Critical care physician, cardiologist, lecturer, and an independent researcher. • Egyptian, married, and birth date:19 / 10 / 1970. • MBBch (Al-Azhar university, faculty of medicine; Cairo, Dec.1995). • PGDip cardiology (Middlesex University, RILA, Dec.2014). • FCCS (2018) • The physician was honored for his researches with Damietta medical syndicate, Damietta cardiac society, and Fraskoor central hospital. • Affiliation: Damietta Health Affairs - Egyptian Ministry of Health (MOH) • His main hobby: Researching, book authoring, book summarization, and wide spectrum reading; mostly in cardiology, critical care medicine. internal medicine, pharmacology, biochemistry, toxicology, emergency, food sciences, and public health. • Current work: Egyptian ministry of health (MOH), Damietta, Damietta health affairs, Fraskoor central hospital. • He had worked at many large hospitals; eg., Port-Saeed general hospital (3 years), Damietta subspecialty general hospital (3 years), security forces polyclinics in AL-Madina Al-Munawarah in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ( about 9 years) the one day Rass El-Bar surgical hospital (3 years), Rass El-Bar general hospital (2 years), and currently; Fraskoor central hospital. Books were publicized for the researcher: • Handbook of Drug-Induced Diseases; A crude Substance and New Classifications for All Physicians, Pharmacists, and Dentists. • Handbook of Carcinogens In Our Life • Preservatives and Food Additive Toxins in our Foods (Arabic language). • Diseases of gastrointestinal system and liver; etiologies, prevention, and treatment (Arabic language). • Researches were publicized for the researcher: • Test the antiarrhythmic effect of intravenous nitroglycerine on ischemic Premature Ventricular Contractions Bigeminy, a case report. • An electrocardiographic anxiety-induced quadrigeminy and re-assurance, a case report. • Blunt chest trauma-induced myocardial infarction with suggested coronary vasospasm, a case report. • Test the Ischemic Atrial Fibrillation with Oxygen Therapy, A Case Report. • Test the Antiarrhythmic Effect of intravenous nitroglycerine on Ischemic Quadrigeminy, A Case Report. • Oxygen relieved CO Toxicity-Induced Coronary Vasospasm and Focal Atrial Tachycardia, A Case Report. • Test the Vasospastic ST-Segment Depression Reversibility with Nitrates in Non-Obstructive Coronary Disease, Case Report Series. • Atypical Presentations of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Elderly, Women, and Diabetic Patients-Updating Review. • Missed acute pulmonary embolism and sudden death, a case Report. • Rizatriptan-Induced Coronary Artery Spasm, Hypertension, and Sinus Tachycardia was Reversed with 5-Dinitrate, A Case Report. • Emergency Low Oxygen-Responded Cluster Headache with Neurologists Oxygen-Negligence; Retrospective Observational Study. • Physical Inactivity and Clinical Cardiovascular Impact, Review . • Tramadol-Induced Hypertensive Crises and Myocardial Infarction with Possible Coronary Spasm in Smoker Patient, A Case Report. • Sildenafil Serious Emergency Presentations; Starting with Angina, Myocardial Infarctions, Ventricular Fibrillation, and Ending with Death; Retrospective Observational Study. • Premature Ventricular Contractions from Benign to Seriousness - A Narrative Updating Review. • Test the Termination of Regular Ischemic Premature Ventricular Contractions Variants with Nitro-glycerine; A new Therapeutic and Diagnostic Test; Retrospective Observational Study. • An Electrical Injury-Induced Tetany and Coronary Artery Spasm Reversed with Calcium, A Case Report. • Aluminum Phosphoide Suicidality in Serious Toxicity Passing the Death with Hydrocortisone Superiority, A Case Report. • Developing Sgarbossa Criteria in Left Bundle Branch Block with Hypertensive Emergency; A Case Report. • Calculous cholecystitis-induced non-specific ST-segment elevation like-myocardial infarction and bradycardia; a case report. • Acute myocardial infarction associated with right bundle branch block and changeable trifascicular block: a case report. • Test the Termination of Ischemic Ventricular Tachycardia and QT-Prolongation in Hypokalemic Hypertensive Patient with Nitroglycerine; A Case Report. • Early Versus Late Post-Traumatic Venous Thromboembolism; An Elapsed Time Controversy and Risk Factors; Editorial. • Direct Current Cardioversion Terminating a Supraventricular Tachycardia with High Lateral Pre-Excitation Rather than Hypertension Normalization; A rare presentation; A case report. • Wavy Triple An Electrocardiographic Sign (Yasser Sign) in Hypocalcaemia-A Novel Diagnostic Sign; Retrospective Observational Study. • Anti-shock Measures relieved Bee-Sting Anaphylaxis Induced Kounis Type I Syndrome; A case Report. • Nitroglycerin in Suboptimal Versus the Remaining Doses in Hypertensive Crises Regards Propylene Glycol; Efficacy and Safety (Nitroglycerin on Trace Study); Retrospective Observational Study. • An electrocardiographic triple rhythm of sinus arrhythmia, Brugada syndrome, and early repolarization with a diverse outcome; A case report. • Serious signs and risk points in thrombophilic acute pulmonary embolism carry the fatality; A case report. • De Winter Sign as a Precursor to Acute Myocardial Infarction and Post-Streptokinase Dramatic Response; A Case Report. • High Lateral Myocardial Infarction; the Smallest but the Most Painful Infarction - A Case Report. • Anaphylaxis-Induced Kounis Type-I Syndrome Post-Wasp Sting with Dramatic Response to Anti-Shock Measures; A Case Report. • Connected Aircraft Squadron Electrocardiographic Sign (Yasser sign); an Index for Tachypnea in Specific T-wave Abnormalities- A New Diagnostic, Therapeutic, and Prognostic Sign; Retrospective-Observational Study-Research article. • Both Wellens’ Syndrome Types Post Hashish- Induced Acute Myocardial Infarction in A Young Cigarette Smoker, A Case Report.
Emergency Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Internal Medicine and Diabetes.
1. Test the antiarrhythmic effect of intravenous nitroglycerine on ischemic Premature Ventricular Contractions Bigeminy, A Case Report DOI: 10.1016/j.ejccm.2017.08.002 URL:
2. An electrocardiographic anxiety-induced quadrigeminy and re-assurance, A Case Report DOI: 10.1016/j.ejccm.2018.05.003 URL:
3. Blunt chest trauma induced myocardial infarction with suggested coronary vasospasm, A Case Report DOI: 10.1016/j.ejccm.2018.05.001 URL:
4. Test the Ischemic Atrial Fibrillation with Oxygen Therapy, A Case Report URL:
5. Test the Antiarrhythmic Effect of Intravenous Nitroglycerine on Ischemic Quadrigeminy, A Case Report URL:
6. Oxygen Relieved Carbon Monoxide Toxicity-Induced Coronary Vasospasm and Focal Atrial Tachycardia, A Case Report URL:
7. Test the Vasospastic ST-Segment Depression Reversibility with Nitrates in Non-Obstructive Coronary Disease, 3-Case Report DOI: URL:
8. Atypical Presentations of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Elderly, Women, and Diabetic Patients-Updating Review URL:
9. Missed acute pulmonary embolism and sudden death, A Case Report DOI: 10.4103/2221-6189.259113 URL:;year=2019;volume=8;issue=3;spage=123;epage=126;aulast=Elsayed;type=0
10. Rizatriptan-Induced Coronary Artery Spasm, Hypertension,and Sinus Tachycardia was Reversed with 5-Dinitrate, A Case Report DOI: 10.5455/ww.302644278