Dr. John A. Dani received his Ph.D. in Physiology from the University of Minnesota. After postdoctoral training, he joined Baylor College of Medicine where he became Professor and Director of the Center on Addiction, Learning, and Memory. Dr. Dani has received a number of awards, including the Jacob Javits Neuroscience Award from the NIH. During the summer of 2013 he became the Chair of the Department of Neuroscience and Director of the Mahoney Institute for Neurosciences at the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania.
1) Drug Addiction
2) Synaptic plasticity
3) Dopamine mechanisms and signaling
4) Neurophysiology
5) electrophysiology
6) Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor function
1) Doyon WM, Dong Y, Ostroumov A, Thomas AM, Zhang TA, Dani JA (2013) Nicotine Decreases Ethanol-Induced Dopamine Signaling and Increases Self-Administration via Stress Hormones. Neuron 79:530-40. PMID:23871233
2) Dani JA, De Biasi M (2013) Mesolimbic dopamine and habenulo-interpeduncular pathways in nicotine withdrawal. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 3(6). PMID:23732854
3) Dong Y, Dani JA, Blakely RD (2013) Choline Transporter Hemizygosity Results in Diminished Basal Extracellular Dopamine Levels in Nucleus Accumbens and Blunts Dopamine Elevations Following Cocaine or Nicotine. Biochemical Pharmacology Aug 9. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:23939187
4) Doyon WM, Thomas AM, Ostroumov A, Dong Y, Dani JA (2013) Potential substrates for nicotine and alcohol interactions: A focus on the mesocorticolimbic dopamine system. Biochemical Pharmacology Jul 19 [Epub ahead of print] PMID:23876345
5) Dani JA, Donnelly-Roberts D, Bertrand D (2013) Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors as therapeutic targets: Emerging frontiers in basic research and clinical science-Editorial comments. Biochemical Pharmacology May 14 [Epub ahead of print] PMID:23684691
Cui Y, Versace F, Engelmann JM, Minnix JA, Robinson JD, Lam CY, Karam-Hage M, Brown VL, Wetter DW, Dani JA, Kosten TR, Cinciripini PM (2013) Alpha Oscillations in Response to Affective and Cigarette-Related Stimuli in Smokers. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 15:917–924. PMID: 23060019
6) Lin S-T, Wolfe JC, Dani JA, Shih W-C (2012) Flexible optitrode for localized light delivery and electrical recording. Optics Letters 37(11):1781-1783. PMID: 22660027
7) Cui Y, Robinson JD, Versace F, Lam CY, Minnix JA, Karam-Hage M, Dani JA, Kosten TR, Wetter DW, Brown VL, Cinciripini PM (2012) Differential cigarette-related startle cue reactivity among light, moderate, and heavy smokers. Addictive Behaviors 37:885-889. PMID: 22571920
8) Li W, Doyon WM, Dani JA (2012) Quantitative unit classification of ventral tegmental area neurons in vivo. Journal of Neurophysiology 107(10):2808-20. PMID: 22378178
9) Zhang L, Dong Y, Doyon WM, Dani JA (2012) Withdrawal from chronic nicotine exposure alters dopamine signaling dynamics in the nucleus accumbens. Biological Psychiatry 71:184-91. PMID: 21872847 (Selected as Priority Communication by Biological Psych.)
10) Zhang L, Le W, Xie W, Dani JA (2012). Age-related changes in dopamine signaling in Nurr1 deficient mice as a model of Parkinson\'s disease. Neurobiology Aging 33:1001.e7-1001.e16. PMID: 21531044
11) Dani JA, Jenson D, Broussard JI, De Biasi M (2011) Neurophysiology of nicotine addiction. Journal of Addiction Research and Therapeutics S1(1). PMID: 22454789
12) Dani JA, Balfour DJ (2011) Historical and current perspective on tobacco use and nicotine addiction. Trends Neuroscience. 34:383-92. PMID: 21696833
13) Li W, Doyon WM, Dani JA (2011) Acute in vivo nicotine administration enhances synchrony among dopamine neurons. Biochemical Pharmacology 82:977-83. PMID:21684263 14) De Biasi M, Dani JA. (2011). Reward, Addiction, Withdrawal to Nicotine. Annual Review Neuroscience 34:105-30. PMID: 21438686 15) Zhang T, Tang J, Pidoplichko VI, Dani JA (2010) Addictive nicotine alters local circuit inhibition during the induction of in vivo hippocampal synaptic potentiation. J Neuroscience 30:6443-53. PMID: 20445070