Complementary Studies in Mechanical Ventilation (Master in
course), Faculty of Medicine of Monastir, Tunisia, present Resident in Medical Resuscitation, Habib Thameur Hospital of Tunis, Emergency Service and Medical Resuscitation, Center for Trauma and Burns of Tunis, Emergency Service and Medical reanimation, Fattouma Bourgiba Hospital of Monastir, Pneumology Department, Taher Sfar Hospital of Mahdia, Anesthesia Service Resuscitation, Taher Sfar Hospital in Mahdia, Gynecology Department, Medical Study, Faculty of Medicine of Monastir, Bachelor of Experimental Sciences, Oasis Chenini Gabes High School
Intensive Medicine-Medical Resuscitation, Traumatology and Burn Rehabilitation, Research Scientific and clinical, Infectious diseases
1. Tabbabi Ahmed, SbouiSboui, Bekhti Khadija. 2017. A Historical Overview of the Classification,
Evolution, and Dispersion of LeishmaniaParasites and Sandflies in Morocco. Journal of Infectious
Diseases and Therapy. 5: 332
2. TabbabiAhmed, Sboui Sajida, DaaboubJabeur. 2017. The Current Status of Phlebotomine Sand Flies
(Diptera: Psychodidae) in Tunisia and their role in Leishmania Transmission: a review. Asian Pacific
Journal of Tropical Diseases. 7 (12): 821-825
3. TabbabiAhmed, Sboui Sajida, DaaboubJabeur. 2017. West Nile virus: an overview of its recent spread
in the Mediterranean basin. Journal of Tropical Diseases. 5: 248
4. Sboui Sajida, Tabbabi Ahmed. 2017. Current Status of Ebola Virus: A Mini-Review.International
Journal of Research Studies in Microbiology and Biotechnology.3 (3): 2
5. Sboui Sajida, BelkhiriMalak, Tabbabi Ahmed. 2018. Mathematical Approaches to Infectious Disease
Prediction and Control. Annals of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 1 (2): 1-3
6. Sboui Sajida, BelkhiriMalak, Tabbabi Ahmed. 2018. Vectorial Role of Phlebotomine Sandflies. Newspaper
of Emerging and Rare Diseases. 1 (3): 111
7. Sboui Sajida, Tabbabi Ahmed. 2018. Importance of Medical Genetics Research in Medicine. Newspaper
of Genetics and DNA Research. 2: 1
8. Sboui Sajida, Tabbabi Ahmed. 2018. Male Factor Infertility. Journal of Genetics and Molecular
Biology. 2 (1): 4-5
9. Sboui Sajida, Tabbabi Ahmed. 2018. Marburg Virus Disease: A Review Literature. Journal of Genes
and Proteins. 1: 1
10. Sajida Sboui, Tabbabi Ahmed. 2018. Prevention of Malaria Infection in Travelers: A Review. Journal of
Infectious Diseases & Travel Medicine. 2 (1): 000104
11. Sboui Sajida, Tabbabi Ahmed. 2018. Female factor infertility. MOJ Biology and Medicine. 3 (1): 8-9
12. Sboui Sajida, Tabbabi Ahmed. 2018.Leishmania-sandfly interactions. Open Journal of Tropical
Medicine.2 (1): 1
13. Sajida Sboui, Tabbabi Ahmed. 2018. Is it Possible for a Mosquito to spread HIV / AIDS. SciFed Virology
Research Journal. 2: 1
14. Sboui Sajida, Tabbabi Ahmed. 2019. Importance of Molecular Diagnosis Methods for Infectious Diseases
Diseases. Annals of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2 (1): 1-2