphosphonic acid. An electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study. Magyar Kemiai Folyoirat 04/1996; 102(4):211-216.
A.Shaban, S. Alexandere, J. Telegdi, E. Kálmán: Examination of protective films formed on Cu by organic compounds.Esame del film protettivo di composti organici su rame.
E. Kálmán, B. Várhegyi, I. Bakó, I. FelhÅ‘si, F. H. Kármán, A. Shaban: Corrosion Inhibition by 1â€Hydroxyâ€ethaneâ€1,1â€diphosphonic Acid: An Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Study. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 12/1994; 141(12):3357-3360.
E. Kálmán, B. Várhegyi, I. Bakó, I. FelhÅ‘si, F. H. Kármán, A. Shaban: Corrosion Inhibition by 1-Hydroxy-ethane-1,1-diphosphonic Acid: An Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Study. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 12/1994; 141(12):pages: 3357-3360. DOI:10.1149/1.2059339
Shaban A., E. Kalman, I. Biczó: INHIBITION MECHANISM OF CARBON STEEL IN NEUTRAL SOLUTIONS BY N-PHOSPHONO-METHYL-GLYCINE. Corrosion Science 01/1993; 35(5-8):1463-1470.
A. Shaban, E. Kálmán, I. Biczó: Inhibition mechanism of carbon steel in neutral solution by N-phosphono-methyl-glycine. Corrosion Science 01/1993; 35(5-35):1463-1470. DOI:10.1016/0010-938X(93)90372-N
Telegdi J., Kálmán E., Shaban A., et al: Water treating agents and additives derived from compounds containing free amino-group. Ref. No: Patent No. HU 69027, 28-08-1995, 214 141, Year: 06/1998
Conference Proceedings
ÄenÄ‘i Vaštag, Jelena NakomÄić, Sanja Dožić, Slobodan Gadžurić, Milan Vraneš, Abdul Shaban: Ionic liquids as corrosion inhibitors of copper in acidic media. XVII YuCorr, 8-11 September 2015,, Tara Mountain, Serbia; 09/2015
A. Shaban, Judith Telegdi, Lajos Nyikos: Investigations of new potential inhibitors for copper corrosion. International Conference on Functional Nanocoatings, Dresden, Germany; 01/2010
A. Shaban, E. SzÅ‘cs, Gy. Vastag, E. Kálmán: Studying Corrosion and Inhibition Processes at Nano Scale. 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Chemical and Process Engineering., Tripoli Libya; 05/2009
I. Lukovits, A. Shaban, E. Kálmán: New-linear quantitative structure-efficiency model of corrosion inhibition. Physical Chemistry Foundations of new technologies of XXI. Century, International Conference., Moscow, Rusia.; 05/2005
S. Abuoun, A. Shaban, M. Elgarni, E. Kálmán: Investigation of calcium and barium sulfate inhibitors performance. V. OAAAKK, Balatonfüred, Hungary; 01/2005
M. Shaglouf, A. Shaban, Gy. Vastag, E. Szöcs, E. Kálmán: Investigations of some thiazole derivatives inhibition effect on copper corrosion in acidic solutions. V. OAAAKK, Balatonfüred, Hungary; 01/2005
M. Shaglouf, A. Shaban, Gy. Vastag, E. Szöcs, E. Kálmán: Investigation of the inhibition effect of 5-mercapto-1-phenyl-tetrazole against copper corrosion in acidic media. 10th SEIC European Symp.Corr. and Scale Inhibitors, Ferrara , Italy; 01/2005
I. Lukovits, A. Shaban, E. Kálmán: Thiosemicarbazides: non-linear relationships between the chemical structure and corrosion inhibition efficiency. 10th SEIC European Symp. Corr. and Scale Inhibitors, Ferrara Italy; 01/2005
A. Shaban, Gy. Vastag, E. Kálmán: Adsorption and corrosion inhibitive properties of some thiazole derivatives on copper surface in acidic solutions. Technology of Oil and Gas Forum & Exhibition, TOG 2004, Tripoli , Libya; 06/2004
Gy. Vastag, E. SzÅ‘cs, A. Shaban, E. Kálmán: Corrosion Inhibitive Properties of some Thiazole Derivatives on Copper in Acidic Solutions. EUROCORR 2003, Budapest, Hungary,; 01/2003
E. SzÅ‘cs, Gy. Vastag, A. Shaban, E. Kálmán: Investigation of the behavior of 5-Mercapto-1-Phenyl-Tetrazole as an inhibitor against copper corrosion in sulfuric acid media. 201st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS 2002), Philadelphia, USA; 01/2002
A. Shaban, E. SzÅ‘cs, E. Kálmán, Gy. Vastag: Investigation of copper corrosion inhibition using organic chemicals by EQCM and EC-STM techniques. 53rd ISE Annual Meeting, Düsseldorf, Germany; 01/2002
E. SzÅ‘cs, Gy. Vastag, A. Shaban, E. Kálmán: Electrochemical behavior of inhibitor film formed on copper surface. 201st Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Philadelphia, USA; 01/2002
Gy. Vastag, E. SzÅ‘cs, A. Shaban, E. Kálmán: Thiazole derivatives as corrosion inhibitors for copper. EUROCORR 2001, Riva del Garda, Italy; 01/2001
E. SzÅ‘cs, Gy. Vastag, A. Shaban, E. Kálmán: Electrochemical behavior of inhibitor film formed on copper surface. EUROCORR 2001, Riva del Garda, Italy; 01/2001
Gy. Vastag, E. SzÅ‘cs, A. Shaban, E. Kálmán: New chemicals as potential inhibitors for copper corrosion. IUPAC Workshop "Electrochemistry and Interfacial Chemistry in environmental Clean-up and green chemical processes, Coimbra, Portugal; 01/2001
G. Vastag, E. Szocs, A. Shaban, I. Bertoti, K. Popov-Pergal, E. Kalman: Adsorption and corrosion protection behavior of thiazole derivatives on copper surfaces.. XIVth International Symposium on the Reactivity of Solids (XIVth ISRS), Budapest, Hungary; 08/2000
E. SzÅ‘cs, Gy. Vastag, A. Shaban, I. Bertóti, E. Kálmán: Adsorption and corrosion protection behavior of thiazole derivatives on copper surfaces. XIVth International Symposium on the Reactivity of Solids, Budapest, Hungary; 08/2000
A. Shaban, E. Szöcs, Gy. Vastag, E. Kálmán: Investigation of Copper Corrosion Inhibition at Nanometer Scale. EMCR’2000, 7th International Symposium on Electrochemical Methods in Corrosion Research, Budapest, Hungary; 05/2000
J. Telegdi, M. Shaglouf, A. Shaban, E. Kálmán, H. Potgieter: Influence of cations on the efficacy inhibitors. EMCR’ 2000, 7th International Symposium on Electrochemical Methods in Corrosion Research, Budapest, Hungary; 05/2000
E. SzÅ‘cs, A. Shaban, E. Kálmán: Investigation of Nano-Structured Inhibitor Layers on Cu(111) Surface using EC-STM. 4th Hasliberg Workshop on Nanoscience, Hasliberg, Switzerland; 01/2000
E. SzÅ‘cs, A. Shaban, Gy. Vastag, E. Kálmán: Investigation of Copper Corrosion Inhibition in Acidic Media at Nanometer Scale. KCSC 2000 3rd Kurt Schwabe Corrosion Symposium, „Novel materials and methods for improvement of corrosion resistance, Zakopane, Poland; 01/2000
Gy. Vastag, E. Szõcs, A. Shaban, K. Popov-Pergal, E. Kálmán: Inhibition of copper corrosion in acidic sulphate containing solution by thiazole derivatives. EURCORR'99 : European Corrosion Congress: Solution of Corrosion Problems in Advanced Technologies, Eurogress, Aachen, Germany; 08/1999
M. Shaglouf, I. FelhÅ‘si, A. Shaban, F. H. Kármán, J. Telegdi, E. Kálmán: Iron Inhibition in Neutral Solutions by N,N-di-phosphono-methyl glycine Blends. Eurocorr '99, Aachen, Germany; 08/1999
SzÅ‘cs E., Vastag Gy, Shaban A., Kálmán E: A réz korróziója és inhibíciója nanométeres tartományban. Országos Anyagtudományi, Anyagvizsgálati és Anyaginformatikai Konferencia és Kiállítás, Balatonfüred, Hungary; 01/1999
Gy. Vastag, E. SzÅ‘cs, A. Shaban, E. Kálmán: Heterocyclic compounds as Corrosion Inhibitors for Copper. Fachgruppentagung 1999 der GDCh-Fachgruppe Angewandte Elektrochemie, „Metalle in der Elektrochemie – Gewinnung, Abscheidung, Korrosion, Freiberg, Germany; 01/1999
E. SzÅ‘cs, A. Shaban, E. Kálmán: Investigation of copper corrosion inhibition in acidic solutions by 5-mercapto-1-phenyl-tetrazole. 50th Annual Meeting of ISE, Pavia, Italy,; 01/1999
J. Telegdi, A. Shaban, J. Benczner, E. Kálmán: New application of quartz crystal nanobalance. Pre-satellite Symposium of the 49th ISE Meeting on the New Trends in Electroanalytical Chemistry, Seoul, Korea; 09/1998
Gy. Vastag, E. SzÅ‘cs, A. Shaban, I. FelhÅ‘si, G. Konczos, E. Kálmán: Investigation of corrosion inhibition of Cu(111) by EC-STM and EQCM techniques. Eurocorr '98, Utrecht, Holland; 01/1998
J. Telegdi, E. Kálmán, J. Beczner, A. Shaban, Zs. Keresztes: Quartz Crystal Nanobalance used for evaluation of biocides. 49th Annual Meeting of ISE, Kitakyushu, Japan; 01/1998
A. Shaban, E. Kálmán, J. Telegdi: An investigation of para-Chloro-Benzo-hydroxamic Acid as Copper Corrosion Inhibitor in 0.5 M NaCl Solution. ECS and ISE meet in Paris : 1997 joint international meeting program, 48th ISE Meeting, Paris, France; 08/1997
A. Shaban, E. Kalman, J. Telegdi, G. Palinkas, G. Dora: Corrosion and inhibition of copper in different electrolyte solutions. 9th International Conference on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy and Related Techniques, HAMBURG, GERMANY; 07/1997
A. Shaban, E. kálmán, J. Telegdi, G. Pálinkás, Gy. Dóra: Corrosion and inhibition of copper in electrolyte solution. 9th International Conference on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy and Related Techniques STM’97, Hamburg, Germany; 07/1997
A. Shaban, J. Telegdi, E. kálmán: Inhibition of Copper corrosion in chloride solution by benzo-hydroxamic acids,. Eurocorr '96, Nice, France.; 09/1996
A. Shaban, E. kálmán: An investigation of copper corrosion inhibition in chloride solutions by hydroxamic acids. 47th Annual Meeting of ISE, Veszprém-Balatonfüred, Hungary; 09/1996
A. Shaban, E. kálmán, J. Bácskai: An investigation of inhibition properties of some aromatic sulfoxides for copper corrosion in acidic solution. The 8th European Symposium on Corrosion Inhibitors(8 SEIC) , N.S.,, Ann. Univ. Ferrara, Ferrara Italy; 09/1995
A. Shaban, E. Kálmán: In-Situ Investigations of the Inhibition Properties of Some Aromatic Sulfoxides on Copper Corrosion in Acidic Solution. 46th Annual Meeting of ISE., Xiamen, China; 08/1995
A. Shaban, J. Telegdi, S. Alexandre, E. Kálmán: Examination of Protective Films on Copper by Organic Compounds. UK Corrosion '94 and EUROCORR’ 94,, Bornemouth, UK; 10/1994
A. Shaban, B. Várhegyi, E. Kálmán, I. Biczó: A Study of Corrosion Inhibition of Carbon Steel in Neutral Solutions by N-phosphono-Methyl-Glycin. Advances in Corrosion and Protection- International Conference, UMIST Manchester, UK; 06/1992
E. Kálmán, F. Kármán, J. Kónya, Gy. Litkey, A. Shaban: The inhibition action of N-phosphono-methyl-glycin on the corrosion of carbon steel in neutral solutions. Eurocorr '91, Budapest, Hungary; 10/1991
Abdul Shaban, Erika Kálmán, Imre Biczó: Inhibition mechanism of carbon steel in neutral solutions by N-phosphono-methyl-glycin. Ecasia’ 91, Budapest Convention Center, Bp. Hungary; 10/1991