Salvatore Saccone is at present associate professor of Genetics at the University of Catania (Italy). He graduated in Biological Sciences (1989) at University of Catania and obtained the PhD in Genetic Sciences (1992) at University of Pavia (Italy). After a post-doc activity (1992-1994) at the Institute J. Monod (Paris, France), and at the University of Catania (1995-1998) he was researcher of Genetics at thislatter University. From 1998 to 2001 he was associate professor of Genetics at the University of Bologna (Italy) and from 2001 to present associate professor of Genetics at the University of Catania. During his career, he received three awards: "prize A. Marzullo” assigned in 1989 by the University of Trieste on the Degree Thesis and on the University Curriculum; "prize Degree”assigned by "Catania Research Consortium" on the Degree Thesis (1990); “PhD Award” assigned by “Italian Association of Genetics” for the best doctoral thesis of Genetics (1994). He has held many academic positions: President of the Master degree in "Cell and Molecular Biology"; Coordinator of the Master course in “Bio-molecular techniques for bio-medical and forensic investigations”; Director of the departmental section of Animal Biology “M. La Greca”; Coordinator of the PhD program in "Evolutionary and Environmental Biology" (until 2014); Deputy-Director of the Dept. of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania, Italy (until 2012); Deputy-Director of theDept. Animal Biology “M. La Greca”, University of Catania, Italy (until 2010).
On the teaching side, he covered many teachings on the genetic field. In the "Biological Sciences" degree course: 1) Genetics; 2) Molecular evolution; 3) Environmental mutagenesis. In the "Environmental Sciences" degree course: Genetics and Mutagenesis. In the "Cell and Molecular Biology" Master Degree course: 1) Genomic of the Eukaryotes; 2) Developmental genetics. In the "Environmental Protection Sciences" Master Degree course: Genetic methodologies. From2001 he was supervisor of nine PhD thesis, more than 50 master degree thesis, and an high number of degree final dissertation. Considering the scientific production (bibliometric indicators), from 1991 he was co-author (ORCID n. 0000-0001-7568-5823) of many scientific articles published on international journals with referees, and a high number of abstracts presented to scientific national/international meetings.
Genome organization and evolution:
- Genomic DNA organization in the chromosomal bands and in interphase nuclei from mammalian cells
- Chromatin organization during cell differentiation
Genetic diseases related to chromatin epigenetic modifications:
- Ectopic gene repositioning in cell nuclei
- HLXB9/MNX1 gene in myeloid leukemias and breast cancer
- TAU gene in cell aging
Environmental mutagenesis:
- In vitro mutagenesis assays of environmental pollutants
- Analyses of the biomarkers of effect and of susceptibility on human populations exposed to environmental pollutants
- Polymorphisms of the DNA repair genes and of the xenobiotic metabolism genes
Forensic genetics:
- Molecular identification of Insect species with forensic interest
- Molecular identification of the larval stages of scavenger Diptera
1. Federico C, Palmieri C, Pappalardo AM,Ferrito V, Pappalardo M, Librando V, Saccone S. (2016) Mutagenicproperties of linuron and chlorbromuronevaluated by means of cytogeneticbiomarkers in mammaliancelllines.Environmental Science and PollutionResearch ESPR First online: 21 May 2016, p. 1-8. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-6867-y
2. Tosi S, Mostafa Kamel Y, Owoka T, Federico C, Truong TH, Saccone S. Paediatric acute myeloidleukaemia with the t(7;12)(q36;p13) rearrangement: a review of the biological and clinical management aspects. BiomarkerResearch 3:21, 2015. DOI: 10.1186/s40364-015-0041-4
3. Owoka T, Vetter M, Federico C, Saccone S, Tosi S. Detection of t(7;12)(q36;p13) in paediatricleukaemiausingdualcolourfluorescence in situ hybridisation. HematolLeuk 2015; 3:4. DOI:
4. Kamel YM, Naiel A, Alshehri A, Vetter M, Saccone S, Anderson R, Tosi S. Fluorescence in situ hybridisationassaysdesigned for del(7q) detectionuncover more complexrearrangements in myeloidleukaemiacelllines. Trends in CancerResearch 10, 17-26, 2014
5. Leotta CG, Federico C, Brundo MV, Tosi S, Saccone S. HLXB9 gene expression, and nuclear location during in vitro neuronaldifferentiation in the SK-N-BE neuroblastoma cell line. PLoS ONE 9(8): e105481. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0105481, 2014.
6. Federico C, Pappalardo M, Leotta CG, Minniti Z, Librando V, Saccone S. Phenylureaherbicides: chemicalproperties and genotoxiceffects. In :Handbook on Herbicides. Editors: DaikiKabayashi and Eito Watanabe. Nova Scienze Publishers, Inc. New York, USA. Pag 111-132, 2013.
7. Berná L., Chaurasia A., Angelini C., Federico C., Saccone S. and Donofrio G. The footprint of metabolism in the organization of mammaliangenomes. BMC Genomics 13, 174, 2012.
8. Federico C., Motta S., Palmieri C., Pappalardo M., Librando V, and Saccone S. Phenylureaherbicides induce cytogeneticeffectsonChinesehamstercelllines. Mutation Res. 721, 89-94, 2011.
9. Ballabio E, Cantarella CD, Federico C, Di Mare P, Hall G, Harbott J, Hughes J, Saccone S, and Tosi S. Ectopicexpression of the HLXB9 gene isassociated with an alterednuclear position in t(7;12) leukaemias. Leukemia 23, 1179-1182, 2009.
10. Federico C, Cantarella CD, Di Mare P, Tosi S, and Saccone S. The radialarrangement of the human chromosome7 in the lymphocytecellnucleusisassociated with chromosomal band gene density. Chromosoma 117, 399-410, 2008.
11. D’Onofrio G, Ghosh TC, and Saccone S. Differentfunctionalclasses of genes are characterized by differentcompositionalproperties. FEBS letters 581, 5819-5824, 2007.
12. Costantini M, Clay O, Federico C, Saccone S, Auletta F, and Bernardi G. Human chromosomalbands: nestedstructure, high definitionmap and molecularbasis. Chromosoma 116, 29-40, 2007.
13. Federico C, Scavo C, Cantarella CD, Motta S., Saccone S, and Bernardi G. Gene-rich and gene-poorchromosomalregionshavedifferentlocations in the interphase nuclei of cold-bloodedvertebrates. Chromosoma 115, 123-128, 2006.
14. D’Antoni S, Mattina T, Di Mare P, Federico C, Motta S, and Saccone S. Alteredreplication timing of the HIRA/Tuple1 locus in the DiGeorge and Velocardiofacialsyndromes. Gene 333, 111-119, 2004.
15. Motta S, Federico C, Saccone S, Librando, V., and Mosesso, P. Cytogeneticevaluation of extractable agents fromairborneparticulatemattergenerated in the city of Catania (Italy). Mutation Res. 561, 45-52, 2004.
16. Saccone S, and Bernardi G. Chromosomes 21 and 22: gene density. In "Encyclopedia of the Human Genome", Nature Publishing Group, London, UK, Vol. 1 pp. 695-698, 2003.
17. Saccone S, and Bernardi G. GC-richisochores: origin. In "Encyclopedia of the Human Genome", Nature Publishing Group, London, UK, Vol. 2 pp. 583-587, 2003.
18. Bernardi G, and Saccone S. Gene distribution on human chromosomes. In "Encyclopedia of the Human Genome", Nature Publishing Group, London, UK, Vol. 2 pp. 617-620, 2003.
19. Saccone S, Federico C, and Bernardi G. Localization of the gene-richest and the gene-poorestisochores in the interphase nuclei of mammalsand birds. Gene 300, 169-178, 2002.
20. Saccone S, Pavlicek A, Federico C, Paces J, and Bernardi G. Genes, isochores and bands in human chromosomes21 and 22 Chromosome Res. 9, 533-539, 2001.
21. Federico C, Andreozzi L, Saccone S and Bernardi G. Gene density in the giemsabands of human chromosomes. Chromosome Res. 8, 737-746, 2000.
22. Federico C, Saccone S and Bernardi G. The gene-richestbands of human chromosomesreplicateat the onset of the S-phase. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 80, 83-88, 1998.
23. Saccone S, De Sario A, Wiegant J, Raap AK, Della Valle G and Bernardi G. Correlationsbetweenisochores and chromosomalbands in the human genome. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90, 11929-11933, 1993.
24. Saccone S, De Sario A, Della Valle G and Bernardi G. The highest gene concentrations in the human genome are in telomericbands of metaphasechromosomes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 4913-4917, 1992.
25. Heitz D, Rousseau F, Devys D, Saccone S, Abderrahim H, Le Paslier D, Cohen D, Vincent A, Toniolo D, Della Valle G, Johnson S, Schlessinger D, Oberlé J and MandelJL.Isolation of sequencesthatspan the fragile X and identification of a fragile X-relatedCpGisland. Science 251, 1236-1239, 1991.