Dr. Boral is the Director of Blood Bank Services and a Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and of Anesthesiology at the University of Kentucky Medical Center in Lexington, KY. His educational degrees are a BS from Muhlenberg College, Allentown PA; an MD from the University of Pennsylvania Medical School, Phila. PA; and an MBA from Mississippi College, Clinton, MS. He is Board Certified in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology as well as Blood Banking Transfusion Medicine and did his specialty training at Syracuse Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, NY and at NYU/Bellevue Medical Centers, NY, NY. Some of his prior positions have included Chairman of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, Newark NJ and Director of Laboratories at Cook County Medical Center, Chicago, IL. He is a member of numerous national and regional organizations and committees and currently, he is the College of American Pathologists Mid-Central Regional Commissioner, the Secretary of the Kentucky Society of Pathologists, and the Treasurer of the Kentucky Association of Blood Banks.
Research Interest Includes: Transfusion Medicine
Apheresis - Therapeutic and Donor
Blood Donation
Blood Management
Tissue Banking
Point of care Testing
Laboratory Management
Laboratory Inspection and Accreditation.
1. Boral, LI, MacIvor, DC, and Ribes, JA.: I Thought a Blood Transfusion Would Make Me Feel Better. Medscape, 3/28/2011. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/739442?src=emailthis
2. Rebel, A.,Hassan, Z., Boral, L., Lin, Y., DiLorenzo, A., and Schell, R.: Initial Results of a Structured Rotation in Hematology and Transfusion Medicine for Anesthesiology Residents. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 23:469-74, 2011.
3. Boral, LI, Staubach Z, de Leeuw, R, MacIvor, DC, Kryscio, R, Bada, H. Comparison of outcomes of group O vs. non-group O premature neonates receiving group O red cell transfusions. Am J Clin Pathol.140:780-6, 2013.
4. Lough, C, Boral, LI, and Ribes, J. Is this a hemolytic transfusion reaction? www.medscape.com/viewarticle/815393_4
5. Boral, LI. Dec., 2013. CAP Expanded Transfusion Medicine Exercise. ETME-B1. Northfield, IL: College of American Pathologists, 2013. Case history and discussion of an ABO mismatched transfusion resulting in DIC.
6. Ferraris, VA, Boral, LI, Cohen, AJ, Smyth, SS, White, GS: Consensus Review of the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease in People With Hemophilia A and B. Cardiology in Review 23:53-68, 2015.
7. Boral, LI, Bernard, A, Hjorth, T, Davenport, D, Zhang, D, MacIvor,DC: How do I implement a more restrictive transfusion trigger of hemoglobin of 7 g/dL at my hospital? Accepted for publication in Transfusion, 12/2/2014. DOI: 10.1111/trf.12982
8. Vilchez, V, Castellanos AL, Butterfield, DA, Mitov, MI, Boral, LI, Coqullard, CQ, Hoopes, C, Gedaly, R, and Marti, F. Immunomodulatory Effects of Dual PI3K/mTOR Inhibitors: Shifting the Balance between Effector and Regulatory Human T Cells. Submiitted to PLOS-ONE.
9. Boral, B., Williams, D., and Boral, LI: Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy, case history and discussion. Submitted to Am. J. Clinical Pathology 10/2015.
10. Boral, LI, Morangatham, V, and Monohan,G.: ITP, new concepts. To be Submitted to Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, open journal