Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte
Associate Professor of Surgery in the Department of Surgery at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, at the School of Medicine. MD degree obtained in 2003 and doctorate in sciences (PhD degree) in 2005. I have training in General Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Gastroenterology and Endoscopy (all specialties with the Title of Specialist). Leader of an important Surgery Research Group and has been involved as an Advisor in a strictu sensu post-graduation program, where has many students. Grants from CNPq – National Council of Research and Technology.
General Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Gastroenterology and Endoscopy
1. GARCIA, DIEGO PAIM CARVALHO, NETO, CLARISSA SANTOS, HUBNER, PABLO NELSON VALLE, FURTADO, THIAGO DE ALMEIDA, PETROIANU, Andy, Alberti, Luiz Ronaldo Cardiac tamponade as a complication of parenteral nutrition. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports. , v.8, p.144 - 146, 2015. Keywords: complications of venous catheters, cardiac tamponade, parenteral nutrition, treatment Additional references : English. Meio de divulgação: Meio digital. Home page: [doi:10.1016/j.ijscr.2015.01.037]
2. OLIVEIRA, AMANDA LIMA DE, PETROIANU, Andy, GONÇALVES, DAFNE MARIA VILLAR, PEREIRA, GISELE ARAÚJO, Alberti, Luiz Ronaldo Characteristics of motorcyclists involved in accidents between motorcycles and automobiles. Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira (1992. Impresso). , v.61, p.61 - 64, 2015. Additional references : English. Meio de divulgação: Meio digital. Home page: [doi:10.1590/1806-9282.61.01.061]
3. Miranda, Marcelo Eller, PIÇARRO, Clécio, CAMPOS, BERNARDO ALMEIDA, CAMELO, ANNE ALVES, BELÊSA, FLÁVIA DE AZEVEDO, TATSUO, Edson Samesima, QUITES, LÚCIO DE OLIVEIRA, Alberti, Luiz Ronaldo Cloacal exstrophy associated with gastroschisis: Case report of a rare association with favorable outcome. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports. , v.3, p.107 - 110, 2015. Additional references : English. Meio de divulgação: Meio digital. Home page: [doi:10.1016/j.epsc.2015.01.009]
4. MAGALHÃES, MARIA ANGÉLICA BARON, PETROIANU, A., MARTINS, SILMAR GREY DE OLIVEIRA, RESENDE, Vivian, ALBERTI, L. R., BARBOSA, Alfredo José Afonso, VASCONCELLOS, Leonardo de Souza, TAVARES JUNIOR, WILSON CAMPOS Closure of large wounds using rubber bands in rabbits. Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões (Impresso). , v.42, p.56 - 61, 2015. Keywords: CIRURGIA PLÁSTICA, cirurgia, BORRACHA, cicatrização, PELE Knowledge areas : Medicine,Surgery,Experimental Surgery Additional references : English. Meio de divulgação: Meio digital
5. PETROIANU, Andy, SABINO, Kelly Renata, Alberti, Luiz Ronaldo Closure of large wound with rubber elastic circular strips- case report. ABCD. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cirurgia Digestiva. , v.27, p.86 - 87, 2014. Keywords: wound, rubber elastic strips, large wound Knowledge areas : Plastic Surgery,Cirurgia Geral Additional references : Portuguese. Meio de divulgação: Impresso
6. Alberti, Luiz Ronaldo, DAIAN, MÁRCIA RODRIGUES, PETROIANU, Andy Does a previous surgical experience interfere on psychic stress in patients submitted to major surgery?. Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões (Impresso). , v.41, p.043 - 048, 2014. Keywords: stress, general surgery, anesthesia, perioperative period Additional references : English. Meio de divulgação: Meio digital. Home page: [doi:10.1590/s0100-69912014000100009]
7. Mafra RSCP, ALBERTI, L. R., Vasconcelos BM, Mafra RSP Metastatic urethral melanoma: case report and review of the literature. Reviews in Urology. , v.16, p.47 - 49, 2014. Keywords: melanoma, urethra, urinary obstruction, metastasis, urethral melanoma Knowledge areas : urologia,oncologia Sectors : Activities related to human health Additional references : English.
8. Mafra RSCP, FERNANDES, F. L., BATALHA, A. X. F., CARNEIRO, P. S., VELOSO, Denny Fabrício Magalhães, Mafra RSP, ALBERTI, L. R. Accuracry of prostate weight estimation by transrectal ultrasound and digital rectal examination comparede to the real weight of the prostate after radical prostatectomy. Arquivos Catarinenses de Medicina (Impresso). , v.42, p.20 - 23, 2013. Keywords: ultrasonography, digital rectal examinantion, prostate weight, prostatectomy, prostate cancer Knowledge areas : urologia,Cirurgia Urológica,oncologia Additional references : Portuguese.
9. FREITAS, JAQUELINE DE PAULA CHAVES, Alberti, Luiz Ronaldo Aplicação da Escala de Braden em domicílio: incidência e fatores associados a úlcera por pressão. Acta Paulista de Enfermagem (Online). , v.26, p.515 - 521, 2013. Additional references : English. Meio de divulgação: Meio digital. Home page: [doi:10.1590/s0103-21002013000600002]
10. Alberti, Luiz Ronaldo, VASCONCELLOS, Leonardo de Souza, PETROIANU, Andy Autologous and allogeneic ovarian orthotopic transplantation: morphologic, endocrinologic and natural pregnancy assessment. Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira (Online). , v.28, p.59 - 65, 2013. Keywords: transplants, fertility, ovariectomy, histology, pregnancy, rabbits Additional references : English. Meio de divulgação: Meio digital. Home page: [doi:10.1590/s0102-86502013000100010]
11. Duarte GMH, Alberti, Luiz Ronaldo Cemented total hip arthroplasty. Revista do Médico Residente (HUEC). , v.15, p.36 - 49, 2013. Keywords: artroplastia de quadril, cimentos para ossos Additional references : Portuguese.
12. SALGADO, Mauro Ivan, PETROIANU, ANDY, ALBERTI, L. R., BURGARELLI, Giselle Lelis, BARBOSA, Alfredo José Afonso Conducted Healing to Treat Large Skin Wounds. Chirurgia (Bucuresti. 1990. Print). , v.108, p.706 - 710, 2013. Keywords: wound healing, skin graft, skin transplant, surgical debridement, dressings Additional references : Portuguese. Meio de divulgação: Vários
13. ARANTES, VITOR, ALBUQUERQUE, WALTON, SALLES, JOSE MARIA PORCARO, FREITAS DIAS, CARLOS ALBERTO, Alberti, Luiz Ronaldo, KAHALEH, MICHEL, FERRARI, TERESA CRISTINA ABREU, COELHO, LUIZ GONZAGA VAZ Effectiveness of Unsedated Transnasal Endoscopy With White-light, Flexible Spectral Imaging Color Enhancement, and Lugol Staining for Esophageal Cancer Screening in High-risk Patients. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. , v.47, p.314 - 321, 2013. Additional references : English. Meio de divulgação: Meio digital. Home page: [doi:10.1097/mcg.0b013e3182617fc1]
14. CARDOSO, Priscila Oliveira, GIFFONI, RODRIGO TOBIAS, Alberti, Luiz Ronaldo Epidemiological profile of skin diseases at a Primary Care Health Center. Revista Médica de Minas Gerais. , v.23, p.169 - 172, 2013. Keywords: skin diseases, epidemiology Additional references : English. Meio de divulgação: Meio digital. Home page: [doi:10.5935/2238-3182.20130027]
15. MAGALHAES, M. A. B., PETROIANU, A., FIGUEIREDO, J. A., ALBERTI, L. R., Barbosa AJA, BARBOSA, A. J. A. Greater resistance of the rabbit antropyloric region to experimental acute gastric ischemia. Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial (Impresso). , v.49, p.278 - 282, 2013. Keywords: Cirurgia Experimental, Cirurgia Abdominal, estômago, Isquemia gástrica, Infarto Intestinal Knowledge areas : Pathological Anatomy and Clinical Pathology,Experimental Surgery,Surgery Sectors : Activities related to human health Additional references : English. Meio de divulgação: Impresso
16. GOMES, MARCO ANTONIO VIANA, Alberti, Luiz Ronaldo, FERREIRA, FLÁVIO LOPES, GOMES, VIRGÍNIA MARTINS Historical aspects of aeromedical transport and aerospace medicine - review. Revista Médica de Minas Gerais. , v.23, p.116 - 123, 2013. Keywords: history of medicine, aeroespace medicine, air ambulances, transportation of patients Additional references : English. Meio de divulgação: Meio digital
17. Magalhaes RF, Amaro PF, Soares EB, Lopes LA, Mafra RSCP, Alberti, Luiz Ronaldo Occurence of intestinal parasites in children from Daycare Centes at Vale do Aço- MG. Unopar Científica Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde. , v.15, p.187 - 191, 2013. Keywords: parasitic diseases, epidemiology, child day care, giardia Additional references : Portuguese. Meio de divulgação: Impresso
18. Mafra RSCP, Amorim GLCC, Alberti, Luiz Ronaldo, Vasconcelos BM, Mafra RSP Urethral carcinoma: case report and literature review. Arquivos Catarinenses de Medicina (Impresso). , v.42, p.67 - 70, 2013. Keywords: urethra, urethral cancer Knowledge areas : urologia Additional references : Portuguese.
19. Alberti, Luiz Ronaldo, Lima DCA A rare case of breast cancer metastasis to the colon: case report. Applied Cancer Research (Impresso). , v.32, p.99 - 100, 2012. Keywords: breast neoplasm, colonoscopy, neoplasm metastasis Additional references : Portuguese.
20. PETROIANU, Andy, ALBERTI, L. R. Accuracy of the new radiographic sign of fecal loading in the cecum for differential diagnosis of acute appendicitis in comparison with other inflammatory diseases fo right abdomen: a prospective study. Journal of Medicine and Life. , v.5, p.85 - 91, 2012. Keywords: appendicitis, acute abdomen, radiography, cecum, fecal loading Knowledge areas : Clinical Medicine,Medical Radiology,Surgery Additional references : Portuguese.