Dr. Mohammad Ehlayel is a graduate from College of Medicine, University of Jordan in Amman, Jordan and qualified in Pediatrics and Allergy-Immunology. He holds an academic title of Associate Professor at Weill-Cornell Medical College-Qatar. He established and worked as a Head of Section of Pediatric Allergy-Immunology (1998-2012) at Department of Pediatrics at Hamad Medical Corporation. In addition, since 1998, he has been working as is a senior consultant at Section of Pediatric Allergy-Immunology, Department of Pediatrics, Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar. He holds fellowship to American Academy of Pediatrics (FAAP), American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (FACAAI) and American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (FAAAAI), and others. He chaired and worked as a member of many scientific committees, organizing committees, and advisory committees of many medical conferences. He is a member of editorial board and an academic reviewer many medical journals, published 65 papers field-specific papers, and 90 delivered presentations in international medical conferences on allergy-immunology. He is particularly interested in food allergy, atopic eczema and role of micronutrients in allergic diseases.
Pediatrics Allergy, Pediatrics Asthma, and Pediatrics Immunology
1. Dr Ehlayel. Many Articles on Pediatric and Allergy Matters in Qatari Newspapers [in Arabic].
2. Dr Ehlayel. Several Articles on Allergy in Local Qatari Newspapers (In English).
3. Dr Ehlayel. Several Articles on Health Matters in Friday Magazine (Colorado, USA) (In English).
4. Dr Ehlayel. Qatar TV Interview on Allergy (Arabic)-2003.
5. Dr Ehlayel. “Asthma Among Children” on Aljazeera Children’s Channel, On May 4th, 2004.
6. Dr Ehlayel. Interview on the 2nd Saudi Channel [Food Allergy, in Arabic]. June 3rd, 2010.
7. Dr Ehlayel. Hereditary immunodeficiency diseases during childhood, preventable risks”. Al-Raya Medical, June 2010; 29: 6-11 (in Arabic).
8. Dr Ehlayel. Interview on Al-Jazirah Newspaper, Saudi Arabia, Nov 23rd, 2011.
9. Dr Ehlayel. “Allergy in Children: Causes and Prevention” [Arabic], in “Green Tea” Program at 04:00pm, July 13th, 2012, Qatar Foundation Radio, Doha, Qatar.
10. Dr Ehlayel. “Immunity Among Healthy and Sick Children” [Arabic], in “The Clinic” Program at Qatar Radio, 12:00 noon-01:00 pm, November 17th, 2012, Doha, Qatar.
11. Dr Ehlayel. “25pc of kids in Qatar allergic to milk: Study”, interview at The Peninsula English News Paper, 07 March 2013
12. Dr Ehlayel. “An Update on Allergic Diseases”, [Arabic], in “An Update in Medicine” Program at Qatar Radio 8:30 -9:30pm, May 20th, 2013, Doha, Qatar.
13. Dr Ehlayel. “Normal Immune Ssystem”, [Arabic], On “Anbar Children Educational Series” 14. Dr Ehlayel. Aljazeera Children’s Channel, On May 28th, 2013.
15. Dr Ehlayel. Allergic diseases among children of Qatar. Al-Sharq Newspaper[Arabic], June 2013
16. Dr Ehlayel. “Allergic diseases, an update”, in “Medicine and Life” program, Qatar TV, Oct 27, 2013.
17. Dr Ehlayel. “Food allergy: causes and presentations”, [Arabic], in “Dirham Wiqaya” [Dirham-worth Prevention] Program at Qatar Radio 8:00 -9:00pm, Mar 16th, 2014, Qatar, Doha, Qatar.
18. Dr Ehlayel. “Bronchial asthma: parents’ questions”, [Arabic], in “Dirham Wiqaya” [Dirham-worth Prevention] Program; Aug 10th, 2014, Qatar, Doha, Qatar.