Masoud Tahmasian currently holds the position of Research in the Department of Neurology, University Hospital of Cologne, Germany, May 2014- January 2016.he received his Ph.D. degree in Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Neuroimaging Research Group, Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, April 2011- September 2014.He has been a member of Editorial Board of three international journals. He has many publications in international scientific journals with high impact factor.
1. Multimodal functional neuroimaging (PET/MRI) in neuropsychiatric disorders (Major depressive disorder, Dementia & Alzheimer disease, Parkinson’s disease).<br>
2. Sleep medicine.
1. Tahmasian M, Rosenzweig I, Eickhoff SB, Sepehry AA, Laird AR, Fox PT, Morrell MJ, Khazaie H, Eickhoff CR. Structural and functional neural adaptations in obstructive sleep apnea: an activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis. Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews, 2016 March.
2. Emamian F, Khazaie H, Tahmasian M, Leschziner GD, Morrell MJ, Hsiung GY, Rosenzweig I, Sepehry AA. Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Alzheimer’s disease: a Meta-analysis perspective. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2016 March.
3. Pasquini L, Scherr M, Tamashian M, Myers N, Ortner M, Kurz A, Förstl H, Zimmer C, Grimmer T, Akhrif A, Wohlschläger A.M, Riedl V, Sorg C. Increased ongoing activity of medial-temporal lobe subregions is associated with decreased cortical thickness of medial-parietal areas in patients with Alzheimer’s disease dementia. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 2016 January.
4. Tahmasian M, Shao J, Meng C, Grimemr T, Diehl-Schmid J, Förster S, Riedl V, Schwaiger M, Drzezga A, Sorg C. Separation of distinct neurodegenerative diseases based on network degeneration hypothesis: a preliminary PET/MRI study, Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2016 February.
5. Khaledi-Paveh B, Khazaei H, Nasouri M, Ghadami MR, Tahmasian M. Evaluation of Berlin Questionnaire Validity for Sleep Apnea Risk in Sleep Clinic Populations, Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, 2016, 7(1): 43-48.
6. Tahmasian M, Rochhausen L, Maier F, Williamson K, Drzezga A, Timmermann L, van Eimeren T, Eggers C. Impulsivity is associated with increased metabolism in the fronto-insular network in Parkinson’s disease, Frontiers in Behavrioral Neuroscience, 2015 November.
7. Tahmasian M, Bettray LM, van Eimeren T, Drzezga A, Timmermann L, Eickhoff CR, Eickhoff SB, Eggers C. Applications of resting-state fMRI in Parkinson’s disease: Dose dopamine replacement therapy play a role?, Cortex, 2015 December 73:80-105.
8. Tahmasian M, Pasquini L, Scherr M, Meng C, Förster S, Bratec SM, Shi K, Yakushev I, Schwaiger M, Grimemr T, Diehl-Schmid J, Riedl V, Sorg C, Drzezga A. The lower hippocampus global connectivity the higher its local metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease, Neurology, 2015 May 12;84(19):1956-63.
9. Tahmasian M, Eggers C, Riedl V, Sorg C, Drzezga A. Utilization of hybrid PET/MR in neuroimaging, Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, 2015; 6 (3):143-146.
10. Klupp E, Grimmer T, Tahmasian M, Sorg C, Yakushev I, Yousefi B, Drzezga A, Förster S. Prefrontal hypometabolism in AD is related to longitudinal amyloid accumulation in remote brain regions, Journal of Nuclear medicine, 2015 Feb 12.
11. Pasquini L, Scherr M, Tamashian M, Meng C, Myers N, Ortner M, Mühlau M, Kurz A, Förstl H, Zimmer C, Grimmer T, Wohlschläger A.M, Riedl V, Sorg C. Selectively and progressively increased BOLD synchrony within the hippocampus in Alzheimer’s disease, Alzheimer and Dementia, 2015 May;11(5):475-84.
12. Klupp E, Förster S, Grimmer T, Tahmasian M, Sorg C, Yousefi B, Drzezga A. In Alzheimer’s disease, hypometabolism in low-amyloid brain regions may be a functional consequence of pathologies in connected brain regions, Brain Connectivity, 2014 Jun;4(5):371-383.
13. Riedl V, Bienkowska K, Strobel C, Tahmasian M, Grimmer T, Förster S, Friston K.J, Sorg C, Drzezga A. Local activity determines functional connectivity in the resting human brain, Journal of Neuroscience, 2014 Apr 30;34(18):6260-6266. 14. Manoliu A, Meng C, Brandl F, Doll A, Tahmasian M, Zimmer C, Förstl H, Bäuml J, Wohlschläger A, Riedl V, Sorg C. Insular dysfunction within salience network is associated with severity of symptoms and aberrant inter-network connectivity in major depressive disorder severity of symptoms in depression, Frontier of Human Neuroscience, 2014 Jan 21;7:930. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00930. eCollection 2013.
15. Meng C, Brandl F, Tahmasian M, Shao J, Manoliu A, Scherr M, Schwerthöffer D, Bäuml J, Förstl H, Zimmer C, Wohlschläger A.M, Riedl V, Sorg C. Aberrant putamen intrinsic network topology links with the number of episodes in major depression, Brain, 2013 Oct 26. doi: 10.1093/brain/awt290.
16. Tahmasian M, Knight D.C, Manoliu A, Schwerthöffer D, Meng C, Shao J, Peters H, Doll A, Khazaie H, Mueller M, Drzezga A, Bäuml J, Zimmer C, Förstl H, Wohlschläger AM, Riedl V, Sorg C. Aberrant intrinsic connectivity of hippocampus and amygdala overlap in the fronto-insular and dorsomedial-prefrontal cortex in major depressive disorder. Frontier of Human Neuroscience, 2013 01 October. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2013.00639.
17. Khazaei H, Heidarpour A, Nikray R, Rezaei M, Maroufi A, Moradi B, Ghadami MR, Malek-Khosravi S, Tahmasian M. Evaluation of sleep problems in preeclamptic, healthy pregnants and non-pregnant women in Kermanshah, Iran. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry, 2013; 8:4: 168-171.
18. Khazaie H, Ghadami MR, Knight DC, Emamian F, Tahmasian M. Insomnia treatment in the third trimester of pregnancy reduces postpartum depression symptoms: A randomized clinical trial. Psychiatry Research. 2013 Aug 29. doi:pii: S0165-1781(13)00477-0. 10.1016/j.psychres.2013.08.017.
19. Tahmasian M, Khazaie H, Golshani S, Avis KT. Clinical application of actigraphy in psychotic disorders: A systematic review, Current Psychiatry Reports. 2013 Jun;15(6):359. doi: 10.1007/s11920-013-0359-2.
20. Khazaie H, Saidi MR, Sepehry AA, Samadzadeh S, Ahmadi A, Parvizi AA, Najafi F, Tahmasian M. Abnormal ECG patterns in chronic post-war PTSD patients: A pilot case-control examination, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 2013 Mar;20(1):1-6. 21. Khazaie H, Tahmasian M, Yonessi G, Schwebel DC, Rezaei M, Rezaei L, Mohamadi M, Ghanbari A, Comparison of dream content in schizophrenic patients, non-schizophrenic mental patients, first degree relatives of schizopherenic patients and community control. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry, 2012; 7:26-30.
22. Khazaie H, Najafi F, Rezaie L, Tahmasian M, Sepehry AA, Herth FJ. Prevalence of symptoms and risk of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) syndrome in general population, Archives of Iranian Medicine, 2011 Sep;14(5):335-8.
23. Khazaie H, Moradi MR, Tahmasian M, Rezaei M, Dabiri S, Nikray R, Rezaei L, Younessi G, Schwebel DC. An innovative new method to diagnose enuresis objectively. Neurosciences, 2011; 16(3):287-9.
24. Khazaie H, Rahimi M, Tatari F, Rezaei M, Najafi F, Tahmasian M. Treatment of Depression in Type 2 Diabetes with Fluoxetin or Citalopram? (A Randomized Controlled Trial), Neurosciences, 2011; 16 (1): 42-45.
25. Tahmasian M, Khazaie H, Sepehry AA, Russo, MB. Ambulatory Monitoring of Sleep Disorders [Review article], Journal of Pakistan Medical Association (JPMA), 2010; 60(6) 480-487.