Luis Marcelino Remedios Hernández is President of the Aquaculture and Fisheries Society of Platform of the Association of Veterinary Medicine of Cuba.Technically proposes and advises the breeding and cultivation of aquatic organisms and/or related to this medium. He has huge number of Publications and participated in various research activities.
2000 Small Reservoir Aquaculture in Cuba.
1999 Aquaculture, Society and the Environment. (book)
1999 Zoo sanitary aspects in juveniles of the European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax during its
first quarantine in Cuba.
1999 Sustainable rural aquaculture.
2000 Small-scale aquaculture in Latin America and the Caribbean. (Work entrusted by FAO)
2002-2005 South-South Cooperation. Tripartite Cooperation. FAO Expert in Artisanal Fisheries and
Aquaculture in the Special Program for Food Security in Equatorial Guinea