Dr. Nahar is a Chemistry honors graduate from the University of Exeter and she obtained her PhD in Organic and Medicinal Chemistry from the University of Aberdeen. She has currently been working at Liverpool John Moores University.
Previously she held a number of academic posts including Senior Lecturer in Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry at Wolverhampton University, Lecturer in Medicinal Chemistry at Robert Gordon University, Research Fellow at Ulster University, Visiting Professor at Tripoli University, Research Scientist at Rowett Research Institute, Medical Research Council Fellow at Robert Gordon University and Post-doctoral Fellow at University of Aberdeen. Dr. Nahar is the Managing Editor of Phytochemical Analysis, and in the Editorial Advisory Board of several other journals. To date she has authored five books, 13 book chapters and well over 200 research papers and reviews.
Her research interest is in Drug Discovery and Design incorporating several aspects of Medicinal and Natural Products Chemistry.