Dr Reza Yousefi is associated professor of Biochemistry in Biology Department of Shiraz University. He received his PhD by the end of 2004 in Biochemistry from the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IBB) of Tehran University. During his PhD program, he was granted to work on a part of his research at department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of Bern University (Switzerland). During 2005-2008, he has participated in two post doctorate research programmers in Tehran University and in French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA). In 2009, Dr Yousefi started his career in Shiraz University as assistant professor and established Protein Chemistry Laboratory (PCL) in the Biology Department. Within the last 15 years, Dr Yousefi has authored more than 50 peer-reviewed articles in the well recognized international Journals, 5 books (in Persian) and, more than 50 conference abstracts. In 2014, he was appointed as the chair of scientific committee of the national conference on protein and peptide sciences in Iran. Also, he has served as a member in the organization committees of different scientific conferences in Iran and aboard. Moreover, he is one of the editorial board members of two scientific journals.
Protein Structure, Folding and Stability
Protein Aggregation and Role of Chaperones
Cloning, Expression and Purification of Reccombinant Proteins
Enzyme Inhibition Assessment
Bioactive Peptides
Biological Activity of Synthetic Ligands, Organometallic Complexes and Nanomaterials.
1) Zafaranchi ZM S, Khoshaman K, Masoudi R, Hemmateenejad B, Yousefi R (2016) The structural alteration and aggregation propensity of glycated lens crystallins in the presence of calcium; importance of lens calcium homeostasis in development of diabetic cataracts, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, In press. IF=2.65
2) Anbaraki A, Khoshaman K, Ghasemi Y, Yousefi R (2016) Antioxidant defense mechanism against riboflavin-mediated sunlight damaging of lens crystallins, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 91:895-904. IF=3.13
3) Mehraban MH, Odooli S, Yousefi R, Roghanian R, Motovali-Bashi M, Moosavi-Movahedi AA, Ghasemi Y (2016) The interaction of beta-lactoglobulin with ciprofloxacin and kanamycin; a spectroscopic and molecular modeling approach, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, In press. IF=2.30
4) Javadi S, Yousefi R, Hosseinkhani S, Tamaddon A, Uversky V (2016) Protective effects of carnosine on dehydroascorbate-induced structural alteration and opacity of lens crystallins: Important implications of carnosine pleiotropic functions to combat cataractogenesis. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, In press. IF=2.30
5) Shahsavani MB, Ahmadi SH, Dadkhah Aseman M, Nabavizadeh SM, Rashidi M, Asadi Z, Erfani N, Ghasemi A, Saboury AA, Niazi A, Bahaoddini A, Yousefi R (2016) Anticancer activity assessment of two novel binuclear platinum (II) complexes, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology B, 161:345-354. IF=3.03
6) Ghahramani M, Yousefi R, Khoshaman K, Moghadam SS, Kurganov BI (2016) Evaluation of structure, chaperone-like activity and protective ability of peroxynitrite modified human α-Crystallin subunits against copper-mediated ascorbic acid oxidation, Int J Biol Macromol, 87:208-21. IF=3.13
7) Rastegari B, Karbalaei-Heidari H, Yousefi R, Zeinali S, Nabavizadeh S (2016) Interaction of prodigiosin with HSA and β-Lg: Spectroscopic and molecular docking studies, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry; 24 (7):1504-12. IF=2.92
8) Bahmari F, Panahi F, Daneshgar F, Yousefi R, Shahsavani M, Khalafinezhad A (2016) Synthesis of new α-aminophosphonate derivatives incorporating benzimidazole, theophylline and adenine nucleobases using L-cysteine functionalized magnetic nanoparticles (LCMNP) as magnetic reusable catalyst: Evaluation of their anticancer activities, RSC Advances, 6:5915-5924. IF=3.84
9) Ragerdi kashani M, Yousefi R, Akbarian M, Alavianmehr M, Ghasemi Y (2016) Structure, chaperone activity and aggregation of wild-type and R12C mutant alphaB-crystallins in the presence of thermal stress and calcium ion; implications for the role of calcium in cataract pathogenesis, Biochemistry (Moscow), 81(2), 122-134. IF=1.42
10) Hajari S, Masoudi R, Javadi S, Hemmateenejad B, Yousefi R (2016) The structural alteration and aggregation of bovine lens gamma-crystallin by homocysteinylation; the pathomechanism underlying cataract development during hyperhomocysteinimia, Proteins and Peptide Letters, 23(1):78-86. IF=1.06
11) Yousefi R, Jamshidi M, Shahsavani M, Nabavizadeh S M, Golbon Haghighi M, Rashidi M, Taheri-Kafrani A, Niazi A, Keshavarz F, Alavinamehr MM, (2016) Study on the interaction of three structurally related cationic Pt (II) complexes with human serum albumin: importance of binding affinity and denaturing properties, Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 13(4):617-630. IF=1.30
12) Yousefi R, Javadi S, Amirghofran S, Oryan A, Moosavi-Movahedi A (2016) Assessment of structure, stability and aggregation of soluble lens proteins and alpha-crystallin upon non-enzymatic glycation: The pathomechanisms underlying cataract development in diabetic patients, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 82:328-38. IF=3.13
13) Yousefi R, Taheri B, Alavi P, Shahsavani M, Asadi Z, Ghahramany M, Niazi A, Alavian mehr M, Moosavi-Movahedi A (2016) Aspirin-mediated acetylation induces structural alteration and aggregation of bovine pancreatic insulin, Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, 34(2): 362-375. IF=2.30
14) Yousefi R, Taheri-Kafrani A, Nabavizadeh S, Pouryasin Z, Shahsavani M, Khoshaman K, Rashidi M (2015) The binding assessment with human serum albumin of novel six-coordinate Pt(IV) complexes, containing bidentate nitrogen donor/methyl ligands, Molecular Biology Research Communications 4:167-179.
15) Khoshaman K, Yousefi R, Saso L, Moosavi-Movahedi A (2015) The impact of hydrogen peroxide on structure, stability and functional properties of human R12C mutant< alpha>A-Crystallin: the imperative insights into pathomechanism of the associated congenital cataract incidence, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 89:819-30. IF=5.78