Dr. Ajay Kumar Ray currently holds the position of Tenured Professor and Chair in the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering University of Western Ontario.He received his Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from University of Minnesota, USA. in 1992.He worked as a Professor & Grad Chair at the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Chemical and Biochemical Engineering in University of Western Ontario, London, Canada.He has many publications in international scientific journals with high impact factor.
1. Engineering of Chemical Reactions and Processes.
2. Catalysis and Reaction Engineering.
3. Process Systems Engineering.
4. Modelling.
5 Simulation and Multiâ€objective Optimization of Industrial Reactors and Processes.
6. Simulated Moving Bed Systems for Impossible Separations, Integrated Reactorâ€Separator.
7. Multiâ€Functional Reactors.
8. Separative Reactors.
9. Hybrid SMBCrystallization.
10. Bandâ€Engineered Solar Photocatalysis.
11. Dye sensitized photocatalysis.
12. Largeâ€scale Photocatalytic Reactor Design for Water Purification.
13. Clean Hydrogen by Water Splitting based on Solar Photocatalysis.
14. Oscillatory Reactor.
15.Optimum Design of Polymer Reactors.
16. Circulating Fluidized Bed Systems.
17. Protein Refolding.
18. Biodiesel from Microalgae.
19. Design of Photoâ€Bio Reactor.
20. Disinfection of Opaque (Low UVT) Fluids.
1. *Hashim, N., *Thakur, S., Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Factorial design analysis for solar dye-sensitized photocatalytic degradation of Diclofenac. Chemical Engineering Journal.
2. *Bhatia, V., Dhir, A., Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Optimization of process parameters using statistical method for photocatalytic degradation of Atenolol with Grapheneoxide - ZnO composite. Separation and Purification
3. *Faraji, N., Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Model-based Optimization of LactoperoxidaseSeparation on an Ion-Exchange Chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A.
4. *Bhatia, V., *Malekshoar, G., Dhir, A., Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of Atenolol using Graphene TiO2 Composite. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering.
5. *Thakur, S., *Hashim, N., Neogi, S., Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Size dependent adsorption and conformational changes induced in bovine serum albumin (BSA) on exposure to TiO2 nanoparticles. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research.
6. *Malekshoar, G., Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Solar Photocatalytic hydrogen generation over EY-sensitized TiO2 using in-situ grown molybdenum sulfide as co-catalyst. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research.
7. *Manoli, K.; Nakhla, G.; Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Oxidation of Caffeine by Ferrate (VI). Chemosphere.
8. *Bhatia, V., Dhir, A., Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of Ofloxacin by co-doped TiO2 under solar irradiation. Separation and Purification Technology.
9. *Faraji, N.; Zhang, Y.; Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Determination of Adsorption Isotherm Parametersfor Minor Whey Proteins by Gradient Elution Preparative Liquid Chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A. 1412: 67-74.
10. *Saremirad, P.; *Wood, J.; Zhang, Y.; Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Oxidative protein refolding on size exclusion chromatography: From batch single-column to multi-column counter-currentcontinuous processing. Chemical Engineering Science. 138: 375-384.
11. *Athapaththu, S.; Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Reduction of Cd(II) from Aqueous Solution via Adsorption and Solar Photocatalysis. Chemical Engineering Journal.
12. *Hashem, N.; Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Multi-objective Optimization of Chiral Separation of Nadolol by Simulated Moving Bed Chromatographic Separator. Chemical Engineering and Processing.
13. *Kumordzi, G.; Yanful, E.; Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Solar Photocatalytic Reduction of Zn2+ Using Graphene- Based TiO2 Composite Catalyst for Application to CSO Treatment. Chemosphere.
14. *Palys, M.; *Ivanov, S.; Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Conceptual approach in Multi-objective Optimization of Packed Bed Membrane Reactor for Ethylene Epoxidation using Non-dominating Sorting Genetic Algorithm NSGA-II. Chemical Engineering and Technology.
15. *Mitra Ray, N.; Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Multi-objective Optimization of Biodiesel Synthesis in Simulated Moving Bed Chromatographic Reactor. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering.
16. *Mitra Ray, N.; Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Determination of Adsorption and KineticParameters for Methyl Oleate (Biodiesel) Esterification Reaction Catalyzed byAmberlyst 15 Resin. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering.
17. *Mitra Ray, N.; Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Modeling, Simulation and Experimental Study of a Simulated Moving Bed Reactor for the Synthesis of Biodiesel. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering.
18. *Hashem, N.; Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Modeling and Separation of Nadolol by Simulated Moving Bed Chromatographic Separator. Separation and Purification Technology. 19. *Manoli, K.; Nakhla, G.; Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Oxidation of Urea by Ferrate(VI). Chemosphere.
20. *Siddiqui, H.; Xu, C.; Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Lignin-based Phenol-Formaldehyde Resoles from Hydrolytically Depolymerized Kraft Lignin: Optimization of Synthesis Parameters for Curing Temperature. Polymer Engineering Science.
20. *Isimjan, T. T.; *Trifkovic, M.; *Abdullahi, I.; Rohani, S.; Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Nanoscale Optimization and Statistical Modeling of Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting Efficiency of N-Doped TiO2 Nanotubes. Topics in Catalysis. 58(2-3): 114-122.
21. *Chowdhury, P.; Gomaa, H.; Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Sacrificial hydrogen generation from aqueous triethanolamine with Eosin Y-sensitized Pt/TiO2 photocatalyst in UV, visible and solar light irradiation. Chemosphere. 121: 54-61.
22. *Crapulli, F.; Santoro, D.; Sasges, M. R.; Ray, S.; *Mahmoud, H.; Ray, Ajay K.(2015). Quantifying ultraviolet inactivation kinetics in nearly opaque fluids. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada. 50(1): 34-46.
23. *Hashim, N.; *Natarajan, P.; Ray, Ajay K.(2014). Intrinsic Kinetic Study for Photocatalytic Degradation of Diclofenac under UV and Visible Light. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 53(49): 18637-18646.
24. *Malekshoar, G.; *Pal, K.; *He, Q.; Yu, A. P.; Ray, Ajay K.(2014). Enhanced Solar Photocatalytic Degradation of Phenol with Coupled Graphene-Based Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 53(49): 18824-18832.