Dr. Huihong Xu received her medical degree from Medical Center of Fudan University, Shanghai, China. She completed her pathology residency at Boston University and Boston Medical Center and served as chief resident in 2005 and 2006. She earned a fellowship in cytopathology in the same department and post-fellowship joined the faculty of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. She holds additional sub-specialty expertise in GI pathology, genitourinary pathology, head and neck pathology, thyroid pathology and breast pathology. Currently she is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Boston University School of Medicine, United States.
GI pathology; Genitourinary pathology; Head and neck pathology; Thyroid pathology and breast pathology.
1. Gedik R, Deshpanda A, Xu H, Cerda S, Utility of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) Cotesting to Recategorize Bethesda-I Thyroid FNAs. USCAP Annual Meeting Abstract (Seattle, 3/15/16), Modern Pathology, 2016 29:99A
2. Deshpanda A, Xu H, Cerda S, Impact of ThyroSeqv.2 Next-Generation Sequencing Assay on Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Thyroid Nodules. USCAP Annual Meeting Abstract (Seattle, 3/15/16), Modern Pathology, 2016 29:96A
3. Sun Y, Xu H, Zhao Q, Extraosseous Chordoma of Retropharyngeal Space: A case Report. Am J Clin Pathol 2015; 144:A346
4. Sun Y, Kindelberger DW, Xu H, Zhao Q, Periampullary gangliocytic paraganglioma with lymph node involvement: A case Report. Am J Clin Pathol 2015; 144:A347
5. Rodriquez-Diaz E, Huang Q, Cerda SR, Xu H, O’Brien MJ, Bigio IJ, Singh S, Does Elastic-Scattering Spectroscopy meet PIVI Thresholds for in vivo Identification of Colorectal Neoplasia? A Prospective Data Analysis Study. Digestive Disease Week Abstract (Chicago, 5/2014). Gastroenterology Vol 146 , Issue 5, Supplement 1, Page S-10
6. Tan J, Kamel D, Xu H, Combined Cytology and HPV Testing after Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP) / Conization of the Cervix Increases the Rate of Detection of Residual Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia in Patients with Negative Margins, USCAP Annual Meeting Abstract (San Diego, 3/5/14), Modern Pathology, 2014 27:124A
7. Rodriguez-Diaz E, Jepeal L, Sharma A, Mashimo H, Huang Q, Cerda S, Xu H, Bigio I, Singh S, Optical Sensing of Dysplasia and Field Effect of Carcinogenesis in Barrett’s Esophagus Using Elastic-Scattering Spectroscopy. Digestive Disease Week Abstract (Chicago, 5/2013). Gastroenterology Vol144, Issue 5, Supplement 1, Page S-117.
8. Tan J, de las Morenas A, Yang S, Xu H, Analysis of BRAFV600E Mutation Status in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma with Single or Multiple Tumor Nodules, USCAP Annual Meeting Abstract (Baltimore, 3/6/13), Modern Pathology, 2013 26:138A
9. Tan J, O'Brien MJ, Miller NS, Xu H, Invasive Candidiasis Associated with Jejunal Ulceration and Perforation: An Under-Recognized Entity? Report of Three Cases, USCAP Annual Meeting Abstract (Vancouver, 3/17/12), Modern Pathology, 2012 25:389A
10. O'Brien MJ, Odze RD, Cerda S, Xu H, Downey K, Burke B, Huang CS, Farraye FA, Yang S, Ectopic Crypt Formation and Other Histological Parameters in Relation to BRAF and KRAS Mutation Status of Dysplastic Serrated and Non-Serrated Colorectal Polyps, USCAP Annual Meeting Abstract and Platform Presentation (Vancouver, 3/17/12), Modern Pathology, 2012 25:172A
11. Xu H, Yang S, Adjapong O and MJ O’Brien, Is proximal microvesicular serrated polyp the precursor of sessile serrated adenoma of the colon? USCAP Annual Meeting Abstract (Washington DC, 3/23/10), Modern Pathology, 2010 23:172A
12. Xu H, Yang S, H Huang, B Burke, S Cerda, C Mack and MJ O’Brien, Mucin core proteins (MUC2 and MUC6) and transcription factor CDX2 expression in colorectal serrated polyps: correlation with neoplastic progression, Digestive Disease Week Abstract (Chicago, 6/3/09).
13. Lee TM, Rodriguez-Diaz E, Huang Q, Xu H, Chen A, Sharma AM, Bigio IJ and Singh SK, Elastic Scattering Spectroscopy (ESS) guided forceps for real-time detection of dysplasia in barrett’s esophagus (BE), Digestive Disease Week Abstract and Platform Presentation (Chicago, 5/30/09).
14. Yang S, Xu H, H Huang, B Burke, SK Duhon, S Cerda, MJ O’Brien, CpG Island Methylation in serrated and conventional CRC precursor neoplasms: how individual marker genes and panels relate to histology and oncogene mutation status, USCAP Annual Meeting Abstract and Platform Presentation (Boston, 3/10/09), Modern Pathology, 2009 22:153A
15. Xu H, Yang S, Burke B, Mack C, Cerda S, Shepherd C, DW Rosenberg, D Pleau, O’Brien MJ, APC mutation frequency and nuclear ï¢-Catenin expression in KRAS mutated conventional and serrated colorectal adenomas, USCAP Annual Meeting Abstract(Denver, 3/5/08), Modern Pathology, 2008 21:141A
16. Xu H, Soo Hoo P, Doros G, Skinner M, O’Hara C, Evaluation of plasma cell volume (PCV) and clonality in AL (primary) Amyloidosis by analysis of pre and post stem cell transplantation bone marrow core biopsies (BMCB), USCAP Annual Meeting Abstract (San Diego, 3/27/07), Modern Pathology, 2007 20:265A
17. Xu H, Xu D, Goncalves T, Longe H, Denis GV, A mouse model of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma of the diffuse large B cell type: evaluation of new chemotherapeutic regimens and their effects, USCAP Annual Meeting Abstract (San Diego, 3/28/07), Modern Pathology, 2007 20:264A
18. Xu H, Yang S, Zhong X, Xu D, Chronic lymphocytic leukemia with dual surface immunoglobulin light chain expression, USCAP Annual Meeting Abstract (San Diego, 3/28/07), Modern Pathology, 2007 20:265A
19. Robbins J, Yang S, Xu H, Shepherd C, Burke B, Mack C, Huang C, Farraye FA, O'Brien MJ, A distinct spectrum of pathology is associated with KRAS mutations in the serrated polyp neoplasia pathway, USCAP Annual Meeting Abstract and platform presentation (San Diego, 3/27/07), Modern Pathology, 2007 20:128A
20. Xu D, Xu H, Goncalves T, Longe H, Denis GV, Histopathologic Evaluation of a mouse model of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma of diffuse large B cell type, USCAP Annual Meeting Abstract (San Diego, 3/28/07), Modern Pathology, 2007 20:264A
21. Xu H, Soo Hoo P, Doros G, Skinner M, O’Hara C, Evaluation of plasma cell volume (PCV) and clonality in AL (primary) Amyloidosis by analysis of pre and post stem cell transplantation bone marrow core biopsies (BMCB), XIth International Symposium on Amyloidosis, 2007 Jul
22. Xu H, Soo Hoo P, Doros G, Skinner M, O’Hara C, Evaluation of plasma cell volume (PCV) and clonality in AL (primary) Amyloidosis by analysis of pre and post stem cell transplantation bone marrow core biopsies (BMCB), H Xu, P Soo Hoo, G Doros, M Skinner, C O’Hara. XIth International Symposium on Amyloidosis Abstract (Woods Hole, 11/8/06), Amyloid, 2006 13(1S): 69