Dr. Kartick Rastogi has pursued MBBS and MD Radiotherapy from SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. He is presently working as Senior Resident in the department of Radiotherapy, SMS Medical College, Jaipur. He regularly attends various conferences and workshops in the field of oncology and keeps himself engaged in research activities. He has published various papers in reputed journals and many more are in pipeline. His research interests are breast cancer, cervix cancer, head and neck cancer, radiation oncology, cancer epidemiology, chemotherapy etc.
. Proton Beam Therapy
. Brachytherapy
. Breast cancer
1. Rastogi K*, Jain S, Bhatnagar AR, Gupta S, Bhaskar S, Spartacus RK. Breast cancerrelated lymphedema in post-mastectomy patients receiving adjuvantirradiation: A prospective study. Indian J Cancer 2018;XX:XX-XX. (PubMed Indexed)
2. Rastogi K*, Rakesh A, Bairwa SC, Bhaskar S, Gupta S, Sharma S, et al. Depression in cancer patients: Magnitude of problem and factors responsible. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2018;XX:XX-XX. (PubMed Indexed)
3. Rastogi K*, Dadhich P, Bhaskar S, Gupta S. Nasal cavity cancer with distal phalanx metastasis: An extremely rare case report. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2018;XX:XXXX. (PubMed Indexed)
4. Rastogi K*, Jain S, Sharma S, Jindal A. Primary rectal lymphoma with synchronous liver involvement: An extremely rare case report. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2018;XX:XX-XX. (PubMed Indexed)
5. Gupta S, Rastogi K*, Bhatnagar AR, Singh D, Gupta K, Choudhary AS. Compliance to radiotherapy: A tertiary care center experience. Indian J Cancer 2017;XX:XX-XX. (PubMed Indexed)
6. Bhaskar S, Rastogi K*, Gupta S, Jindal A, Bhatnagar AR, Jain S. A study of hormone receptor status in breast carcinoma and use of HER2?targeted therapy in a tertiary care centre of India. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2018;XX:XX-XX. (PubMed Indexed)
7. Kumar P, Rastogi K*, Dana R, Rakesh A, Bairwa SC, Bhaskar S. Tumor bleeding: Efficacy and outcome of haemostatic radiotherapy. Natl Med J India XX;XX:XX. (PubMed Indexed)
8. Bhaskar S, Rastogi K*, Gupta S, Jindal A. Primary neuroendocrine carcinoma of kidney: A rare case report. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2018;XX:XX-XX. (PubMed Indexed)
9. Sandeep B, Sandeep J, Rastogi K*, Aseem-Rai B, Neeraj S. Weekly versus tri?weekly cisplatin concurrent with radiotherapy in the treatment of locally advanced carcinoma cervix: A prospective study. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2017;XX:XX-XX. (PubMed Indexed)