Dr. Atul Bhargava completed his Ph.D in 2005 from National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow and postdoctoral studies from Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Cytogenetics at the University of Delhi. He is a senior faculty at Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Lucknow and Programme Leader for the prestigious B.Sc (H)-BT programme at Amity University Uttar Pradesh (Lucknow Campus). He has more than 45 research papers in reputed journals, 2 books and numerous book chapters to his credit. Dr. Bhargava is also serving as an editorial board member of several international journals of repute.
· Genetic improvement of plants
· Plant molecular markers
· Genetic diversity analysis
· Nanobiotechnology
· Biochemical analysis
· PCR-based techniques
· Phytoextraction
1. Bhargava A. and Srivastava S. 2013. Quinoa: Botany, Production and Uses. CABI, Oxforshire, UK. ISBN: 9781780642260.
2. Bhargava A. and Srivastava S. (Eds.) 2012. Biotechnology: New Ideas, New Developments. Nova Science Publishers Inc., USA. ISBN: 978-1-62100-539-1. [NLM ID: 101567645].
1. Bhargava A. and Ohri D. 2015. Quinoa in the Indian subcontinent. Chapter 6.21. In: FAO and CIRAD: State of the Art Report of Quinoa in the World in 2013, pp: 511-523. Rome, Italy.
2. Bhargava A. and Srivastava S. 2014. Transgenic approaches for phytoextraction of heavy metals. In: Ahmad P., Wani M.R., Azooz M.M. and Tran L.P. (Eds). Improvement of Crops in the Era of Climatic Changes. Springer, New York. pp. 57-80.
3. Srivastava S., Pathak N., Bhargava A. and Srivastava P. 2014. Nanotechnology: the science of the future. In: Current Trend in Life Science [Eds. Shukla D.S. and Pandey D.K.]. JBC Press, New Delhi. pp. 182-195.
4. Srivastava S. and Bhargava A. 2014. Microbial biofilms: from nature to human body. In: Current Trend in Life Science [Eds. Shukla D.S. and Pandey D.K.]. JBC Press, New Delhi. pp. 1-16.
5. Singh A.K., Bhargava A., Kaur G., Sharma A. and Misra K. 2013. Bioinformatics Tools and Resources for Cancer Diagnosis and Drug Development. In: ‘Horizons in Cancer Research’ (Ed. Watanabe H.S.). Nova Science Publishers Inc., USA. (ISBN: 978-1-62417-329-5) Vol. 51 pp. 165-176.
6. Bhargava A., Gupta V.K., Singh A.K. and Gaur R. 2012. Microbes for heavy metal remediation. In: ‘Microbial Applications’ (Eds. Gaur R., Mehrotra S., Pandey R.R.). I.K. International Publ., New Delhi (ISBN: .
7. Singh A.K., Bhargava A. and Gaur R. 2012. Role of bioinformatics in microbial study. In: ‘Microbial Applications’ Eds. Gaur R., Mehrotra S., Pandey R.R.) I.K. International Publ., New Delhi (ISBN: ) pp. 159-166.
1. Srivastava S. and Bhargava A. 2016. Biofilms and human health. Biotechnology Letters 38: 1-22.
2. Bhargava A., Carmona F.F., Bhargava M. and Srivastava S. 2012. Approaches for enhanced phytoextraction of heavy metals. Journal of Environmental Management 105: 103-120.
3. Fuentes F.F. Bazile D., Bhargava A. and Martinez E.A. 2012. Implications of farmers seed exchanges for on-farm conservation of quinoa, as revealed by its genetic diversity in Chile. Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Cambridge) 150: 702-716.
4. Raina S.N., Jain S., Sehgal D., Kumar A., Dar T.H., Bhat V., Pandey V., Vaishnavi S., Bhargava A., Singh V., Rani V., Tandon R., Tewari M. and Mahmoudi A. 2012. Diversity and relationships of multipurpose seabuckthorn (Hippophae L.) germplasm from the Indian Himalayas as assessed by AFLP and SAMPL markers. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 59:1033-1053.
5. Fuentes F.F. and Bhargava A. 2011. Morphological analysis of quinoa germplasm grown under lowland desert conditions. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 197: 124-134.
6. Srivastava S., Pathak N., Bhargava A. and Srivastava P. 2011. Nanotechnology for cancer diagnosis and therapy. IMTU Medical J. 2: 19-30.
7. Bhargava A. and Fuentes F.F. 2010. Mutational dynamics of microsatellites. Molecular Biotechnology 44: 250-266.
8. Bhargava A., Shukla S. and Ohri D. 2010. Mineral composition in foliage of some cultivated and wild species of Chenopodium. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 8: 371-376.
9. Shukla S., Bhargava A., Chatterjee A., Pandey A.C. and Mishra B.K. 2010. Diversity in phenotypic and nutritional traits in vegetable amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor), a nutritionally underutilized crop. Journal of the Sciences of Food and Agriculture 90: 139-144.
10. Shukla S., Bhargava A., Chatterjee A., Pandey A.C., Rastogi A. and Kumar A. 2010. Genetic interrelationship among nutritional and quantitative traits in the vegetable amaranth. Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 10: 16-22.
11. Bhargava A., Shukla S. and Ohri D. 2009. Metroglyph analysis of morphological variation in Chenopodium spp. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5: 117-120.
12. Bhargava A., Shukla S., Srivastava J., Singh N. and Ohri D. 2008. Chenopodium- a prospective plant for phytoextraction. Acta Physiologia Plantarum 30: 111-120.
13. Bhargava A., Shukla S., Srivastava J., Singh N. and Ohri D. 2008. Genetic diversity for mineral accumulation in foliage of Chenopodium spp. Scientia Horticulturae 118: 338-346.
14. Bhargava A., Shukla S. and Ohri D. 2008. Implications of direct and indirect selection parameters for improvement of grain yield and quality components in Chenopodium quinoa Willd. International Journal of Plant Production 2: 184-191.
15. Bhargava A., Shukla S. and Ohri D. 2008. Genotype x environment interaction studies in Chenopodium album L.: an underutilized crop with promising potential. Communications in Biometry and Crop Science 3: 3-15.
16. Bhargava A., Shukla S. and Ohri D. 2007. Genetic variability and interrelationship among various morphological and quality traits in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). Field Crops Research 101: 104-116.
17. Bhargava A., Shukla S., and Ohri D. 2007. Evaluation of foliage yield and leaf quality traits in Chenopodium spp. in multiyear trials. Euphytica 153: 199-213.
18. Bhargava A., Shukla S. and Ohri D. 2007. Gynomonoecy in Chenopodium quinoa Willd. (Chenopodiaceae): variation in inflorescence and floral types in some accessions. Biologia 62: 19-23.
19. Bhargava A., Shukla S., Rajan S. and Ohri D. 2007. Genetic diversity for morphological and quality traits in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) germplasm. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 54:167-173.
20. Bhargava A., Shukla S. and Ohri D. 2007. Genome size variation in some cultivated and wild species of Chenopodium (Chenopodiaceae). Caryologia 60: 245-250.
21. Bhargava A., Shukla S., and Ohri D. 2007. Effect of sowing dates and row spacings on yield and quality components of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) leaves. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 77: 748-751.
22. Bhargava A., Shukla S. and Ohri D. 2006. Karyotypic studies on some cultivated and wild species of Chenopodium (Chenopodiaceae). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution<span style="font-size: 10.0pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: 'Arial'&l