Kadir Erol is presently working as assistant professor in Property Protection and Safety-Hitit University.He pursued his Ph.D. in Chemistry/Biochemistry from Hacettepe University.He has many publications in international scientific journals with high impact factor.
1. Köse, K., Erol, K., Köse, D. A., Avcı, E., Uzun, L. Affinity Purification Lipase from Wheat Germ Comparison of hydrophobic and metal chelation effect. Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology, in press.
2. Erol, K., Köse, K., Köse, D.A., Sızır, Ü., Tosun Satır, Ä°., Uzun, L. (2015). Adsorption of Victo Blue R (VBR) Dye on Magnetic Microparticles Containing Fe(II)-Co(II) Double Salt. Desalination Water And Treatment, 57, 9307-9317.
3. Köse, K., Erol, K., Emniyet, A. A., Köse, D. A., Alp Avcı, G., Uzun, L. (2015). Fe(II)-Co(II) doublesalt incorporated magnetic hydrophobic microparticles for invertase adsorption. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 177, 1025-1039..
4. Erol, K., Köse, K., Köse, D. A., Alp Avcı, G., Uzun, L. (2014). Separation and Purification Lipase using Cu nanoparticle embedded poly(HEMA-MATrp) Cryogels. Hittite Journal of Science and Engineering, 1, 43-50..
5. Erol, K., Gençer, N., Arslan M., Arslan, O. (2013). Purification, characterization, and investigati of in vitro inhibition by metals of paraoxonase from different sheep breeds. Artificial Cells, Bloods Substitutes and Biotechnology, 41, 125-130..
6. Erol, K. (2016). DNA Adsorption via Co(II) Immobilized Cryogels. Journal of Macromolecular Science- Pure and Applied Chemistry. Accepted Manuscript.