Dr Zhidong Zhang is currently work as Head of programme for Viral diseases in grazing animals at Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute.He has previously worked as PI for six years at Pribright Institute in UK, Section Head at National Centre for foreign animal disease, Canada for three years. He has 65 publications including 62 refereed publications and 3 book chapters
Li H, Li Z, Xie Y, Qin X, Qi X, Sun P, Bai X, Ma Y, Zhidong Zhang (2016). Novel chimeric foot-and-mouth disease virus-like particles harboring serotype O VP1 protect guinea pigs against challenge. Vet Microbiol. 2016 Feb 1;183:92-6. doi: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2015.12.004. IF2.511.
2. Yang Y, Qin X, Wang G, Jin J, Shang Y, Zhidong Zhang (2016). Development of an isothermoal amplification-based assay for rapid visual detection of an Orf virus. Virology Journal. 2016 Mar 19; 13:46. doi: 10.1186/s12985-016-0502-x.
3. Yang Y, Qin XD, Wang GX, Zhang Y, Shang YJ and Zhidong Zhang (2015) Development of a Fluorescent Probe-Based Recombinase Polymerase Amplification Assay for Rapid Detection of Orf Virus. Virology Journal 02 December 201 5 (doi:10.1186/s12985-015-0440-z).
4. Zhidong Zhang, Doel C, Bashiruddin J B (2015) Interleukin-10 production at the early stage of infection with foot-and-mouth disease virus related to the likelihood of persistent infection in cattle. Vet Research 46:132 DOI 10.1186 /s13567-015-0276-y.
5. Giorgakoudi K, Gubbins S, Ward J, Juleff N, Zhidong Zhang, Schley D (2015). Using Mathematical Modelling to Explore Hypotheses about the Role of Bovine Epithelium Structure in Foot-And-Mouth Disease Virus-Induced Cell Lysis. PLoS One. 2015 Oct 2;10(10):e0138571.
6. Kittelberger R, Nfon C, Swekla K, Zhidong Zhang, Hole K, Bittner H, Salo T, Goolia M, Embury-Hyatt C, Bueno R, Hannah M, Swainsbury R, O'Sullivan C, Spence R, Clough R, McFadden A, Rawdon T, Alexandersen S (2015). Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Red Deer - Experimental Infection and Test Methods Performance. Transbound Emerg Dis. doi: 10.1111/tbed.12363.
7. Ma X, Yang X, Nian X, Zhidong Zhang, Dou Y, Zhang X, Luo X, Su J, Zhu Q, Cai X.(2015). Identification of amino-acid residues in the V protein of peste des petits ruminants essential for interference and suppression of STAT-mediated interferon signaling. Virology. 8;483:54-63. doi: 10.1016/j.virol.2015.03.039.
8. Horsington J, Zhidong Zhang, Bittner H, Hole K, Singanallur NB, Alexandersen S, Vosloo W. (2015) Early protection in sheep against intratypic heterologous challenge with serotype O foot-and-mouth disease virus using high-potency, emergency vaccine. Vaccine.33(3):422-9.
9. Yang M, Xu W, Goolia M, Zhidong Zhang (2014) Characterization of monoclonal antibodies against foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype O and application in identification of antigenic variation in relation to vaccine strain selection. Virol J.11:136. doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-11-136.
10. Y Zhang, Sun Y, Yang F, Guo J, He J, Wu Q, Cao W, Lv L, Zheng H, Zhidong Zhang (2013). Induction of Partial Protection against Foot and Mouth Disease Virus in Guinea Pigs by Neutralization with the Integrin β6-1 Subunit. Viruses 5(4):1114-30. 11. Moniwa M, Embury-Hyatt C, Zhidong Zhang, Hole K, Clavijo A, Copps J, Alexandersen S. (2012) Experimental Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Infection in White Tailed Deer. J. Comp. Pathol. 147:330-42.
12. David S, J Wardb & Zhidong Zhang (2010): Modelling foot-and-mouth disease virus dynamics in oral epithelium to help identify the determinants of lysis. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 73:1503-28.
13. Murphy C, Bashiruddin JB, Quan M, Zhidong Zhang, Alexandersen S (2010). Foot-and-mouth disease viral loads in pigs in the early, acute stage of disease Vet Rec. 2;166 (1) : 10-4.
14. Valarcher JF, Knowles NJ, Zakharov V, Scherbakov A, Zhidong Zhang, Shang YJ, Liu ZX, Liu XT, Sanyal A, Hemadri D, Tosh C, Rasool TJ, Pattnaik B, Schumann KR, Beckham TR, Linchongsubongkoch W, Ferris NP, Roeder PL, Paton DJ. (2009) Multiple origins of foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype Asia 1 outbreaks, 2003-2007.Emerg Infect Dis15(7):1046-51.
15. Zhidong Zhang and JB. Bashiruddin. (2009).Quantitative analysis of foot-and-.mouth disease virus RNA duration in tissues of experimentally infected pigs. The Vet Journal 180(1):130-2.
16. Quan M, Murphy CM, Zhidong Zhang, Durand S, Esteves I, Doel C, Alexandersen S. (2009). Influence of Exposure Intensity on the Efficiency and Speed of Transmission of Foot-and-Mouth Disease. J Comp Path 140:225-37.
17. Zhidong Zhang, R. Ahmed, D Paton and J.B. Bashiruddin (2009).Cytokine mRNA responses in bovine epithelia during foot-and-mouth disease virus infection. The Vet Journal 179(1):85-91.
18. Yang B, Lan X, Li X, Yin X, Li B, Han X, Li Y, Zhang Zhidong, Liu J. 2008 A novel bi-functional DNA vaccine expressing VP1 protein and producing antisense RNA targeted to 5'UTR of foot-and-mouth disease virus can induce both rapid inhibitory effect and specific immune response in mice. Vaccine 26(43):5477-83.
19. S Durand, C Murphy, Zhidong Zhang, S. Alexandersen. 2008. Epithelial Distribution and Replication of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus RNA in Infected Pigs. J Comp Path. 139(2-3):86-96.
20. Juleff N, Windsor M, Reid E, Seago J, Zhang Zhidong, et al. (2008) Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Persists in the Light Zone of Germinal Centres. PLoS ONE 3(10): e3434. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003434.
21. E. Ryan, J. Horsington, J.Brownlie, Zhidong Zhang (2008) Foot-and-mouth disease virus infection in foetal lambs: tissue tropism and cytokine response. J. Comp. Path 138(2-3):108-20.
22. E. Ryan, J. Horsington, S.e Durand, H. Brooks, S. Alexandersena, J. Brownlie, Zhidong Zhang. (2008) Foot-and-mouth disease virus infection in young lambs: pathogenesis and tissue tropism. Vet Microbiology 127(3-4):258-74.
23. Z. Cheng, Y. Li, Z. Sheng, L.Gang, Zhidong Zhang (2007).Mutation pressure shapes codon usage in the GC-rich genome of foot-and-mouth disease virus. Virus Genes 35(3):767-76.
24. J. Horsington and Zhidong Zhang (2007) Consistent change in the B-C loop of VP2 observed in foot-and-mouth disease virus from persistently infected cattle: implications for association with persistence. Virus Research 125: 114-118).
25. J. Horsington and Zhidong Zhang (2007). Analysis of foot-and-mouth disease virus replication using strand-specific quantitative RT-PCR. J Virol Methods, 144:149-155