Hari Shanker Sharma, Director of Research (International Experimental Central Nervous System Injury & Repair, IECNSIR), University Hospital,Uppsala University is Professor of Neurobiology (MRC), Docent in Neuroanatomy (UU) and is currently affiliated with Department of Surgical Sciences, Division of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Uppsala University, Sweden.Hari Sharma organized and chaired Nanosymposium for Society for Neuroscience (SfN) in Chicago (2009), San Diego (2010), Washington DC (2011), New Orleans (2012), San Diego (2013) and Washington DC (2014). On his works on “Nanowired cerebrolysin in Neuropathic Pain” Hari Sharma is awarded the Prestigious US TechConnect Global Innovation Award 2013 at the National Innovation Summit & Innovation Showcase, Washington DC May 12-16, 2013.
Neuropathology, Anesthesiology,Neuroanatomy