Rongbiao Tang working as a radiologist in Ruijin hospital, Department of Radiology, Shanghai, China. Now he is the committee member of Molecular Imaging Unit of Shanghai Irradiation Association. He pursued his PhD in Imaging medicine and nuclear medicine School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU).. He has many publications in international scientific journals with high impact factor.
1)Synchrotron radiation Imaging.
2)In-line Phase-contrast Imaging.
3)Grating-based Phase-contrast Imaging.
4)X-ray Attenuation-contrast Imaging.
5)Gastrointestinal radiography.
7)Micro CT.
1.Rongbiao Tang, et al. Molecular evaluation of thrombosis using X-ray phase contrast imaging with microbubbles targeted to P-selectin in mice. Eur Radiol. 2015 Dec 2.
2.Rongbiao Tang, et al. CO2-based in-line phase contrast imaging of small intestine in mice. Sci. Rep. 3, 2313.
3.Rongbiao Tang, et al. A novel imaging tool for hepatic portal system using phase contrast technique with hydrogen peroxide-generated O2 gas. J Synchrotron Radiat. 2015 Sep;22(5):1263-7.
4.Rongbiao Tang, et al. Microbubble-based synchrotron radiation phase contrast imaging: basic study and angiography applications. Phys. Med. Biol. 56 (2011) 3503-3512.
5.Rongbiao Tang, et al. X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging of Cell Isolation with Super-Paramagnetic Microbeads, PLoS One, 7(9), e45597, 2012.
6.Rongbiao Tang, et al. Anti-VEGFR2-conjugated PLGA microspheres as an x-ray phase contrast agent for assessing the VEGFR2 expression, Phys Med Biol, 57(10), 3051-3063, 2012.
7.Rongbiao Tang, et al. In-Line Phase Contrast Imaging of Hepatic Portal Vein Embolization with Radiolucent Embolic Agents in Mice: A Preliminary Study. PLoS ONE 8(12): e80919.
8.Yan Xi, Rongbiao Tang, et al. “Microbubbles as contrast agent for in-line x-ray phase-contrast imaging.” Applied Physics Letters (2011).
9.Xi Y, Chen Y, Rongbiao Tang, et al. United iterative reconstruction for spectral computed tomography. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2015 Mar;34(3):769-78.
10.Lin H, Kou B, Li X, Wang Y, Ding B, Shi C, Liu H, Rongbiao Tang, et al. Grating-based phase-contrast imaging of tumor angiogenesis in lung metastases. PLoS One. 2015 Mar 26;10(3):e0121438.
11.Li J, Tang Y, Wang Y, Rongbiao Tang, et al. Neurovascular recovery via co-transplanted neural and vascular progenitors leads to improved functional restoration after ischemic stroke in rats. Stem Cell Reports. 2014 Jun 19;3(1):101-14.
12.Yu Y, Lin X, Chen K, Chai W, Hu S, Rongbiao Tang et al. Hepatocellular carcinoma and focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver: differentiation with CT spectral imaging. Eur Radiol. 2013 Jun;23(6):1660-8.