Hongbo Li is presently employed as an associate professor in School of Chemistry and ChemicalEngineering, Yancheng Institute of Technology, PR China. He pursued his Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from Yangzhou University,PR China.He worked as a visiting scholar at the Department of Chemistry in University of California Riverside, USA. He has many publications in international scientific journals with high impact factor.
Photoelectrochemical, electrochemical and colorimetric biosensors based on semiconductors and noble metal nanomaterials
1. Hongbo Li*, YunfeiQiao, Jing Li, Hailin Fang, Dahe Fan, Wei Wang*. A sensitive and label-free photoelectrochemicalaptasensor using Co-doped ZnO diluted magnetic semiconductor nanoparticles. Biosens.Bioelectron., 2016, 77, 378–384.
2. YanxiaQiu, Jing Li, Hongbo Li*, Qi Zhao, Hongmei Wang, Hailin Fang, Dahe Fan, Wei Wang*. A facile and ultrasensitive photoelectrochemical sensor for copperions using in-situ electrodeposition of cuprous oxide. Sens. Actuators, B, 2015, 208, 485–490.
3. Hongbo Li*, Jing Li, Daye Chen, YanxiaQiu, Wei Wang*. Dual-functional cubic cuprous oxide for non-enzymatic and oxygen-sensitive photoelectrochemical sensing of glucose. Sens. Actuators, B, 2015, 220 (1), 441–447.
4. Hongbo Li*, Daye Chen, Hongmei Wang, Jing Li, Wei Wang*. Sub-picomole level photoelectrochemical sensing of L-cysteine based on plasmonic silver nanoparticles modified hierarchically structured zinc oxide. J. Electroanal. Chem., 2015, 759 (1), 21–26.
5. Xinguo Xi, Jing Li, Hongmei Wang, Qi Zhao, Hongbo Li*. Non-enzymatic photoelectrochemical sensing of hydrogen peroxide using hierarchically structured zinc oxide hybridized with graphite-like carbon nitride. Microchim.Acta, 2015, 182, 1273–1279.
6. Jing Li, WenwenTu, Hongbo Li*, Min Han, YaqianLan, Zhihui Dai*, JianchunBao. In situ-generated nano-Gold plasmon-enhanced photoelectrochemicalaptasensing based on carboxylatedperylene-functionalized grapheme.Anal. Chem., 2014, 86(2), 1306–1312.
7. Jing Li, WenwenTu, Hongbo Li*, JianchunBao, Zhihui Dai*. In situ generated AgBr-enhanced ZnOnanorod-based photoelectrochemicalaptasensing via layer-by-layer assembly. Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 2108–2110.
8. Hongbo Li, YanXue, WeiWang*. Femtomole level photoelectrochemicalaptasensing for mercury ions using quercetin–copper(II) complex as the DNA intercalator. Biosens.Bioelectron., 2014, 54, 317–322.
9. Jing Li, Hongbo Li*, Yan Xue, Hailin Fang, Wei Wang*. Facile electrodeposition of environment-friendly Cu2O/ZnO heterojunction for robust photoelectrochemicalbiosensing. Sens. Actuators, B, 2014, 191, 619–624.
10. Hongbo Li, Jing Li, Qin Xu, Zhanjun Yang, Xiaoya Hu*. A derivative photoelectrochemical sensing platform for 4-nitrophenolate contained organophosphates pesticide based on carboxylatedperylene sensitized nano-TiO2. Anal.Chim.Acta, 2013, 766, 47–52.
11. Hongbo Li, Jing Li, Wei Wang, Zhanjun Yang, Qin Xu, Xiaoya Hu*. A subnanomole level photoelectrochemical sensing platform for hexavalent chromium based on its selective inhibition of quercetin oxidation. Analyst, 2013. 138(4), 1167–1173.
12. Hongbo Li, Jing Li, Qin Xu, Xiaoya Hu*. Poly(3-hexylthiophene)/TiO2 nanoparticle-functionalized electrodes for visible light and low potential photoelectrochemical sensing of organophosphorus pesticide chlopyrifos. Anal. Chem., 2011, 83(24), 9681–9686.
13. Hongbo Li, Jing Li, Zhanjun Yang, Qin Xu, Xiaoya Hu*. A novel photoelectrochemical sensor for the organophosphorus pesticide dichlofenthion based on nanometer-sized titania coupled with a screen-printed electrode. Anal. Chem., 2011, 83(13), 5290–5295.
14. Hongbo Li, Jing Li, Zhanjun Yang, Qin Xu, ChuantaoHou, Jinyun Peng, Xiaoya Hu*. Simultaneous determination of ultratrace lead and cadmium by square wave stripping voltammetry with in situ depositing bismuth at nafion-medical stone doped disposable electrode. J. Hazard. Mater., 2011. 191(1–3), 26–31.
15. Hongbo Li, Jing Li, ChuantaoHou, Shi Du, Yanyan Ren, Zhanjun Yang, Qin Xu, Xiaoya Hu*. A sub-nanomole level electrochemical method for determination of prochloraz and its metabolites based on medical stone doped disposable electrode. Talanta, 2010, 83(2), 591–595.
16. Hongbo Li, Jing Li, Zhanjun Yang, Qin Xu, Xiaoya Hu*. Sodium dodecyl sulfate sensitized electrochemical method for sub-picomole level determination of topotecan hydrochloride at a novel disposable electrode. Sci. China, Ser. B, 2011, 54(1), 217–222.
17. Hongbo Li, Jing Li, DongmeiMeng, Jinyun Peng, QiujuQiao, Zhanjun Yang, Qin Xu, Xiaoya Hu*. Sodium dodecyl sulfate sensitized electrochemical method for subnanomole level determination of ortho-phenylphenol at a novel disposable electrode. Sci. China, Ser. B, 2011, 54(7), 1116–1122.
18. Qin Xu, Xiaoxian Liu, Hongbo Li, Lina Yin, Xiaoya Hu*. Electrochemical determination of purine and pyrimidine DNA bases based on the recognition properties of azocalix[4]arene. Biosens.Bioelectron., 2013, 42, 355–361.
19. Qin Xu, Huanping Wei, Shi Du, Hongbo Li, Zhenping Ji, Xiaoya Hu*. Detection of subnanomolar melamine based on electrochemical accumulation coupled with enzyme colorimetric assay. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2013, 61(8), 1810−1817.
20. Zhanjun Yang, Yanyan Ren, Yongcai Zhang, Juan Li, Hongbo Li, Xiaochun Huang, Xiaoya Hu*, Qin Xu. Nanoflake-like SnS2 matrix for glucose biosensing based on direct electrochemistry of glucose oxidase.Biosens.Bioelectron., 2011, 26(11), 4337–4341.
21. Jinyun Peng, ChuantaoHou, Xiaoxian Liu, Hongbo Li, Xiaoya Hu*. Electrochemical behavior of azithromycin at graphene and ionic liquid composite film modified electrode. Talanta, 2011, 86, 227–232.
22. Qin Xu, Lanlan Chen, Guiju Lu, Xiaoya Hu*, Hongbo Li, Lili Ding, Yang Wang. Electrochemical preparation of poly(bromothymol blue) film and its analytical application. J. Appl. Electrochem., 2011, 41(2), 143–149.
23. Qin Xu, Shi Du, GendiJin, Hongbo Li, Xiaoya Hu*.Determination of acetamiprid by a colorimetric method based on the aggregation of gold nanoparticles.MicrochimActa, 2011, 173(3-4), 323–329.
24. Qin Xu, Jun Leng, Hongbo Li, Guiju Lu, Yang Wang, Xiaoya Hu*.The preparation of polyaniline/gold nanocomposites by self-assembly and their electrochemical applications. React. Funct.Polym., 2010, 70(9), 663–668.