Hoda Elkhenany has graduated from the faculty of veterinary medicine in 2008, then she got her master in the vereinary science in 2011. She received her PhD degree in 2015 from Alexandria University.During her PhD, she spent two years as an assistant researcher in regenerative medicine labat collage of veterinary medicne, University of Tennessee, USA. Elkhenany gained experience to work with equine and goat stem cells also handling and performing of surgical operations for animal species like rat, goat and equine. Now she is a lecturer at surgery department, Alexandria University, Egypt.
Stem cells
Bone and cartilage regeneration
Neural regeneration
Animal models
• Hoda Elkhenany, Lisa Amelse, Marc Caldwell, Ramadan Abdelwahed, and Madhu Dhar. Impact of the source and serial passaging of goat mesenchymal stem cells on osteogenic differentiation potential: implications for bone tissue engineering, Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology - DOI: 10.1186/s40104-016-0074-z (2016).
• Elkhenany Hoda, Lisa Amelse, Andersen Lafont, Marc Caldwell, AlexandruBiris, David Anderson and Madhu Dhar. Graphene supports in vitro proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of goat adult mesenchymal stem cells: potential for bone tissue engineering. Journal of Applied toxicology. DOI: 10.1002/jat.3024 (2015).
• Abdel-Wahed RE, El-Kammar MH, Abu-Ahmed Howaida and ElKhenany Hoda: Antagonism of xylazine – butorphanol combination in donkeys using tolazoline / atipamezole. ALEX. J. VET. SCIENCE 2011 VOL. 34 NO.1(2011).
• Stem cells regenerative effect on bone cyst like defect. NAVRMA conference, at Asilomar, Monterey, California, USA. June 2015 (poster presentation)
• Graphene and stem cell combination for bone tissue regeneration: In vitro to in vivo. Comparative & Experimental Medicine and Public Health (CEMPH) Research Symposium, Knoxville, TN, USA.May 2015 (oral presentation)
• Graphene based scaffold for stem cell delivery in cortical bone defect: A preliminary study. Biomaterial day, Nashville, TN, USA.March 2015 (poster presentation)
• The role of graphene in bone tissue engineering. CEMPH Research Symposium, Knoxville, TN, USA. May 2014 (oral presentation)
• Graphene Films enhance the osteogenic differentiation of goat bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells .The institute of Biomedical Engineering (iBME) Research Symposium. April 2014 (Poster presentation)
• Graphene based nanocomposite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering. International regenerative medicine and north American Regenerative Medicine Association. Atlanta, GA, USA. November 2013(poster presentation)