2012-2014 Post doc Name of Institution: Pasteur Institute of Tunis, Tunisia - Institute of Research for the development of Montpellier, France The research conducted and their results: ? Larval habitats characterization and species composition of Anopheles mosquitoes in Tunisia, with particular attention to Anopheles maculipennis complex. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. (Impact factor : 2.446)
2012-2013 Certificate of Complementary Study of statistical and epidemiological methodology Name of Institution: Faculty of medecine of Tunis
2007-2012 PhD thesis in Biology Name of Institution: Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte Mention: very honorable The research conducted and their results: ? First report on natural Leishmania promastigotes infection of Phlebotomus sergenti in the cutaneous leishmaniasis focus of south-eastern Tunisia. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 85, 646-647. (Impact factor : 2.446). ? Habitats of the sandfly vectors of Leishmania tropica and L. major in a mixed focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in southeast Tunisia. Acta Tropica. 199, 131- 137. (Impact factor : 2.262). ? Phlebotomus (Paraphlebotomus) riouxi (Diptera: Psychodidae): a synonym of Phlebotomus chabaudi without any specific vectorial role. Medical and veterinary entomology. (Impact factor: 2.2).
2008-2009: International Master of Medical and veterinary Entomologie Name of Institution: University of Montpellier, France – University of abomey Calavi, Benin
2003-2006: Master of Genetics and Biodiversity Name of Institution: Hight Institute of Biotechnology of Monastir The research conducted and their results: ? New Esterases Amplification Involved in Organophosphate Resistance in Culex pipiens Mosquitoes from Tunisia. The Journal of The Middle East and North Africa Sciences. 2, 1-2.
2001-2003 : Licence degree in Biology Name of Institution: Hight Institute of Biotechnology of Monastir
1999-2001 : University Degree Undergraduate of biology Name of Institution: Faculty of Sciences of Gabès 1999 : Baccalauréat (experimental Science) Nom de l’Institution : Lycée 2 Mars 1934
Biology, genetic and molecular biology, medical and veterinary entomology, ecology, animal biology