Dr. MANE RAHUL MARUTI M.Sc., Ph.D. [Chemistry] DST- Young Scientist , Department of Chemistry, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Email: maners09@gmail.com Telephone:(M)9960648413, Maharashtra, India
Dr. Rahul Mane is presently working as DST - Young Scientist in Department of Chemistry, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, India. He has received a doctorate in material science from Shivaji University, Kolhapur. He has published more than 45 research papers in, International Journals and 75 papers in International, National Proceedings of the Conferences. He has awarded with Departmental Research Fellowship (2006), UGC Meritorious Scholarship (2008) from Shivaji University, Kolhapur and Young Scientist Fellow by DST 2012 (Government of India). At the outset, Ministry of Science and Technology (DST-SERB,India) sanctioning Major research project under Fast Track scheme for Young Scientist. He has also published 01book 08 book Chapters. He is Reviewers of 46 Journals. He is served on the Editorial, Associate Editor & Advisory Board member for 15 journals. He is also served on a Member of Organizing Committee, Technical Programe Committee and Scientific Advisory Board for Several International conferences. He is Member of several material science societies. His research area includes materials science, nanotechnology, Synthesis and characterization of mixed metal chalcogenide thin films for solar cell application.
My research area includes materials science, nanotechnology, Synthesis and characterization of mixed metal chalcogenide thin films for solar cell application etc.
List of Publications A) Papers published/accepted/submitted to the cited journals
1] Synthesis and characterization of new quaternary MoBiInSe5 mixed metal chalcoginide thin films. R. M. Mane, S. R. Mane, R. R. Kharade and P. N. Bhosale, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 491 (2010) 321–324. Impact Factor: 2.55
2] Influence of Indium doping on the optostructural and morphological properties of chemically deposited MoBi2Se5 mixed metal chalcogenide thin films. R. M. Mane, R. R. Kharade, S. R. Mane, P. S. Patila and P. N. Bhosale Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, Vol. 6, No 1, January-March 2011, p. 55-65. Impact Factor: 2.75
3] Optical and Electrical Studies on MoBi2Se5 Thin Films Prepared by Arrested Precipitation Technique (APT). R. M. Mane, N. S. Patil, S. R. Mane, R. R. Kharade and P. N. Bhosale, Journal of Applied Archives Science. (U.S.A) (2010), 2(2):275-283. Impact Factor:
4] Influence of Tl+ doping on optostructural and electrical properties of chemically grown tungsten hetero-polyoxometallate thin films. S. R. Mane, R. M. Mane, R. R. Kharade, S. N. Gawale, S. M. Patil, P. N. Bhosale Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Volume 6, Number 1, January- March 2011. Impact Factor: 2.75 5] Synthesis and characterization of chemically depositedTl3(PW12O40) semiconducting thin films. S. R. Mane, R. M. Mane, N. S. Patil, A. M. Sargar, S. N. Gawale, R. R. Kharade and P. N. Bhosale, Journal of Archives of Applied Science Research, 2010, 2 (2):294-303. Impact Factor:
6] Electrosynthesis and characterisation of WSe2 thin films. 3 S. N. Gawale, R. M. Mane, A. M. Sargar, S. R. Mane, R. R. Kharade and P. N. Bhosale, Journal of Archives of Physics Research. (2010), 1(3):72-80. Impact Factor:
7] Optical and Electrical Transport Properties of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide MoSe2 Thin Films. S. N. Gawale, R. M. Mane, S. R. Mane, R.R. Kharade, S.M. Patil and P. N. Bhosale* Journal of Applied Archives Science. (U.S.A) (2010), 2(1):218-224. Impact Factor:
8] Synthesis and characterization of chemically grown electrochromic tungsten oxide. R. R. Kharade, R. M. Mane, S. R. Mane, P. S. Patil and P. N. Bhosale, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. (2010), 56: 177–183. Impact Factor: 1.74
9] Fabrication and morphological characterization of MoBi2Se5 mixed metal chalcogenide thin films for solar cell application. R. M. Mane, R.R. Kharade, P.S.Patil and P. N. Bhosale , Journal of Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cell. (Submitted). Impact Factor: 4.57
10] Photoelectrochemical cell (PEC) performances of indium doped MoBi2Se5 mixed metal chalcogenide thin films. R. M. Mane, P. S. Patil and P. N. Bhosale, Journal of Materials Letters. (Submitted). Impact Factor: 2.23
11] Optostructural and electrical properties of bismuth tellurium selenide [Bi2(Te1-x Sex) 3 ] mixed metal chalcogenide thin films. S. M. Patil, R. M. Mane, S. R. Mane, S. S. Mali, P. S. Patil, P. N. Bhosale,* Journal of Electrochemical Science, 6 (2011), Impact Factor: 2.85
12] Synthesis, XPS and thermoelectric study of ternary Bi2 (Te0.5Se0.5)3 mixed metal chalcogenide thin films by APT technique" S. M. Patil, R. M. Mane, S. R. Mane, S. S. Mali, P. S. Patil, P. N. Bhosale,* Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 89: 1375–1381 (2011). Impact Factor: 1.45
13] Synthesis and electrochromic application of surfactants tailored WO3 nanostructures Optical Materials. 4 R. R. Kharade, R. M. Mane, and P. N. Bhosale* Journal of Optical Materials 34: 322-326 (2011). Impact Factor- 1.82
14] NOVEL SYNTHETIC ROUTE FOR QUATERNARY MoBiGaSe5 MIXED METAL CHALCOGENIDE (MMC) THIN FILMS. S. P. Patil1 , R. M. Mane2 , R. R. Kharade2 , S. S. Mali3 and P. N. Bhosale2 * Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 7,1,2012, P237-245. Impact Factor: 2.75.
15] PHOTOELECTROCHEMICAL CELL PERFORMANCE OF CHEMICALLY DEPOSITED MoBi2Te5 THIN FILMS. M. M. Salunkhe, R. M. Mane, S. S. Mali, P. S. Patil and P. N. Bhosale Journal of Advanced Materials Letters. 3(2012)71-76. Impact Factor: 1.75.
16] Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline MoBi2Te5 thin films. M. M. Salunkhe, R. M. Mane, S. S. Mali, P. S. Patil and P. N. Bhosale Journal of Philosophical Magazine Letters. 92, 10, 2012, 563–571 Impact Factor: 1.75.
17] Effect of Annealing Temperature on Structural Properties of Nanocrystalline Tl3 (PW12O40) Thin Films. S. R. Mane, R. M. Mane, S. N. Gawale & P. N. Bhosale, Journal of Advanced Materials Letters. 4(2012)72-77. Impact Factor: 1.95
18] Effect of Surfactant on Optical and Structural Properties of Chemically Deposited MoBi2S5Thin Films. Nita B. Pawara , Sawanta S. Malib , Manauti M. Salunkhea , Rahul M. Manea , Pramod S. Patilb and Popatrao N. Bhosalea * New Journal of Chemistry (2012), 36,1807-1812 Impact factor: 2.63
19] ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Thermoelectric Studies of Ternary Bi2(Te0.5Se0.5)3 Mixed-Metal Chalcogenide Thin Films by the Arrested Precipitation Technique. 5 S. M. Patil, S. R. Mane, R. M. Mane, S. S. Mali, P. S. Patil and P. N. Bhosale Chem Inform 43, 13, 27, 2012,
20] Opto-structural and electrical properties of chemically grown Ga doped MoBi2Se5 thin Films. S. V. Patil1, R. M. Mane, N. B. Pawar, S. D. Kharade, S. S. Mali, P. S. Patil, G. L. Agawane, J. H. Kim** and P. N. Bhosale* Journal of Material Science and Material Electronics. (2013) 24:4669–4676 Impact factor: 1.63
21] Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured CdZnSSe Thin Films by Arrested Precipitation Technique (APT). S.K. Jagadale, R. M. Mane, R. K. Mane and P. N. Bhosale Journal of IEEE, (2013) 506- 508. Impact factor: 2.53
22] Nanocrystalline MoBi2Se5 Ternary Mixed Metal Chalcogenide Thin-Films for Solar Cell Applications, R. M. Mane1 , V. B. Ghanwat1 , V. V. Kondalkar1 , K. V. Khot1 , S. R. Mane1 , P. S. Patil2 and P.N. Bhosale,* 1 Journal of Procedia Materials Science, 6, 2014, 1285-1291
23] Molybdenum Heteropolyoxometalate Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications, S. R. Manea , B. J. Walekara , R. M. Maneb , V. V. Kondalkarb , V. B. Ghanwatb and P. N. Bhosaleb , Journal of Procedia Materials Science, 6, 2014,1104-1109
24] Influence of Indium (III) content of MoBi (2-x) InxS5 thin films for photoelectrochemical solar cell. N. B. Pawar, S. D. Kharade R. M. Mane, S. S. Mali, C. K. Hong, P. S. Patil and P. N. Bhosale * Journal of Solid State Sciences 35 (2014) 10–17 Impact factor: 1.6 6
25] Nanobrick-like WO3 Thin Films: Hydrothermal Synthesis and Electrochromic Application V.V. Kondalkar, R. R. Kharade, S.S. Mali, R.M. Mane, P.B. Patil, P.S. Patil, S. Choudhury and P. N. Bhosale Journal of Superlattices and Microstructures. 73, 2014, 290–295 Impact factor: 1.9
26] Novel Synthesis of Interconnected Nanocubic PbS Thin Films by Facile Aqueous Chemical Route K. V. Khot, S. S. Mali, N. B. Pawar, R. M. Mane, V. V. Kondalkar, V. B. Ghanwat, P. S. Patil, C. K. Hong, J. H. Kim, J. Y. Heo and P. N. Bhosale. Journal of Material Science: Material Electronics. 25 (2014) 3762 Impact factor: 1.3
27] Thermoelectric properties of nanocrystalline CuSbSe2 thin films at room temperature prepared using Microwave radiations V. B. Ghanwat, S. S. Mali, S. D. Kharade, N. B. Pawar, S. V. Patil, R. M. Mane, P. S. Patil, C.K. Hong, and P. N. Bhosale New Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 2015, 39, 5661-5668Impact factor: 2.9 28] Microwave-assisted rapid synthesis of highly porous TiO2 thin films with nanocrystalline framework for efficient photoelectrochemical conversion. V.V. Kondalkar, S.S. Mali, N.B. Pawar, R.M. Mane, S. Choudhury, C.K. Hong, P.S. Patil, S.R. Patil, P.N. Bhosale, J.H. Kim, Journal of Electrochimica Acta, 143, 10, 2014, 89-97. Impact factor: 3.9
29] Photoelectrocatalysis of Cefotaxime using nanostructured TiO2 photoanode: Identification of degradation products and Determination of toxicity level Vijay V Kondalkar, Sawanta S Mali, R M Mane, P B Dandge, Sipra Choudhury, Chang Kook Hong, PS Patil, Shivajirao Raghunath Patil, Jin Hyeok Kim, and Popatrao N. Bhosale ACS Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53, 18152−18162. Impact factor: 2.9
30] Photoelectrochemical performance of MoBiInSe5 mixed metal chalcogenide thin films R. M. Mane, S. S. Mali,V. B. Ghanwat, V. V. Kondalkar, K. V. Khot, S. R. Mane, D. B. Shinde, P. S. Patil and P. N. Bhosale Journal of Materials Today: Proceedings, DOi,10.1016/j.matpr.2015.07.069 Elsevier, 2014- 7 15 (Accepted)
31] Synthesis of Bismuth Telluride Thin Film for Thermoelectric Application via Electrodeposition Technique Pallavi Patil, Kishorkumar Khot, Vijay Kondalkar, Vishvanath Ghanwat , Rahul Mane and Popatrao Bhosale a* Journal of Macromol symposium,Wiley. (Accepted)
32] Novel-approach for invention of nubbly-like Cd(SSe) thin film: Photoelectrochemical application Kishorkumar V. Khot, Sawanta S. Mali, Pallavi B. Patil, Rohini R. Kharade, Rahul M. Mane, Chang Kook Hong, Popatrao N. Bhosale*1 Journal of Macromol symposium,Wiley. (Accepted)
33] Effect of Tl+ Intercalation on Electrochromic behavior of Tungsten Hetero- polyoxometallate Polymeric Thin Films S. R. Mane, R. M. Mane and P. N. Bhosale Journal of Macromol symposium,Wiley. (Accepted)
34] Enhanced Electrochromic Performance of Nickel Oxide Thin Film: Synthesis via Electrodeposition Technique Vijay V.Kondalkar, Pallavi B.Patil, Kishorkumar V.Khot Rohini R.Kharade, Rahul M.Mane, Pramod S.Patil, Sipra Choudhury,Popatrao N.Bhosale Journal of Macromol symposium,Wiley. (Accepted)
35] Langmuir–Blodgett self organized nanocrystalline tungsten oxide thin films for electrochromic performance Vijay V.Kondalkar, Pallavi B.Patil, Kishorkumar V.Khot Rohini R.Kharade, Rahul M.Mane, Pramod S.Patil, Sipra Choudhury,Popatrao N.Bhosale RSC Advances , 2015,5, 26923-26931 Impact factor: 3.9
36] Simplistic Construction of Cadmium Sulfoselenide Thin Films via Hybrid Chemical Process for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Performance Kishorkumar V. Khot , Sawanta S. Mali , Nita B. Pawar , Rohini R. Kharade , Rahul M. 8 Mane , Pallavi B. Patil , Pramod S. Patil , Chang Kook Hong , Jin Hyeok Kim , Jaeyeong Heo , and Popatrao N. Bhosale* RSC Advances 2015, 5, 40283-40296 Impact factor: 3.9 37] Arrested Precipitation Technique for Synthesis of Chalcogenide & Oxide Thin Films P. N. Bhosale, R. M. Mane, V. B. Ghanwat, V. V. Kondalkar, S. R. Mane and K. V. Khot, Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering, 2015, 5:2
38] Hydrothermal Assisted Synthesis of Hierarchical Nanostructured Metal Oxide Thin Film Bhosale PN*, Kondalkar VV, Mane RM, Choudhury Sipra and Khot KV Journal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology, 2015, 6:4 Impact factor: 4.2
39] A facile and low cost strategy to synthesize Cd1xZnxSe thin films for hotoelectrochemical performance: effect of zinc content Chaitali S. Bagade, Sawanta S. Mali, Vishvanath B. Ghanwat, Kishorkumar V. Khot, Pallavi B. Patil, Suvarta D. Kharade, Rahul M. Mane, Neha D. Desai, Chang K. Hong, Pramod S. Patil and Popatrao N. Bhosale*a RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 55658 Impact factor: 3.8
40] Bismuth Telluride quantum dot assisted Titanium Oxide microflowers for efficient photoelectrochemical performance Pallavi B. Patil, Sawanta S. Mali, Vijay V. Kondalkar, Rahul M. Mane, Pramod S. Patil,Chang K. Hong, Popatrao N. Bhosale Journal of Materials Letters 159 (2015) 177–181 Impact factor: 2.8
41] Synthesis and characterization of novel MoBiGaSe5 thin films by vacuum deposition technique S. P. Patil, S. S. Mali, R. M. Mane, R. R. Kharade, V. B. Ghanwat, V. V. Kondalkar and P. N. Bhosale Advanced Nano Materials for Industrial Applications (2012) 51-56. 42] Synthesis and Characterization of MoBi2S5 Thin Films by Simple Colloidal Route. N. B. Pawar, S. M. Patil, M. M. Salunkhe, S. D. Kharade, R. M. Mane, V. B. Ghanwat and P. N. Bhosale*. Advanced Materials Manufacturing and Characterization 1 (2012) 223. 9
43] Effect of Annealing Temperature on Structural Properties of Nanocrystalline Tl3 (PW12O40) Thin Films S . R. Mane, R. M. Mane, P. S. Patil and P. N. Bhosale*. Advanced Materials Letters VBRI Press, 4(1), (2013), 94-98. Impact factor 1.93 B) Paper published in proceedings National/ International conference/