Dr. Min-Ho Kim received his doctoral degree in Biomedical Engineering from Pennsylvania State University in 2004. After then, he received a postdoctoral training at the University of California at Davis, where his research was focused on understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which local inflammatory environmental cues alter phenotypic switch of tissue infiltrating innate immune cellsto tissue injury and infection. In 2012, he joined Kent State University as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences where he has developed research programs in tissue engineering application in wound healing. His current research focuses on developing novel therapeutics to promote the resolution of non-healing chronic wounds based on precise understanding of crosstalk between macrophages and mesenchymal stem cells. He is a recipient of the Farris Innovation Award and his research has beenfunded by NIH.
• Understanding the role of macrophage in wound healing and biofilm infection
• The recruitment of endogenous mesenchymal stem cells on wound healing
• Engineering nano-materials for tissue engineering and wound healing
1 Kim MH. Nanoparticle-based therapies for wound biofilm infection: opportunities and challenges. IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 15:294-304, 2016
2 Sung B, Shaffer S, Sittek M, Alboslemy T, Kim C, and Kim MH. Alternating magnetic field-responsive hybrid gelatin microgels for controlled drug release. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 108: e53680, doi:10.3791/53680, 2016
3 Yu B, Sondag G, Malcuit C, Kim MH, and Safadi F. Macrophage-associated osteoactivin/GPNMB mediates mesenchymal stem cell survival, proliferation, and migration via a CD44-dependent mechanism. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 117:1511-1521, 2016
4 Worden M, Bruckman M, Kim MH, Steinmetz N, Kikkawa J, LaSpina C, and Hegmann T. Aqueous systhesis of polyhedral “brick-like” iron oxide nanoparticles for hyperthermia and T2 MRI contrast enhancement, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 3:6877-6884, 2015
5 Sung B, Kim C, and Kim MH. Biodegradable colloidal microgels with tunable thermo-responsive volume phase transitions for controllable drug delivery. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 450:26-33, 2015
6 Yan H, Sung B, Kim MH, and Kim C. A novel strategy for functionalizable photoluminescent magnetic nanoparticles. Material Research Express, 1:045032 doi:10.1088/2053-1591/1/4/045032, 2014
7 Kim MH, Gorouhi F, Ramirez S, Granick JL, Byrne BA, Soulika AM, Simon SI, Isseroff RR. Catecholamine stress alters neutrophil trafficking and impairs wound healing via ï¢2 adrenergic receptor mediated upregulation of IL-6. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 134:809-817, 2014
8 Kim MH, Yamayoshi I, Mathew S, Lin H, Nayfach J, and Simon SI, Magnetic nanoparticle targeted hyperthermia of cutaneous S. aureus infection. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 41:598-609, 2013
9 Dixit N, Kim MH, Rossaint J, Yamayoshi I, Zarbock A, Simon SI. Leukocyte function antigen-1, kindlin-3, and calcium flux orchestrate neutrophil recruitment during Inflammation. J Immunology, 189:5954-5964, 2012
10 Kim MH, Granick J, Kwok C, Walker N, Borjesson DL, Curry F-E, Miller LS, and Simon SI. Neutrophil survival and c-kit+ progenitor proliferation in Stappylococcus aureus infected skin wounds promote resolution. Blood, 117(12):3343-3352, 2011
11 Kim MH, Curry F-E, and Simon SI. Dynamics of neutrophil extravasation and vascular permeability are uncoupled during aseptic cutaneous wounding. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, 296: C848-C856, 2009
12 Kim MH, Liu W, Borjesson DL, Curry F-E, Miller LS, Cheung AL, Liu F-T, Isseroff RR, and Simon SI. Dynamics of neutrophil infiltration during cutaneous wound healing and infection using fluorescence imaging. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 128: 1812-1820, 2008
13 Kim MH, Granger DN, and Harris NR. Mediators of CD18/P-selectin-dependent constriction of venule-paired arterioles in hypercholesterolemia. Microvascular Research, 73, pp. 150-155, 2007
14 Kim MH, Carter P, and Harris NR. P-selectin-mediated adhesion impairs endothelium-dependent arteriolar dilation in hypercholesterolemic mice. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circ Physiology. 292: H632-H638, 2007
15 Kim MH and Harris NR. Leukocyte adherence inhibits adenosine-dependent venular control of arteriolar diameter and nitric oxide. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circ Physiology. 291: H724-H731, 2006
16 Kim MH, Harris NR and Tarbell JM. Regulation of hydraulic conductivity in response to sustained changes in pressure. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circ Physiology. 289: H2551-H2558, 2005
17 Kim MH, Harris NR and Tarbell JM. Regulation of capillary hydraulic conductivity in response to acute change in shear. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circ Physiology, 289: H2126-H2135, 2005
18 Kim MH, Harris NR and Tarbell JM. Control of the arteriolar myogenic response by transvascular fluid filtration. Microvascular Research, 68, pp. 30-37, 2004
Book Chapters Published
Kim MH. Modulation of innate immune response for tissue engineering. Invited chapter in Frontiers in Biomedical Engineering: Convergence Technology, Springer, H. Jo et al (eds.), 2015, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-21813-7_7. (*; corresponding author)