Dr.Bin Zhu is presently working as a Associate professor of Department of Critical Care Medicine, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University,Changzhou, China. He is also working as Associate chief physician of Department of Critical Care Medicine, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University. Dr.Zhu earlier worked as Lecturer of Department of Critical Care Medicine, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University from 2011-14. Dr. Zhu is a Youth member of Society of Critical Care Medicine, Medical Association of Jiangsu Province.His Research interest include Inflammation-related cognitive decline, Pathogenesis of acute lung injury.
1. Yang C, Jiang RY, Shen J, Hong T, Liu N, Ding LC, Wang DM, Chen LJ, Xu B, Zhu B*. Ketamine attenuates the lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory response in cultured N2a cells[J]. Mol Med Rep, 2013, 8(1): 217-220.
2. Yang C, Zhu B, Shen J, Hu T, Li Z, Hong T*. Rapamycin and mTOR inhibitors probably have therapeutic effects for post-operative cognitive dysfunction[J]. Med Hypotheses. 2013, 81(3):487-488.
3. Zhu B, Yang C, Ding LC, Liu N*. 3-methyladenine, an autophagic inhibitor, attenuates therapeutic effects of sirolimus on scopolamine-induced cognitive dysfunction in a rat model[J]. Int J Clin Exp Med, 2014, 7(10):3327-3332.
4. Zhu B, Zheng F, Liu N, Zhu MH, Xie J, Ye JR, Zhang J, Jiang DQ, Yang C, Jiang Y*. Diagnostic Value of Surfactant Protein-A in Severe Acute Pancreatitis-Induced Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome[J]. Med Sci Monit. 2014, 26(20):1728-1734.
5. Zhu B, Wang ZG, Ding J, Liu N, Wang DM, Ding LC, Yang C*. Chronic lipopolysaccharide exposure induces cognitive dysfunction but without affecting the expression of BDNF in rat hippocampus[J]. Exp Ther Med, 2014, 7(3):750-754.
6. Miao LY, Zhu B (co-first author), He XZ, Liu JF, Jin LN, Li XR, Xue LN, Huang T, Shen JQ, Xing CY*. Effects of three blood purification methods on serum fibroblast growth factor-23 clearance in patients with hyperphosphatemia undergoing maintenance hemodialysis[J]. Exp Ther Med. 2014,7(4): 947-952.
7. Hua F, Yang C, Zhu B*. Leptin: New hope for the treatment of post-operative cognitive dysfunction[J]? Med Sci Monit, 2014, 26(20): 866-868.
8. Su DA, Jiang RY, Liu N, Ding LC, Wang DM, Yu HY, Yan ES, Zhu MH, Zhu B*. Effects of BD1047, a sigma-1 receptor antagonist, on the expression of mTOR, Camk2γ and GSK-3β in fluvoxamine-treated N2a cells[J]. Exp Ther Med, 2014, 7(2): 435-438.
9. Yang C, Zhu B, Hua F*. Leptin deficiency is involved in the cognitive impairment[J]. Int J Clin Exp Med 2014,7(9):2571-2577.
10. Yang C, Zhu B, Ding J, Wang ZG*. Isoflurane anesthesia aggravates cognitive impairment in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats[J]. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2014, 7(4):903-910.
11. Zhu B, Yang C, Hua F*. leptin disturbance probably involved in the pathogenesis of obesity-induced depressive symptoms[J]. Maturitas. 2015, 80(3):335.
12. Zhu B, Yang C, Wu J, Hua F*.Autophagic activation may be involved in the mechanism of hesperidin's therapeutic effects for cognitive impairment[J]. J Neurol Sci. 2015, 351(1-2):202-203.
13. Zhu B, Jiang RY, Yang C*, Liu N. Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase activation mediates leptin attenuating cognitive impairment in streptozocin-induced rat model[J]. Exp Ther Med. 2015, 9(5):1998-2002.
14. Wang ZG, Yang C, Zhu B, Hua F*. AMPK-dependent autophagic activation is probably involved in the mechanism of resveratrol exerting therapeutic effects for Alzheimer's disease[J]. Rejuvenation Res. 2015, 18(1):101-102.
15. Hua F, Yang C, Zhu B, Wu J. How to treat type 2 diabetes-induced encephalopathy: Regulating the autophagic pathway[J]. Nutrition. 2015, 31(7-8):1055.